My Super Estate

The 2701st chapter tracking

Chapter 2533 Tracking

Entering the interstellar battlefield, everyone's minds are all attracted by the three black demon ancestors.

Ancestor of puppet?

Sorry, on the interstellar battlefield, there is no difference, no one can leave.

His puppet ancestor did not come in, even if he had ideas in his heart, there was no way.

However, a black demon ancestor suddenly appeared, and he actually came up with such a method on Dali King.

Even, he may be related to the puppet ancestor.

The three Black Devil Ancestors are very likely to be puppet ancestors.

Really, when I think about it, I feel terrible.

"The Three Black Demon Ancestors, in legend, they walk in and out of the same industry, no matter what kind of powerful enemies they face, they all go in and out of the same place, which can be called a different kind among the demons.

It now appears that they turned out to be puppet ancestors.

This, this is really no one thought!"

Qingsong Taoist certainly wanted to eat his meat and drink his blood.However, nowadays, the arrogant three black devil ancestors are very likely to be the puppet of the puppet ancestor. Now, no matter how big the resentment in my heart is, I don't know how it broke out.

"How to do?"

"Look, you have to find him.

Before entering the interstellar battlefield, I thought he didn't come in. It seems that he has been hiding among us all the time.

Hair guy, this is playing with us as a fool."

"Yes, we have to find him.

This time, there were 3,000 cosmic overlords.

Once he has found the opportunity to transform all cosmic overlords into puppets, and then form a powerful battle array, I am afraid that no matter how powerful our strength is, it is impossible to be an opponent.

We must find this guy before other strong human races meet them.

Otherwise, I'm just afraid that our troubles are getting bigger."

Three thousand cosmic overlords, forming a powerful battle front?

If you think about it, you feel some hair in your heart.

If this is successful, these people must be crushed.


The Black Demon Ancestor was captured, and the Black Tiger Demon Ancestral who had no idea where he was hiding was the first time he sensed it.

On the spot, he was furious.

He was extremely angry, and he even scolded again and again.

Three Black Devil Ancestors, this is a situation that he didn't know how much effort he spent.

The puppet avenue he created was extremely hated by the two demons. Once exposed, I am afraid that among the two demons, I don't know how many strong people will be attracted.

He even shouted at him.

Puppet Avenue, one shot, it is hundreds of thousands of cosmic overlords, that lineup, no matter who, see it, it will be hairy.

Even if they are one by one, claiming that their strength is invincible, and they are invincible in the sky and earth, they are really invincible. When they encounter such a situation, they also have a headache.

Therefore, the Black Tiger Demon Ancestor has understood the matter very early.

The puppet avenue that I created myself is only suitable for the operation from the back, and I must never show enemies directly.As a puppet ancestor, it is necessary to create an identity for yourself.

The Three Black Demon Ancestors advance and retreat together. No matter how many enemies they face, the Three Black Devil Ancestors are all shot at the same time.

Time and time again, the reputation of the Three Black Devil Ancestors spread far and wide.

Since then, the name of the Three Black Devil Ancestors has also been deeply rooted in people's hearts.No matter what kind of strong enemy, the Three Black Devil Ancestors can keep him.

In this way, there are countless powerful enemies in the universe, but they only know the three black devil ancestors, but they do not know the true face of the puppet ancestor.

This interstellar battlefield, sweeping the universe between the two demons, as many as three thousand, for the Black Tiger Demon Ancestor, this is his golden opportunity.

As long as these powerful players are completely wiped out, there will be three thousand puppets of the level of cosmic supremacy by then.

Humans are not as good as the sky, everything is calculated to death, the black devil ancestor has the mark of the demon, can call the projection of the demon, a cosmic giant can completely suppress it, and then, from then on Give him perfect control.

A tyrant overlord, shot by a cosmic giant like the Black Dragon Demon Zu, behind him is assisted by many Mozu powerfuls. Isn't it handy?

"Damn the Quartet.

How exactly did he appear on the battlefield?"


Don't make a fuss, the coincidence between you and this world is just because you are too stupid.


Where are there so many coincidences?For every coincidence, I don't know how many calculations are in it, or whether it is a human calculation or a natural calculation. Who can make it clear?

"Whether it is human or natural, this is an extremely troublesome thing for this seat.

Now, the three Black Devil Ancestors and the two Black Dragons and Black Clothes have all been captured by them. Then, if they encounter a strong enemy again, this seat must be shot in person.

Puppet Avenue, once in this world, I am afraid that this seat is the enemy of the world.

No, since the other races are so troublesome, all the demon races have to be probed by sour rot."

The Black Tiger Mozu couldn't sit still.

The Three Black Demon Ancestors are not without enemies, but the Three Black Devil Ancestors go together and retreat, even if they are also cosmic giants, they dare not fight against them.

However, the Three Black Devil Ancestors are now a thing of the past. No one can be sure whether the old enemies can still stand.

The puppet ancestor is a mouse crossing the street. Everyone screams and fights, whether it is a devil or a human race. For so many years, I don’t know how many strong people have fallen into the hands of his puppet ancestor and he has been refined into a puppet.

There are countless offenders.

Mozu is ruthless and innocent, but Mozu is also the most profitable.

If you dare to damage my interests, I will dare to beat you to death.

"how about it?"

The nine-color fairy light was discovered by the Master Qingsong, and it was supposed to be obtained by him.

However, the puppet ancestor is not the same as Xiaoke. Once he is in control of the general trend, I am afraid that it is his puppet ancestor who survived this interstellar battlefield.

Therefore, no matter how reluctant the Qingsong Taoist is, the nine-color fairy light is finally obtained by Wang Yang.


There are many strong people in our human race, and now they are wandering around the interstellar battlefield, they have not found the demon race."


Is it possible that all the demons have disappeared?"

All the strong human races add up, and they all have 1,800.

All the strong people are all decentralized, even if the battlefield is vast and vast, however, the people will always have some traces.

How is it possible that there is no trace at all?

"Will he bring all the demons together?"

"This is also my biggest worry."

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