My Super Estate

The 2666th chapter gift of God tree

Chapter 2498 The Gift of the Need for God Tree

Anonymous Mozu thought that Wang Dao would not be able to take him because of his high conduct.

He simply thought wrong.

Wang Yang's Daoxing is much lower than him, but here, the strength is stronger than them, but it is not without.

What's more, Daoxing is not worse than him, even more.

"You said you, how proud are you?"

To Wang Yangming's surprise, all the origins of the whole body's avenue were drawn out, and the unknown Demon Ancestral was not dead.

In other words, he just has an afterimage.

That was his unwilling thought.


In the void, only the unnamed Demon Patriarch shouted unwillingly.

In the end, his remnants collapsed naturally.

"Look, is it not a good person to die like this?"

Going to death directly, you don't need to know what you are like after death, but he just doesn't like this, and still has a residual thought.

Well now, this is really more painful than death!

I tell you, you must not learn him!"

Wang Yang felt that he was really too kind, that is, he could not see the suffering of others.

Alas, as a person, I don’t have any other people’s strengths. That’s it. I have a good heart. When I see others suffering, I always want to persuade them.


Looking at this disgusting human race in disgust.

The third demon ancestor, the fiery devil ancestor, just felt nausea.

This damn human race actually took their Devil Race's avenue as fertilizer and planted the Chaos God Tree.

"Huh, boy, how dare you take my great demons and plant the Chaos God Tree.

Is it possible that you are not afraid to be remembered by the demon heaven?

Hey, you’re afraid I don’t know how terrifying my Demon Race is. Do you think that if you do this, what will happen?"

"You are threatening me?

Oops, look at this. The source of the road of these demons is strength. Before, it was extremely difficult to make the seeds of the tree of the Taoist God take root.

But, look at how fast this kind of seeds take root now??

By the way, what are you talking about just now?"

Looking at the seeds that had just been planted, there was a greenery, and Wang Yang was overjoyed.

This is really a surprise!


Being stared at by Wang Yang, neither the Third Demon Ancestor nor the Fiery Devil Ancestor spoke anymore.

Of course, they knew that the two of them were most likely to die this time.

But, who can know the accident?Outside, nine ghost demons have appeared there.

Who knows, will there be an occasional opportunity?

In case, if there is such a case, can Nine Spectral Magic Fairy really help himself escape?

Hope is very slim, but it is always stronger than despair.

As a demon, from the beginning of being a little demon worm, in life, it is spent in active fighting and passive fighting.

Recalling ten thousand demon bugs, one devil can often grow up. Basically, it is already a great virtue in the world.

However, every demon race is born with an extremely powerful survival instinct.

"Hey, are you still holding a glimmer of hope?

Fortunately, since this is the case, then, it is up to you two to grow and provide energy for this kind of seed, so that maybe you can live longer.

Don’t say I’m too cruel, it’s good for you."

Wang Yang looked to me with a good expression for you, and then, calmly, manipulated the Taoist God Tree to produce two main roots, and then, manipulated the two main roots, directly into the body of the two devil ancestors.


The two devil ancestors are hard-hearted, obviously the main root of this devil-like infatuation god tree, extracting the source in the body, like knocking bones to suck the marrow, the pain in it can be imagined.

It's not too much to say that life is better than death, but it's enough to drive people crazy.

However, these two old demon heads, they really are a little doorway, they can still always gritt their teeth, have been supporting.

It's just incredible.

"Have you felt a special voice ringing in your mind?"

How about the two great ancestors, Wang Yang did not have time to pay attention at this time.

Because, he felt a very incredible thing, that is in his mind, I don't know why, there is a trace of unusual sound.


Faced with Wang Yang's problem, let's not say that the four human kings of the human race, even the seven beast lords of the orc, one by one, are a bit puzzled.

All of us are here.

Are you saying that all of us are blind and deaf, but haven't heard anything?

"Have you really not heard?"

Feeling that the sound is getting stronger and stronger, Wang Yang's whole person is a bit bad.

I don't know why, he always has a feeling that he can't help it and wants to integrate into it.

This feeling is really too bad.

Martial arts cultivation is about controlling yourself. Now, even your own mind is out of control. Isn’t it a joke?

"you are serious?"

"Of course, otherwise what do you think?"

Wang Yang looked more and more dignified.

Such a situation is extremely abnormal. What is it, and is it me?

The martial arts practiced to the limit, and all kinds of strange road magical powers are even more unpredictable. The various shady means are amazing.

No one knows what will happen to him suddenly, whether it is good or bad.

It can be said that the more powerful you are, the more you are concerned about various emergencies. The first time you think, it is definitely not a chance.

Because the martial arts practiced to such a level as them, the Heaven and Earth Avenue was opened by them, and all the roads between heaven and earth were also taken out by them.

Without any existence, it can also bring opportunities.

Otherwise, with Wang Yang's background, his strength has already soared into the sky, and where else can someone challenge him?

But now why is this not the case?

Looking at it, it seems that there is a feeling of Dao Yin, and, more and more obvious, even, there is a feeling of letting yourself realize the Dao.


Could it be that you brought me this?"

Suddenly Wang Yang was shocked, looking at the tree of enlightenment that was growing fast in front of him.

I don't know why, Wang Yang always has a feeling that his own mind is related to this tree of Taoism.

Lifted his head and looked into the midair.

I saw that in the mid-air, there was a huge god tree.

Jiu Pin Wu Dao God Tree.

There, there is also a very strong Dao sound, and sitting for a long time can quickly enlighten the Dao.

How similar?

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