My Super Estate

FTLN 2657 But I shall fight for six

Chapter two thousand four hundred and eighty-nine

"Where is this place?"

When you arrive at an unfamiliar place, first of all, you have to figure out where it is.

This is the normal psychological reaction of a normal creature.

This is not only because of psychological panic about strange places, but also to find the external conditions that are beneficial to oneself in the first place.

Or defense or attack.

This kind of psychology is not just ordinary creatures, but also the overlord in the universe.

It's just that, with strong strength, you have enough self-confidence for your own strength, and you can solve all unknown problems with confidence in your own strength.

However, that human race is not weak, do you and others have such self-confidence?

Suddenly came to this strange world, six big demons, one by one, are staring nervously at the Quartet.

In the outside world, they have absolute self-confidence, no matter where they come, they can use their own strength to solve any problems.

However, the human race in front of him is extremely weird. Did he get these people to this place? Is there really no conspiracy?

If there is any conspiracy, do you really have such strength to solve such problems?

The six demon clan, one by one, are looking at the Quartet nervously.

They will not forget, just now, the absolute demon king was directly hit by Wang Yang and became a heavy blow.

Now, his six demon clan Qiqi shot together, he brought these people over, then, what will he do?

"Boss, here seems to be a demon world?"

Under the command of the third demon ancestor, even in this immortal burial place, even the demon clan must form an alliance.

The seven demon races have long been worshipped.

Of course, no one knows how much they are sincere.

At least, on the surface, they are brothers of different surnames.

Desperate Demon King is the second of them.

"This human race will never do anything useless. He brought us here, definitely for his purpose.

Perhaps, here is what ambush.

Just now, the second child has been hit hard by him, indicating that his strength is not too weak.

On the surface, he is a fifth-level avenue overlord, but his ability to hit the second child in one stroke shows that he is one of those rare geniuses who has opened up his own derivation.

Even, at least three, even four."


The analysis of the boss, let the other five demons, shocked.

Open up three or even four derivative routes?

Is there such a genius character in the universe?

"Boss, do you think there is such a genius in the universe?"

"Is there, I don't know, but the second child is the ninth step of the road. In his hand, he can't get a move. This point is enough to explain many problems."

In real battles, it is often a match of absolute strength. The strength is weak, and it is easy to be slashed.

Fighting is so simple.

But who can really see through someone?

Can you know what kind of means he has?What kind of backs does he have?What kind of hole card did he break out?

The Six Devil Races, they are very confident because their strength is enough for them to solve a lot of troubles that others think are very difficult to solve.

However, the human race in front of them is very weird. They dare not act rashly.


Your death place!"

Mozu is cautious and dared not to shoot, but Wang Yang will not show mercy.

Taking advantage of your illness and killing you is the real operation.

"Turn Demon God Tree, Suppress!!"

Although it's not a long time here, it's not in vain.

He had already strengthened the Demon God Tree on his body to an extreme.

In addition, there are a lot of heart demons here, and it is the best nourishment for the Demon God Tree. How can it be easily let go?

Sure enough, there was a god tree behind Wang Yang who didn't know how tall it was. He stood directly in the world of demons.

The demon world is intangible and intangible, and only uses telepathy. Even in this demon world, Wang Yang cannot find a way to return to the illusory universe.

In the Demon World, Gao doesn't know how many. A Demon God Tree, like a mountain, is located in the Demon World. When I see the tree trunk, I don't know how many miles are wide, and Gao does not know how many.

Similarly, in the surrounding area, I don't know how many areas there are, there are 107 demon god trees that are not high enough, and suddenly appear.

It seems that they are always there.

This is where Wang Yang deliberately arranged his followers for the next incident.

With 108 trees of demon gods, form the Ziyang Divine Array.

Strengthen the power of demonization.

Sure enough, under the great array, the six demon races that had been very cautious just now, one by one, seemed to be struck by lightning.

They clearly felt that the road they had created was naturally under a force of repression.

Faintly, there was a sense of collapse.

damn it!

How could it be like this now?

The big devil was almost not scared to death.

He knows too well that once the avenue collapses, then, if he waits for himself, but the tiger with his teeth pulled out, he may easily be killed.

No one wants to live without dying.


Be cautious just because you don't know the opponent.

However, now that he knows the opponent's method, he simply shoots and kills his opponent.

For a time, the six demon clan, all shot together, towards Wang Yang to kill.

"Huh, in the big demon formation, even dare to run wild, I think you have never died."

All the means have been used, how can you turn the sky upside down?

Holding the Ziwei Excalibur, toward the six demon clan, they killed him directly.

Sure enough, all battles have never been so direct.

No matter what kind of means you have, in the end, it is all about fighting with real swords.

I will live if I kill you.

With a sword swept, the power has at least reached the ninth level.

If it is at ordinary times, such a sword, dealing with one, does not have any problems, but, dealing with two hands, it is very reluctant.

However, if you want to deal with the six Demon Races at the same time, you are simply dreaming.

Whatever happened, Wang Yang is only the fifth step, even if there are three derivative paths, it is only comparable to the eighth step.

The ability to break out of the ninth level is already amazing.

However, this is his home field, and he is in the big demon array.

There are one hundred and eight Demon God Trees helping each other, even the six demon tribes are suppressed to death.

The avenue has not collapsed, it is already that their spiritual world is firm and their will is firm, otherwise, don’t shoot at all.

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