My Super Estate

Chapter 271

Chapter 278 Illusion Spirit Beads

Xitian Bliss World, Lingshan.

The Buddha's dharma is in heaven and earth, sitting in the void.

Eight hundred Arhats surround the world, and the four major bodhisattvas stand above them.

Suddenly, the Buddha who taught the Fa stopped speaking.

"Buddha, what happened?"

One of the four major bodhisattvas, Lingguang Bodhisattva, saluted the Buddha and asked.

"Heaven and Earth are the treasures, and the magic beads appear again."

The Buddha is majestic and has a loud voice, but he does not see the Buddha opening his mouth, but his eyes are closed, but the voice is generated from heaven and earth.

God melts the world.

This is a means of Buddha's great magical power, which can let his voice pass into the hearts of all sincere people, so that hundreds of millions of people in the entire Xitian Paradise can listen to their own teachings.

"Phantom Pearl?"

Not only the Bodhisattva Lingguang has never heard of it, but the other Bodhisattva Arhats have also never heard of it.

"I would like to ask the Buddha, what is the magical spirit beads, and how can it arouse the spirit of the Buddha?"

"Phantom Spirit Pearl is one of the treasures of heaven and earth, and it was born in response to all business ideas.

For our Buddhism, it is the supreme treasure of Daoism, and it has great power in ancient times. It was once obtained occasionally, corresponding to it, and created the law of Daoism in dreams."

"What? The method of proving Taoism in the dream was developed from this treasure?"

Eight hundred arhats, the four big Buddhas Qi Qi shocked.

The method of proving Taoism in a dream is one of the supreme methods of Buddhism.

The way of Buddhism practice focuses on cause and effect, reincarnation, and practice of the afterlife.

The method of proving Taoism in a dream just happens to reincarnate in the dream for thousands of years.

"Human business thinking is the most magical thing in the world. Faith is just a kind of business thinking. Similarly, seven emotions and six desires are also a kind of business thinking.

The phantom spirit beads can capture people's business ideas, and open up the illusory world in the void, as long as someone approaches, it can pull people's ideas into the illusory world.

Of course, these are just the basic functions of Phantom Pearl."

What, these are just basic magic?

In this way, is it not that there is a more magical way?

For a time, these Arhat Bodhisattvas were also excited.

Only the most basic magic can also open up the supreme method of proving in the dream. If you use some deeper magical understanding, can you create a more magical supreme method?

"Buddha, do not know this treasure, what other magical effect?"

First, the Lingguang Bodhisattva could not sit still.

It has been eight hundred years since he was promoted to Bodhisattva fruit position. Seeing that the millennium is approaching, it is absolutely impossible to say that he is not anxious.


The voice of Buddha is still so grand and without fluctuations, but there is a fatal temptation in this grand and unwavering voice.

This is not some kind of magical means that the Buddha exerted, but the treasures are touching and no one can sit still.


Sure enough, the spirit light Bodhisattva's voice was sharp.

The testimony is a fatal temptation for anyone.

How could the Buddha open up the world of celestial bliss of 1,800 times the earth and become a buddha?

Without him, prove Doyle.


Demon Realm, located in the most central ancestral hall.

He was dressed in black and long black hair spread over his shoulders. His black eyes flashed a deep light.

"Phantom beads?

According to legend, the last battle between Buddha and Demon was because a great magician occasionally obtained this treasure and developed the method of proving the Tao in his dream. In a very short time, the Buddha was proved to the Dao before he was able to suppress the Demon Realm.

In any case this time, it can never be obtained by his Buddhists."

Soon, the Six Demon Masters walked out of the Demon Realm together, looking for the reappearing Phantom Orb.


In the nothingness, a psychedelic bead, the size of a fist, I saw it exuding a layer of psychedelic light.

Tianyuan, Huashan, Taishan, Hengshan, Hengshan, Songshan, Heimuya, Wudangshan, etc. Famous mountains are particularly clear, especially Wuyue, of which Huashan is the most, and Huashan is headed by Siguya. Into real land.

At this time, there was a disciple of Huashan on the only real land, where he was busy.

Suddenly, Huashan thought over the cliff, in front of the cave, from the void, a psychedelic light came out, the light dispersed, and I saw a three-year-old vine.

Yes, it is the vine, the vines with thin arms, which make it look more like a vine than a vine.

"The quality of Ziyang grapes is still a little bit worse, but it doesn't matter so much. I don't need to consume one or two drops of bronze blood."

He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the vine, feeling the rich vitality in it. Wang Yang endured the heartache, saying so.

Along the gathering place of induction strokes, Wang Yang personally dug the pit and planted Ziyang grape vines again.

It's not over yet, his mouth twitched, and he cramped in pain.

However, all of this can't control so much.

Then take out a purple gourd.

"I don't know, is it possible?"

Wang Yang is already on a dead end. He can only risk Lu Dayou's body to practice Ziyang's divine power.

First, one hundred and eight drops of Ziyang Spirit Liquid, and then one hundred and eight drops of Ziyang Spirit Liquid to ignite themselves, so that their war body can be reborn in the raging flames.

Then another ten thousand drops of spiritual fluid of faith burn and cultivate bronze war bodies.

In this reality, it takes only a while, but in the illusory world, it is already close to a week in the past.

Wang Yang did not know that after the Ziyang grape vines were planted, the unreal world, centered on the vines, absorbed a lot of energy from the heavens and earth in the nothingness and condensed into a solid.

When Wang Yang cultivated a drop of bronze god blood and merged this drop of bronze god blood into the Ziyang grape vine, the entire illusory world was shocked, and then the entire vine grew quickly.

The whole world seems to have a heart. From the void, more and more energy is drawn by this heart, and then it is sent by this heart to all parts of the world.

Suddenly, the whole world seemed to be alive and full of life.

As long as the business continues, the world will not collapse again.

Even, when the heart of Ziyang grape is strong enough to breed the veins and connect the whole world, this world born from nothingness will exist eternally and become an eternal parallel plane.

Shenshui Manor, Wang Yang sat cross-legged on the water surface of the fish pond. Suddenly, a thick colorful beam of light shot directly into Wang Yang's body from the void.

For a time, the entire Shenshui Manor was shrouded in a light halo of light.

It's just that this halo, scattered in the sun, is also difficult to detect if you don't watch it carefully.

Regardless of whether you are aware of it or not, the people in Shenshui Manor are affected by this halo, and the whole person seems to be in the Dao Yun, and many martial arts and essences are usually unintelligible.

For a while, all the people in Shenshui Manor closed their eyes unconsciously, even if they didn't have martial arts in their hands, they were clever and sharp-minded...

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