My Super Estate

Chapter 27 Faith Spirit Liquid

Chapter 28. Faith Spirit

"Fortune, brother, we are rich."

Back home, Luo Jian cried out in excitement.

"Ha ha."

Wang Yang's laughter was very far-fetched.

"Brother, what's wrong, isn't the bottle ready?"

Luo Jian was curious.

Before coming out of Tianlong Casino, the Yuanqing vase filled with faith was already in hand.

"You are right, we are rich."

After a long breath, Wang Yang nodded and said, "Anyway, we are one step closer to our goal."


Luo Jian calmed down and nodded, saying: "Yes, we are rich, but our goal is just beginning."

He did not forget the goal of Wang Yang's return to development.

The construction of Huaxi's second Huaxi.

"The old is well-supported, the young is taught, the poor is dependent, and it is difficult to help, so that women will no longer be alone, and men will not be far away."

Thinking of this ambitious goal, Luo Jian could not laugh anymore. He and his cousin had already made a fortune, but the goal of their two brothers had not yet begun.

"Brother, you said, what shall we do next?"

"Look first, how much faith is there!"

With that said, Wang Yang took out the worn Yuanqing vase.


In Shashi, a high-end villa, Xiaohuo respectfully stood beside his martial arts training ground.

White boss slowly retracted his fist.

"I heard that today's casino is a master?"


"do you know it?"

"I know that the boss who introduced cucumbers introduced by Miss Wu Xiaohong the day before yesterday."

"It's him?"

The white boss gradually became interested.

"Do you play dice?"


The white boss fell into silence, and Xiaohuo dared not speak.

"Is the loss large?"

"There are hundreds of millions of dollars lost."

"His chips are not recovered?"


Mr. Bai nodded and said, "It seems that he did not come for money."

"Yes, yesterday at the night market, we brought back a person who came for this person."

"Oh, do you know what the relationship is?"

"It doesn't matter, it's just that this person has a Yuan blue and white porcelain bottle. It is said that this boss Wang likes it very much.

Speaking of which, Xiao Huo hesitated for a moment and said, "But..."

"But what?"

"According to Zhou Yunsong, this Yuanqinghua is a fake."


Mr. Bai laughed and said, "It seems that this is an interesting kid. Tomorrow, you will go to him to discuss matters related to cucumber trading. If the price is raised by five yuan, you should apologize for the day before yesterday."


Xiao Huo's eyes widened and said: "Our casino has lost hundreds of millions of funds because of him, just let him go, and apologize to him?"

Xiaohuo was dissatisfied in his heart. If it were not for Master Wu Xiaojun's presence today, he would definitely leave the boy who knew nothing about it.


Mr. Bai laughed softly and said, "This son is loved by Mr. Wu. What should we do to sell Mr. Wu?"

Wu Lao?

The small fire eyes condensed.

Yes, this kid was close to Miss Wu Xiaohong. Before, he knew Wu Wu. Today, together with Master Wu Xiaojun, so it seems that behind him, I am afraid that the great god Wu Lao is really standing. .

Gradually, Xiao Huo understood Bai Lao Da's heart.

"Oh, let's say that this kid is quite extraordinary, we may have friends with him, and there may not be unexpected surprises."

"However, his cucumber has already gained a great reputation, and he is afraid that there will be a lot of jealous people."

"It's okay, those Xiaoxiao people, just try this kid's weight."



Wang Yang had absolutely no idea that one of his crises was like this, because the accidentally encountered Wu Xiaojun resolved.

But at this time, he had just taken out the old Yuan blue and white porcelain bottle and carefully looked up and down.

"Brother, this fake Yuan blue and white porcelain bottle is the power of faith?"

Luo Jian turned around the table and looked up and down carefully. No matter how he looked, this worn porcelain bottle could not see anything strange.

"Of course, this blue and white flower is not a belief, but it is a treasure of faith."

With that said, a drop of crystal-like liquid condensed in Wang Yang's hands.

"This is, Ziyang Spirit Liquid?"

Luo Jian exclaimed.

