My Super Estate

Chapter 2637 Chapter two thousand four hundred and forty nine

Chapter two thousand four hundred and ten

The world in this painting is really incredible, who doesn't know how many powerful people have accumulated in these countless years.

Three hundred snow beasts were easily captured by the ice and snow ancestors, and then they watched them die.

Then, another sleeve flicked gently, without knowing where the three hundred snow beasts were caught.

'Zhong' watched, his brows beating in bursts.

He always knew that in this snowy place, it was extremely simple.

However, I never thought that it would be so terrifying.

how is this possible?


Ice and Snow Ancestor gently waved his hand, and his thoughts moved. Three hundred snow beasts were sent into the realm of ruinlessly.

"The land of snow and ice, since the endless years, I don't know how many creatures have been accumulated.

Of course, these accumulated souls cannot have such a powerful strength.

But did you find it?What are the differences between these snow beasts?"


The ancestor Jing Bingxue said, "Zhong" really found some problems.

These snow beasts, after being melted, seemed to have no other residue.

Before, I always thought that this is a special ability in the field of chemical and chemical engineering, but now it seems that it is a bit wrong.

"Could it be that there are other special features in this land of ice and snow?"


The ancestor of Bingxue is extremely powerful. Even this point must be acknowledged.

However, this time, the ice ancestor's smile clearly has a bitter bitterness.

This is not normal.

Could it be that this land of ice and snow really has such a special feature?Even Ice and Snow Ancestor can't resist?

'Zhong' was shocked in his heart.

There was such a thing, and it never came out.

At this moment'Zhong' thought of many questions.

This is a fairy burial place.

From the beginning, the entire universe was known.

However, where is this'sen' buried in the end?

Nobody knows.

Countless billions of years have passed, batch after batch of strongmen, from one era to another.

The oldest, legendary, can be traced back to 230 years ago.

Even, according to legend, that immortal burial place, the oldest existence, has been rumored in the universe before it came in.

For an extremely long time, sitting in this prison, hopelessly promoted, life is infinite, and finally, all people are all crazy.

Kill each other.

For such a long time, no one has ever found out about where the "Xian" burial place is.

It seems now.

I'm afraid that this land of ice and snow has great problems.

These snow beasts in the icy land have turned into ice and snow in a long time.

Even the ice and snow ancestors can't stop it.

"Is this to build a tomb guard army?"

I don't know why, "Zhong" looks at the snowy place, and his eyes have changed a little.

Even, it is this ice and snow ancestor.

Is he really an ice ancestor?

Looking at the ice and snow ancestor, with one wave, there are three hundred snow beasts, and with one wave, three hundred snow beasts.

How many snow beasts are there in this ice land?

How many years has it accumulated?

Even these snow beasts, one by one, are all overlords in the universe. Was it really the ice ancestor who waved his hand, was it called?

The snow beast has spiritual wisdom, and the spiritual wisdom is not low.

All of this is abnormal.

The more thoughtful, the more silent the'Zhong'.

He knew that maybe he really found a big problem.

This time, the little brother, I'm afraid, really had a big deal.

Finally, the third batch of snow beasts were sent into the field of nature, the land of ice and snow, and naturally, a large amount of water of ice and snow was accumulated.

With the help of these ice and snow waters, Xue Jinglian is like a god's help (or rather, he has been helped by the great god of nature) and grows quickly.

Originally, it was just some small buds, with the help of these ice and snow waters, it grew quickly. The small green buds quickly became the branches with the thickness of the big thumb at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The green is green, it seems to be made of emerald.

Among them, there is a lotus flower like snow crystal.

This is Xue Jinglian.

It's just that, according to legend, it takes hundreds of millions of years for Snow Crystal Lotus to grow successfully.

Otherwise, it would not be so difficult to grow.

However, now, even in such a short period of time, it is successfully planted.

"This, this is Xue Jinglian?"

The ancestor of Bingxue also seems not to believe that in such a very short time, such a successful snow crystal lotus can be planted.

That is to say, a plant that has never been successfully planted with snow crystal lotus, this is how it was successfully planted.

Of course, the most important thing is that, in front of yourself, so'easy' is that the planting is successful.

I still made a contribution and got a credit.

"Snow Crystal Lotus, stop quickly, these Snow Crystal Lotuses are mature and valuable, but there can be no accidents.

Obviously, there are already some conjectures of their own, but at this time, who will really calm down?

Sure enough, the ice and snow ancestor seemed to have no soul. The snow crystal lotus has been successfully planted and has matured. He is still performing the conditioned reflex.

He was still reminded by "Zhong", and he was considered to have stopped.


'Zhong' took a deep look at Bingxue Patriarch.

At the same time, Wang Yang finally came awake from that deep vision.

The light around me has disappeared. Similarly, all the fields of chemistry are gone.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a lotus flower in front of him like a snow crystal.

"Snow Crystal Lotus??"

Wang Yang was shocked.

He had absolutely no idea that just opened his eyes, he could see a snow crystal lotus.

It was so unexpected.

"Senior, this, what's going on?"

Plant snow crystal lotus.

For myself, there is great self-confidence.

However, this self-confidence comes from the conditions of his own hands.

However, now what is going on, I haven't shot yet, and the snow crystal lotus has been successfully planted.

"This is not the snow crystal lotus you planted??"


Wang Yang screamed: "Snow crystal lotus I planted??"

It was so unexpected.

This snow crystal lotus would be planted successfully by itself.

how is this possible??

"How could I succeed in planting?"

This is Wang Yang's first reaction.

He succeeded in planting himself, but for himself, he didn't even have any impression.

It feels that the two are not in a world, they are not treated as an event.

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