My Super Estate

Chapter 2675 The strength of the Quartet Star Zone is improving

Chapter 2507 The Strength of the Quartet Star Zone is improving

Who said'Mozu Ruthless'?

The Black Tiger Demon Ancestor, the Black Devil Ancestor, the Black Dragon Demon Ancestor, and other three devil ancestors must use their own personal experience to tell others aloud that this argument is simply farting.

The three of them are not blood brothers.However, their relationship is better than many blood brothers.

Even on them, there are many things that the bloodline brothers cannot do.

For example: they never leave.

The three of them, no matter when they were, they never separated, and the three of them truly advanced and retreated.

The enemy is 10,000, they are also three people, the enemy is one person, they are also three people.

Really live together and die together.

As another example, in the face of a variety of opportunities, they can all share equally and never want to covet, even if it is only a little worse, they can let their strength evolve again, and they will never try to covet. The other two share.

Brotherhood is greater than heaven, and it is absolutely impossible to destroy the brotherhood of the three of you because of this opportunity.

You won't give it away, nor will I ask for it.

Between the three, the mutual understanding is extraordinary.

There are still many qualities, which are simply not what the Devil Race should have. Even, even many human races, it is impossible to achieve such a situation.

"Black Tiger Demon Patriarch, what do you think?

This battle, this Quartet Star Zone, reveals a lot of things!"

Their three black devil ancestors are not good people, but when they come out, there really is something.

According to rumors, this Sifangxing district has a land of celestial burials, and has been controlled by the Sifang Kingdom master of this Sifangxing district.

"The lord of the Quartet has appeared.

Rumor has it that he has disappeared, and it is his deity who is in charge of the affairs now."

Divine avatars are not available in every cosmic overlord, but every existence with a spiritual avatar is resident in the Kingdom of God.

Divine avatar, easily, will never leave the kingdom of God.

Is the rumor false?

They never think about this issue.

What they need is that the rumor of the fairy burial ground is true. In their time, they belonged to the loser, and they needed a chance to come again.

For his own goal, a Wang Yang, is it not his honor to sacrifice?

If the rumor is false, then he should die, because of this rumor, they will come out of self-style.

Every moment is the rapid passage of life, all of which is caused by them.

If it is true, then it happens that this fairy burial place belongs to them.

The land of immortal burial, in their era, also had all kinds of rumors.

They grew up listening to this rumor.

They will not doubt the true and false land of immortality, they only doubt whether the Sifang Kingdom Master really controls the land of immortality.

Anyway, regardless of whether they are true or false, they must ask the Quartet to give themselves an explanation.

"What should we do?

Go out now?

Wait a minute?"

"Let's wait!"

Three Black Devil Patriarchs are waiting.

In the vicinity of the Sifangxing District, it is definitely not just a three black demon ancestors. In fact, the news for the Sifangxing District, the unremitting efforts of the Demon Ancestor, is always staring at all times.

However, their distance is really too far.

He didn't dare to approach any more easily.

Before, the five great powers gathered together, and Shura Wangyong broke into the Quartet Star Zone, and a supreme voice directly wounded him through an unknown distance.

That scared him.

"Is the Sifangxing District now destroyed?"

Patriarch Patriarch didn’t even dare to leave behind any point to peep remotely. It is true that for some great existence, the distance really cannot produce beauty. If you hit it, you will be beaten. No.

Waiting a little bit impatiently, he walked back and forth in the demon hall.

This Sifangxing District incident can be described as his one-handed operation.

For him, the Quartet Star Zone has now become a heart disease for him.

As the ancestor of the demon, he knew too well that if he continued, he would definitely form a demon.

He created the path of the demon, and it is also only him who understands how terrible the world of the demon is. With his own strength, he can play with the devil of others, but once he has formed the devil, he is afraid, What I will face is the real desperation.

"Old Ancestor, Old Ancestor..."

The call came.

There has been a black demon allowed by the ancestor of the demon, and he quickly rushed from outside the demon hall. His arrival means the arrival of the latest news.

The demon ancestor suddenly rejoiced, and he immediately pulled the black demon over.

"How is it now?"

"Ancestor, in legend, the puppet ancestors that have disappeared for seven epochs have reappeared, and, as soon as they appeared, they arranged the most famous puppet array, covering the entire Sifang Star Zone, the Sifang Star. The area is destroyed, that is between that thought."


This is simply overjoyed.

Seven epochs apart, even if it was the first in the world, it is impossible to leave any reputation.

It's just that before the seven eras, it was too special.

Before that era, there were already thirty-five eras. No one became an immortal. It was only a little. It was possible to form a number of tiangang, which was simply beyond imagination.

Thirty-five epochs, time and time again, the accumulation of countless generations, all kinds of powerhouses, naturally backlog, and finally formed a large-scale gathering of powerhouses beyond all imagination.

In that particular era, the puppet demon ancestor is the most outstanding person.In that era, there was a great existence that became immortal, and likewise, there was a puppet demon ancestor who could compete with it and was very outstanding.

"Have you shot now?"

Patriarch Patriarch's tone was extremely urgent.

"not yet.

The lord of the Quartet has yet to show up, and I don't know if he will shoot."

The so-called latest news is that he saw the layout of the puppet array, the large array that sealed the earth, the avenue of heaven and earth.

"What's the latest news?"

Just with this news, the ancestor of the heart demons felt that it was still a little bit worse.

In fact, he was already very satisfied, because the puppet avenue of the puppet ancestor, before seven epochs, was really outstanding.

Even with his strength, without absolute self-confidence, he can surely escape from the puppet formation.

He would never believe that the swiftly rising lord of the Quartet had such a strength.

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