My Super Estate

The 2673rd chapter solution

Chapter 2505 Solutions

"The solution to this battle is actually very simple."

Wang Yang and Wu Zhong communicated with each other at an extremely fast speed and within a short period of time, they had already communicated back and forth.

It's just that Gale Mozu is obviously not the one who is waiting for death. Wang Yang is communicating solutions, then they are already in action.

Eighty cosmic overlords supported their pillars of light, but the fierce wind ancestor was killed towards Wang Yang.

All are offensive ways, there is no so-called defense.

It was as if, in his eyes, there was no defense at all, only offensive offensive, then offensive.

For a time, Wang Yang was beaten back by him repeatedly, even if he had the convenience of figure, he could circle around him, up, down, left, and right, but even with his sharpest Ziwei Excalibur, he could not hurt him.

"Brother Wuzhong, it is not a way to go on like this.

Is there any solution?"

At this moment, Wang Yang once again found his biggest flaw.

Growing too fast, all great power is exerted on the body.

However, correspondingly, he did not have that kind of deep digging, not to mention that kind of extensive knowledge.

Problems that can be broken with one's own powerful power are not problems.

But what if the problem cannot be solved with its own strength?

In the past, such a problem was never in his calculations, but now, he has to think about it.

The puppets are in a big formation, and the world is sealed. Once he is activated, the entire Quartet Star Zone is afraid that it will be completely broken.

It was simply a disaster, enough to make people desperate.

How to break this blockade is the problem that Wang Yang must face.

Wang Yang is like a ghost. He walks beyond time. No matter how powerful the strong wind demon ancestor is, he will quickly escape from the strong wind devil ancestor's fist blockade in the previous moment.

Even in the surroundings of the Gale Demon Ancestral Body, the up, down, left, and front oblique sides, all of them are Wang Yang's figures, and the splendid sword shadow is an all-round attack on the Gale Demon Ancestor.

It is a pity that the battle body of Gale Mojo is really too powerful. No matter how it is attacked, it will not play its due effect.

"In general, there are only three options.

Among them, the first method is the most direct and the most impossible.

That is, with absolute power, all eighty-one universe overlords were exploded.

As long as there is a blow, all these guys can be destroyed."

Wang Yang almost didn't roll his eyes.

Do you still need such a solution?

If I have such power, let alone a puppet avenue, even if it is between the unreal universe and the real heaven and earth, that layer of unbreakable boundaries can be directly exploded. Where is this trouble?

"What about the second option?"

All methods have been tried, but unfortunately, I still can't explode the battle body of this strong wind demon ancestor.

Wang Yang has long been impatient.

"The second method is more troublesome.

Find the person behind the scene, as long as a sword kills the person behind the scene, the problem will be gone, whether he is eighty-one or eighty-one, no one behind the scene, they are puppets, who Can be controlled."

"Fart, I certainly know, but, can we find it now?"

If you can really find the guy hidden in the dark, you have to give him a crush.

"The third way is to kill all the eighty-one universe overlords at the same time.

It must be shot at the same time."

At the same time?

how is this possible?

Even if he has become one of the giants, Wang Yang is a bit embarrassed.

With his current way of doing things, a sword was slashed out, even the master of the ninth level, said that it was killed, that is, killed, no one can doubt.

Wang Yang was frustrated!

Eighty-one universe overlords, want to shoot at the same time, beheaded in one fell swoop, how easy is it?

Even if it did not form a powerful battle array, it is extremely difficult for the eighty-one universe overlords to want to beheaded at the same time, not to mention that a powerful battle array has been formed at this time, it is even more impossible.

"No, maybe, there is another way!!"

It is impossible to kill eighty-one universe overlords at the same time.

But what if, walking in time?

Wang Yang was a little excited.

This damn black hand sealed the sky with a puppet avenue, leaving the entire Quartet Star Zone under his threat.

Now, if you want to save the entire Quartet Star Zone, you must break this damn big battlefield.

Since that is the case, then it is OK to act!

With that said, there was a long river suddenly appearing at the foot of Wang Yang, his feet stepped on the earth, and Wang Yang seemed to be walking in time.

In his eyes, in front of him, eighty-one space overlords have appeared, walking up and down the long river of time, and then, with the sword in his hand, quickly slashed out.

Then, it can be seen that in the void, Wang Yang suddenly became eighty-one statues, and then, it can be seen that eighty-one statues of Wang Yang were cut with a sword.

Eighty-one cosmic overlords, together with the strong wind demon ancestor, were cut in half by a sword.


Kill eighty-one space overlords at the same time??

Wu Zhong was a little shocked.

Even if there is no strong wind demon ancestor, eighty-one cosmic overlords form a powerful battle array, even a giant, it is impossible to kill with one sword.

But what is going on here?

"Is this the emperor's time?"

Wuzhong is the existence of the avenue of cultivation time. According to legend, the strongest person who cultivates the avenue of time is that he can travel back and forth on the river of time, beating you in your weakest era.

In this body of the Quartet Star Zone, I saw a trace of the legendary shadow.

Could it be...

Wu Zhong looked at it, and for hundreds of millions of years, there has been some overflowing Dao Xin in the faint, and there are some signs of solidification in the faint.


Not only is there no bell, but the strong wind demon ancestor, there are some ways to imagine at this time.

Because, his invincible defense has now been broken.

Lower your head and look at your body.

With the help of battle fronts, his defense is invincible, and Wang Yang has no way to break it.There has been enough temptation before.

But today, his invincible legend has been broken.

"You think your defense is really invincible?"

Gale Mozu, Wang Yang looked at it.

The so-called invincible defense is just blessing of the battle front. When the battle front is broken, the legend of his invincible defense is broken.

It's just that the fierce wind ancestor in front of him is just a puppet, and behind this scene, there is a real black hand hiding.

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