The mystery of Ziyang cucumber, Wang Yang had already informed that it was all the magical effect of Ziyang Lingye.

"Brother, don't you say that there is not much spirit liquid?"

"It's not much. There were only three drops before. This is the second drop. There is one more drop. You must ask him to make the bottom. It can't be used."

With that said, Wang Yang dropped the spirit in his hand on the broken porcelain bottle.

Suddenly, I saw a purple flame burning in the whole porcelain bottle.

" this?"

Pointing at the porcelain bottle that had been burning with flames, Luo Jian was shocked.

"Faith is intangible and intangible, it is the essence of the condensed spirit of man. Only the gods, or the truly powerful, can be received with strong spiritual power and refined with strong mind."

Wang Yang looked at the porcelain bottle burned by the purple flame and said, "My strength is far from enough. My thoughts are still far from being refined. However, Ziyang Spirit Liquid is made by condensing the essence of the sun and is supreme. The power of not only allows plants to evolve, but also burns and refines the power of faith."

With that said, Wang Yang stopped talking and just watched quietly.

Ziyang Spirit Liquid is really not much. With the help of Qiyu Yize, there are only a total of three drops of Spirit Liquid. Before, to save cucumbers, I have used one drop and one drop to make it easy to move. Otherwise, the foundation will be unstable. .

In other words, this drop of spirit liquid is already the last drop. Once it fails, he will truly face the energy crisis.

Finally, in the extreme expectation of the two brothers, the purple flame gradually extinguished, and the worn blue and white flowers had disappeared, leaving only three drops with golden luster, quietly condensing.

"It's a fetish, condensed in the air, not seen with my own eyes, it's hard to believe."

Looking at the three droplets in the midair that exuded golden luster, Luo Jian looked dull.

"Yeah, it's just a pity."


Luo Jian stunned, turned his head, looked at his cousin, and asked, "What a pity?"

"Can a bottle of faith be a mere thing?"

Luo Jian froze.

Faith is such a divine thing, is it possible to hold everything?


"There is no way, my strength is not enough, I can only consume one drop of Ziyang Spirit Liquid for refining. Under the burning of Ziyang Spirit Liquid, it is difficult to preserve the quality of the old Yuan blue and white porcelain bottle."

With a wave of his hand, Wang Yang took away three drops of faith spirit liquid in the air.

"I'm going to retreat, I want to know how much a drop of faith can play."

With that said, Wang Yang walked directly towards the backyard.

"Sister, do you know? I saw the master today, the real master."

Ke Lai Fu Restaurant, Wu Xiaohong's exclusive office on the top floor, Wu Xiaojun pushed open the office door and shouted.

"What's wrong with you?"

Wu Xiaohong withdrew his fist, and took a towel and wiped his sweat and asked.

"Sister, I went to the Tianlong Casino today and saw a real master. That dice played so well."


Wu Xiaohong was not surprised that her brother went to the Tianlong Casino. She was curious that the master who could be called a god by her brother.

"What a magic method?"

"How to shake any dice, he can clearly know the points, you said, is he a god?

And, let me tell you, he said that he was a poor family before, and he just went to the casino on the first day today."


Wu Xiaohong's calm face and eclipsed her flowers.

"He really said that, playing for the first time?"

"of course."

With that, Wu Xiaojun looked at his sister carefully and said, "Sister, you said, is he a master at that level?"

After hearing the words, Wu Xiaohong breathed quickly.

Try to calm down for a moment and say, "You can accurately guess the dice points. Generally speaking, there are only two kinds of people.

The first kind of person is the kind of real gambler. They have been immersed in gambling for decades. They have a pair of ears and have long been able to learn the skills of listening to the wind. This kind of person, for ordinary people, is really The God of Gamblers, but for us, it doesn't have to be in my heart.

However, if it is the second kind of person, then we have to be careful."

"You mean, that kind of real master?"

Wu Xiaojun couldn't believe it, his eyes widened.

But at this time, the white boss watched Xiao Huo leave, and then he couldn't calm down.

"Are you the kind of master who has developed mental strength?"

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