My Super Estate

The 2660th chapter demon

Chapter 2492

"What are you going to do?

Should we unite these orcs, or should we do it alone?"

Ancestor of Extreme Wind is the fastest one in the land of immortal burial. He is not only powerful, but also the first recognized speed.

Now that we plan to exterminate demons and exercise plans, then of course we must make the most comprehensive plan.

"These orcs were originally members of my human race, sharing human race luck.

Under the oppression of the demons, they did not suffer less.

If there is such an opportunity, they will not give up."

"Okay, then, let's act."

The three ancestors of the Mozu have all been dragged down by the ice and snow ancestors. This is the best time.

"Go, now you split up and unite all the orcs.

Perhaps this is our only opportunity."

On this day, suddenly, calm has no idea how many years of the Unknown Demon Territory, and was suddenly exploded by a ray of thunder.

"Who dares to come to the Devil's Land to let go?"

As the No. 2 character in the Unknown Demon Realm, he was assigned by the Unknown Devil Ancestral to stay behind the existence of the Demon Realm. The pressure on the blood-edged Demon King was very great.

The lightning that struck suddenly just now has a terrible will.

This is not an ordinary thunder, but someone took the initiative to commit it.

"Where is the rat, who hides his head and tail, is it a courageous person?"

My heart flashed quickly.

In this immortal burial place, who has such a means of thunder and such a will, who is it?

"Unicorn, are you?

How dare you come to my unnamed demon domain?Isn't it afraid that the unnamed demon ancestor will cut off your one horn?"

After thinking about it, the whole fairy burial place, only the orc unicorn, has such ability.

At the beginning, he fought against him, but he had taught him the magical powers of mine.

No special method is simply irresistible.

"Huh, you wait for the Mozu to kill the innocent indiscriminately, but you will do the wrong, and ruin the good people.

Today, my unicorn will avenge those innocent people you killed!"

It was also a bit humorous.

Anonymous Demon Territory, whether it is an Anonymous Devil Ancestor or other Demon Races, is mostly dominated by humans and demons. Each one has a human demon head and a human race body, but they have a demon race. heart of.

Killing his wife, killing his father, and killing his mother, the real relatives do not recognize it.

A killer of genius.

Today, even a unicorn is going to avenge the death of the human race.

It's simply a big joke.

"court death!"

As a member of the Unknown Demon Realm, it is impossible to say how much he has feelings for the Unknown Demon Realm.

However, the Unknown Demon Territory is his place of survival, as well as his foothold.

Without the nameless place, this immortal burial place, he simply does not have a place to stand on, and is bound to face the siege of both human and orc.

Of course, the most important thing is that this place is the territory of the Unknown Demon Ancestor. He is regarded by the Unknown Devil Ancestor as a stayer. Of course, he must try his best to protect the Unknown Devil Domain.

It's not how loyal he is to the Unknown Demon Ancestor, but he knows more that if there are any problems with the Unknown Devil Ancestor, the Unknown Devil Ancestor will inevitably put all the blame on himself.

I'm afraid that when the time comes, in the face of the killing of the unknown Demon Ancestor, I can't even escape.

In a place with a big fart, someone farts in the east, and everyone in the west can smell the odor. He is a human demon, facing the pursuit of the unknown devil ancestor, how can he get rid of it?

Of course, the most important thing is, he still doesn't know if the unnamed demon ancestor will do something on his body.

People always push themselves and others. If they are themselves, no matter how much trust they have in others in their hearts or how much confidence they have in themselves, as long as they are entrusted with their own responsibilities and do whatever they want, they must impose some means.

"Humph, Bloodblade Demon King, it doesn't make sense for you to resist suddenly."

Fighting is not fair.

Fighting has never been fair, but it is more manifested in the law of the jungle.

Especially in the battle of life and death, when someone comes to the door, it shows the terrifying nature of this jungle law.

Of course, the unicorn is not a self-defeating person, knowing that the unnamed demon domain is not easy to provoke, but also want to provoke, that is to find yourself uncomfortable.

In fact, it does.

Because, beside the unicorn, don't know when, three figures suddenly appeared.

There are human races, and there are also orcs.

"you guys……"

Bloodblade Demon is very powerful, and likewise, he is also very confident.

However, at this moment, he was so scared that his face turned blue.

How could this be?

"How can you two join forces?"

At the beginning, the establishment of the orc, but stepped on the face of the human race, but there was a lot of movement between the two parties.

How could it work together?

What about the human face?

Isn't the Orc afraid of the human race turning over and not recognizing people?

The Bloodblade Demon was trembling with fear.

However, what he thinks, what kind of actions he has, etc., are not valued by unicorns and others.Their purpose is so unique.

Kill the Bloodblade Demon King.

As for other things, there will naturally be other people's shots, so don't worry about waiting for them.

This immortal burial place has indeed existed for too long, for too long. The backlog of powerful people is too much.

Casually, both the human race and the orc have come up with such a powerful scale.

Blood Blade Demon's strength is indeed very powerful, just a unicorn, maybe not an opponent.

However, in the face of the siege of the four powerful men, how can he resist it?

Finally, the Blood Blade Demon King retreated.

"Mozu Help!"

Seeing you will be killed.

Finally, the Bloodblade Demon had to export for help.

"Ergo Dare!!!"

Far away, I heard the roar of the unknown Demon Ancestor.

It's just that all this has no effect, because the Unknown Devil Ancestor didn't show up.

Just roaring?

What do you have to do with how you growl?

Therefore, the blood-edged demon king, was cut to death by a god thunder falling from the sky.

Soon, the entire Unknown Demon Territory was completely broken.


How dare you break my nameless demon domain?

Today, we never die!!"

The nameless Mozu roared in anger, continuously.

It’s just that it’s useless.

Because the human race and the orc race did not know when they were united. The seven-star beast ancestor and the extremely yang beast ancestor who had worked with him before did not know when they came behind him.

Then, he was given a fatal blow.

The battlefield is just like this. It changes rapidly, and no one knows, if the enemy is still alive and dead, will it give you a knife at a critical moment.

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