My Super Estate

Question 2642

Chapter 2474 is missing a copy

Returning to the world in the painting, Wang Yang directly took the seeds of the tree of enlightenment and Taoism.

"You said, it's still close, why did you give up?"

"However, you also said that the predecessor, where there is basically, is the base camp of the devil.

We have already killed the ghosts and scythes.

Magic Shadow, will you wait?"

Originally, Wang Yang intended to kill them all in one fell swoop.

Even revenge is the same as collecting resources.

It is a pity that I just caught up and encountered a large number of demons.

At that time, it was simply given up.

"But, as you said, the source is almost a bit.

If you want to plant the Taoist fruit that can act on the eighth step, you must take four copies of the origin of the ninth step Demon Avenue.

Now, you just have two.

What are you going to do?"

"No, I am only missing one.

Before I came in, I had solved a Demon Race.

It was a King Shura, and it was also the ninth step."


Senior'Zhong' was a little surprised.

A pair of slightly glorious eyes, glancing back and forth on Wang Yang.

"He was also seriously injured?"

Could it be that the outside world is already so crazy?

Where can't you see the "Zhong"? Before, Wang Yang and Na Sha Gui shot, even if all the details, all explosive use, can only contend with the ninth step at most.


and many more……

What level is this kid coming from?

"No, your boy, what level of Daoxing is now?"

Senior Zhong can certainly see that this kid is the strong man of the fifth step.

However, this fifth step is a bit scary.

His current strength, in any way, is not the strength that the fifth step can be shown!

"Are you really just the fifth step? Not the ninth step?"

The fifth step?You can even kill the two ninth demons?

Well, they are already hit hard and can only exert the strength of the eighth step, but, are you really sure that such a strength can be killed by the guy on the fifth step?

Now, you actually told me that I had encountered one before and killed it.

Are you really so lucky?

The Devil of the ninth step, which is not in the world, has a magnificent name, and stands at the pinnacle of the universe?

But how could you have hit a lot?

Moreover, they were all seriously injured.

"Of course I am the fifth step.

Otherwise, you think that you can deal with me by the evil spirit?"


Wang Yang, the kid, even said such a sentence.

Senior'Zhong' was shocked.

Is this a shame or a shame!

You can even say such a thing.

"Huh, Senior, why are you here?"

I don't know when, there is a ghost around me, and I never knew.

This is just a surprise.

Fortunately, this is an acquaintance.

Ancestor of Ice and Snow.

"How did the five of the ninth-ranked powerhouses get seriously injured?"

This problem seems to be enough to attract attention.

But, this predecessor, Wang Yang looked at, a little stunned.

The breath is somewhat familiar.

There is a feeling of omnipresence and incompatibility.

That is a feeling of compatibility.

As if it were, the entire universe is in his eyes.

What's going on, how can this ancestor of ice and snow feel this way?

"You still have not answered my question.

How did their five demons of the ninth stage get so seriously injured?"

This time, Senior Zhong has also felt something strange.

The next move, Senior Zhong seemed to have understood what happened to the ice ancestor in front of him.

"Boy, you answered pretty honestly, didn't you see your senior ask you something?"


Wang Yang didn't understand it.

Earlier, in the mouth of Senior Zhong, there was no senior called, just called Ice and Snow Ancestor.

Even in front of the face, it is also called "ancestor" at most.

At least, between the two, the strength should be at a considerable level.

Calling the ancestor on his back, and calling him "predecessor" in front of him?

how is this possible?

That is to say.

This ice and snow ancestor has problems.

Or, is it a real, great'predecessor'?

Suddenly, Wang Yang was shocked.

"Back to my predecessor, the land of immortal burial was near my Sifang Star District. At that time, the five demon tribes of King Shura, Horse Face, Mo Ying, Sha Gui and Sickle Death came together to destroy my Sifang Star District completely. .

It was just that, at the time, it happened that there was a very great existence in my Quartet.

Well, at that time, it should be regarded as a guest in my Sifangxing District!"

A very great existence?

What kind of incomparably great existence?

In front of this kid, Daoxing is already the fifth step, and the strength can even erupt the ninth step.

Such strength, in the universe, definitely belongs to the most top-notch existence.

So, what kind of existence will they call them extremely great?

At the next moment, Senior Zhong's figure shook dramatically.


Senior "Zhong" thought of what it was.

Except for the ubiquitous and ubiquitous existence that can make this kid so respectful, who will be the celestial being who covers the entire universe?

It turned out to be a fairy??

This time, even Senior'Zhong' looked at Wang Yang's gaze, it also changed from one to another.

It turned out that there was such a big background behind him.

Don't think that this is a place where celestial beings are buried. Such a great existence will not appear.

Here, it is just a place for burying immortals, not a place for celestial beings. If that kind of existence exists, it can definitely come in.

"Who is he?"

Even the ice and snow ancestor was a little excited in his tone.

Although it is very weak, this excitement can never be wrong.

"Who is that incomparably great existence?"

In the tone of Bingxue Patriarch, besides being excited, there was even a trace of urgency.

what happened?

What happened to this ice ancestor, why did he take it so seriously?

Could it be that he still knew that kind of existence?

In an era, there is only one opportunity for the rooftop world to open.

However, in an era, it is not absolutely possible for someone to become a fairy.

This ancestor of ice and snow, would actually know such a great existence?

"If, you tell me, I will help you to catch that Demon Race."

Wang Yang stared at him.

Now, planting the tree of enlightenment is only one source away.

This ice ancestor, even agreed to shoot for himself?

That is to say, planting the Taoist Tree of God yourself, is this going to succeed?

"That incomparably great existence calls itself'Fox Fairy'."


Ancestor Bingxue seemed very surprised, and then very surprised.

It seems that something big happened.

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