My Super Estate

Question 2646

Chapter two thousand four hundred and seventy-eight

Step by step.

Not only horse noodles, but even Senior Zhong, was shocked.

This, will this be true?

Chaos God Tree, this is the treasure that all martial arts strongmen who step into the universe are very eager.

For the emperor who is still in the world of thousands, it is the innate treasure, that is, the most desired god, as long as they have the same, not only can suppress their own luck, but also increase their strength,

However, such treasures are not so important for the powerful who have entered the ranks of the universe.

For many people, looking into chaos is the best way out.

Because, only in chaos, there are chaotic artifacts.

Therefore, many lords of the star field like to look into chaos.

Even if it is just ordinary chaotic rough stone, create it, it is the most powerful magic soldier.

When it comes to the overlord of the universe, it is really hard to find.

Chaos artifacts are also divided into different levels.

However, the closer to the ceiling, the fewer treasures, even if the chaos is endless and endless, but for thousands of years, it is difficult to find anything.

It's that difficult.

Now, listening to Wang Yang's detailed description of planting a tree of the Nine-Quality Taoist God, this is simply the grace of giving the Tao.

Not only the "Zhong" predecessor, even the Ice and Snow Ancestor, listened quietly, but also followed Wang Yang and watched him continue to operate.

Under the condition of their naked eyes, that tree of Jiu Pinwu Taoist God grew rapidly.

In just a moment, it has reached a height of 90,000 feet.

Above it, there is a trace of vitality, which is constantly radiating, and naturally, you can listen to some of the sounds of the avenue.

Listening all year round will definitely improve your own way.

"This, this is the God Tree of Taoism?"

Senior Zhong felt that he had really passed away for hundreds of millions of years.

If he has such a supernatural help, he is absolutely sure that he can step into the ranks of that giant.

The real hero looks at the four directions of the universe.

"Ice Snow Ancestor, is this borrowed by that existence?"

Although the Taoist tree is magical, it is not so important to that one.

However, Bingxue Ancestor listened so seriously.

Well, the identity of Ice and Snow Ancestor really becomes a problem.

Is he the ancestor of ice and snow, or is it a very great existence?

Or is it just a borrower?

No matter who the old ghost is, the most important moment is now.

The Taoist God Tree already contains Tao Yun, which means that it has matured.

This magical young man, like a myth, really planted a chaotic god tree in a very short time.

Is it ten days, or half a month?

Before he put it, did he dare to think so?

I asked myself again and again, and finally, I could only accept this fact helplessly.

I really can't do it myself.

"Now, what should I do?"

What should I do?

In fact, everyone has some ideas in mind.

Earlier, Wang Yang had said that in order to obtain the Nine-Quality Taoist Fruit, four demon overlords must be required, and four universe overlords at the ninth level must also be required.

Before, planting the tree of enlightenment God has already spent three strands of avenue origin, now, there is one more.

Perhaps this is the key.


Chaos God Tree, there is no difference between strength and weakness, there is no difference between strength and weakness.

Chaos has no name, so it is called by force.

The Taoist God Tree is a Chaos God Tree. The same seeds are planted and the conditions are different. Naturally, you will get different God Trees.

Similarly, the conditions are different, and the enlightenment and divine fruit obtained are also different.

This is a tree of nine gods of Taoism, which represents its limit.

The limit is the ninth grade.

However, it does not mean that, as a result, it must be the Nine-Quality Taoist Fruit."

Hear the words and understand them in seconds.

I don't know if it was intentional. The world in the palm was not closed to the outside voice. Wang Yang's words were all heard by the horse.

"Do not……"

I don't know what kind of price it paid. The horse face broke through the ice ancestor's ban and restored some of his ability to move.

"No, you can't treat me like this, I am the Huangquan demon ancestor. If you treat me like this, the Huangquan demon god will be furious. Then, all of you will die."

At this stage, everyone can only work together in the background.

Everything, just to give everyone a little time.

"Huh, Huangquan Mozu?

You let him come!"

The ice and snow ancestors are overbearing. For him, the Huangquan Mozu is a waste to him.

Laozi is standing here, dare he come?

Ma Mian shut up.

This old ice cube is really terrible. After half a star field, he directly grabbed himself from the magic field.

Is such a strength, Huangquan Mozu really his opponent?

At this moment, he was shaken.

He has absolute confidence.

But that was before.

He was desperate and confident before entering this star zone and playing against the Quartet star zone.

Not only does he have such strength, but also because behind him, there is a Huangquan demon ancestor who is not afraid of anyone.

However, after entering the Sifang Star Zone, everything changed.

The invincible self in the world is just a great presence that can't be seen on the front, and then sneered. Then, the invincible existence in a region like this is directly hit hard, and even brings itself a terrible road injury. It is simply impossible to recover.

Then, he will be desperate.

However, even so, he was still overcast.

Just because of his greed, then, he fell into the calculations of others.

The more you think, the more unwilling you are.

Unfortunately, all this has no effect on Wang Yang.

I am human, you are demons.

Between the two, there is no coexistence, only you die and live with me.

It's that simple.

The horse face was banned and it was thrown out.

"On the same day, you came to my Sifangxing District and want to destroy my Sifangxing District. Now, I treat you as a fertilizer to plant the god tree. You need to know that you can't blame me.

If there is an afterlife, I hope you will do less evil and more good."

"Huh, less hypocrisy, you took life as fertilizer, planted a god tree, and exterminated humanity, and even persuaded me to do less evil and more kindness?"

Ma Nian just sneered. He felt that Wang Yang was just like himself.

"Our demon clan is to directly swallow human blood and eat human flesh. Isn't it just like our demon clan?"

In his view, Wang Yang is also drinking magic blood and eating meat. How is it different from his own demon races?

"No, there are some differences.

I’m using waste and I don’t take the initiative to hurt people.

At least, I can still keep a touch of humanity, not to kill people.

And you are already unscrupulous.

Between man and devil, isn't it whether you can maintain a trace of human nature?"

With that said, Wang Yang had put the horse's face under the tree of the Taoist God.

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