My Super Estate

The 2671st chapter domineering once

Chapter 1503 Overbearing Once

Gale Mozu's eyes are fiery.

Before the three epochs, he was a loser, but all this did not mean that he was a weak man.

The loser can only show that there is a stronger one in front of him.

In fact, in his epoch, in front of him, there is a very strong and powerful person.

Because, in his era, there was an immortal.

In an era, the world of the rooftop world appears once, but it does not mean that in an era, there is a fairy.

The world of the rooftop world can only show that the opportunity to become an immortal has arrived. However, it is often a hundred epochs to break the imprisonment between illusion and reality. It is impossible for an immortal to appear.

Otherwise, in this world, those who become immortals will not become legends.

The universe is vast and the two phases are hard to see.Void is insignificant, and the Quartet does not think of it as home.

The path of martial arts is difficult.

The path of martial arts is even cruel.

On this road, the killing is endless, the blood is constant, and all the creatures are fighting in the sea of ​​suffering.

Not only longing for longevity, but also freedom.

A desire for freedom from the deepest part of the soul.To this end, how many souls, in the flesh and blood Shura field, go back and forth, clashing back and forth, with the sword in their hands, to preach for themselves.

You live and die, the fight is endless.

Looking back on my whole life, even as a demon, Gale Mozu can only feel a burst of fatigue.

"No, how can this seat be reconciled?"

Sensing the slack of his own will, the Gale Mojo suddenly awakened.

He knows that self-doubt is a taboo in life, but also a taboo on the path of martial arts. Once it occurs, it must be cut off immediately, otherwise it will inevitably corrode his own will, and finally, make himself decadent.

Even if you are a world arrogant and your will is not firm enough, you are already branded with failure.

"Sovereign Lord, give you another ten breaths, and never come out again, Hugh Blame will destroy your Sifang Star Zone."

Perceiving the fatigue from the will, Gale Demon Pavilion put all his mind into the enemy in front of him.

I don't know how many years I have been self-proclaimed. I just woke up and heard such an incredible place.

Although my heart is alert, my own path to becoming an immortal is even more tempting.

Perhaps shifting your will and setting goals is also a better way to strengthen your will.

"Who do you want to destroy?"

Wang Yang stepped out in one step, and then came into the void, stepped on the "ground", and looked at the strong wind magic ancestor.

"You are the lord of the Quartet?"

"Huh, there has never been a demon daring to come to my Sifangxing District for presumptuousness, you are the first one."


As a Mozu, there are always dog legs around.

Even if the Gale Demon Zong has already claimed three epochs, he has long lost his name in the universe, but when he was born again and stood here, then he naturally became the leader of this place By.

All demons, no matter which camp they used to be, will naturally belong to their subordinates.

"What are you?

Dare to be so presumptuous in front of the demon ancestor?"

No one knows the name of the Sifang Kingdom in the Sifang Star District.

But what about that?In front of him, there is a demon ancestor standing, that is the strongest backing, he is not afraid of anyone.

"Today, let me teach you the extremely fiery devil!"

The strength of the Extreme Fire Demon King can never be considered weak, at least at the eighth level, and it is very likely that it has already reached the ninth level. Such a strength, looking at the universe, is the real top power. Except for the giants, he is the first echelon.

Saying a word is invincible, no one dares to deny it.

The arrival of such a strong man, a constellation of four constellations, has not surrendered himself, but he dare to be so arrogant, and dare to speak such irrational words, it is simply to death.

Jihuo Mojun carried a demon pillar in his hand and turned towards Wang Yang.

"court death!"

Just came out of the fairy burial place, but encountered such a thing?

In this case, then, you die!


Wang Yang's shot was very decisive, the purple sword flashed, and he was just the arrogant and overbearing extreme fire demon king, which was directly cut into two.

"Humph, something you can't do!"

Wang Yang did not take a second look at the existence of such self-confidence.


Soon, Wang Yang just had some expanding heart and contracted quickly.

The demon who had just been cut into two halves by his own sword just now recovered again.

"What are you doing?"

Wang Yang has been very certain that the sword just now, an eighth-level demon king, can't bear it.

So, what is the situation in front of you?

"It's you?"

Suddenly, Wang Yang turned his gaze to the strong wind demon ancestor.

Wang Yang can be sure that his sword, an eighth-level devil, is absolutely unstoppable, and his vitality is cut off.

However, the situation in front of me is so real. Besides, with his own strength, it is impossible for someone to be able to perform any illusions on himself.

So, the only possibility is the strong wind demon ancestor in front of me.

"You made him your puppet?"

Although, such a statement is very incredible, but now, perhaps, this is the only explanation.

Looking around, in the vicinity of the Sifangxing District, there are eighty-one universe overlords, one by one, the road is at the top, blocking the Sifangxing District.

Could it be that all these are his puppets?

Wang Yang has always been very bold, but this time, he felt as if he was scared.

If your guess is true, what kind of means does the enemy in front of you have?

Originally, Wang Yang didn't care at all, because he had already seen that the eighty-one cosmic overlords came this time, and only the strong wind demon ancestor in front of him was a real giant. .

However, the situation in front of me was a little frightening. Eighty-one universe overlords turned out to be all puppets of this fierce wind demon ancestor.

In other words, the fierce wind ancestor in front of him is also a puppet, and his real body has not appeared until now?


If this is the case, you will know if you try.

The purple sword light, shining dreamlike light and shadow, quickly chopped towards the four sides, and a series of three universe overlords were directly chopped into two halves.

Wang Yang can be sure that his sword just now can definitely wipe out their vitality.

Because, the three cosmic overlords in front of them are just the third step.

This kind of existence, a sword cut three, really no difficulty.

However, it is this kind of existence that has recovered again.

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