My Super Estate

The 2712th chapter four star district promotion

Chapter two thousand four hundred and forty-four Sifang District promotion

The Quartet Star Zone, overnight, became a super universe star zone with twenty universes.

In the universe, the whole is boiling.

At this moment, it seemed to be the four-sided star zone in the center of the wind wave in the universe, and it attracted all the attention overnight.

"Twenty universes??"

The demon was almost not scared to death.

"This hog, hog!!!"

The demon almost didn't kill himself.There are only ten cosmic kingdoms in a cosmic constellation. How many epochs has it come from? The powerful have traversed the sky, broken the illusion, and achieved a real fairy. There are many, although, I don’t know how many epochs are needed. One may appear.

It's just that no one knows how many epochs have passed in the universe since the enlightenment of time.

I don't know how many eras, those who have become immortal and enlightened have long known how many exist.

However, he had never heard of a cosmic star zone, there would be twenty cosmic nations.

This is not in his memory at all.

In other words, this is not in the entire universe at all, in the memory of any powerful person in the universe.

First in the world!


Okay, okay!!"

This is always the case, you are not happy, it is my most happy thing.

Wang Yang was the first in the world to create a cosmic star zone with twenty cosmic nations in the absence of the universe. Emperor Luo Luo, not only did not anger because Wang Yang was too good, on the contrary, he just felt It was a surprise.

Human race needs such excellent talents.

Only by possessing such excellent talents and human races can they be stronger.

"Father, has there ever been a cosmic star zone in the universe of twenty universes?"

Emperor Da Luo did not have the courage to speak.

Yes, there is no such courage, not confidence.

Emperor Daluo, who fought against the demons all year round, always had great courage.

However, at this moment, he was a little timid.

This is the fear that you will have in the face of the unknown.

There are only ten universes in a star zone.

This is the entire universe, whether you are a human or a beast, whether you are a human race, or a demon race, a cosmic star zone, there are only ten cosmic nations, this is the universally accepted iron law.

"What are you afraid of?"

Emperor Da Luo gently frowned and stared at his son, very dissatisfied in his tone.

"What are you afraid of? Or, what do you want to say?"

"No, father, these are the twenty cosmic nations. I heard that the current Sifang Star Zone, the general cosmic kingdom, simply cannot enter.

Even if it is a general cosmic overlord, it is always suppressed at all times.

Such a cosmic star zone, father, we have never heard of it!"

"I haven't heard of it, that's right.

To be the first in the world, it means that he opened a way for us.

Do you think we should be happy or should we be afraid?"


According to his father, Daluo also responded.

"Since the lord of the Quartet can have such a road, do you think we will not have such a chance?"

"Thank you father, maybe this is our chance."

Emperor Luo Luo stared at his son.

Emperor Da Luo is his son.

Today, he has reached such a step, but his son has not yet reached it.

Ten cosmic kingdoms, genius characters appearing, are always comparable to twenty cosmic kingdoms.

Genius characters, the strength will increase soon!

"Father, you said, what would happen if a star zone has a hundred universes?"

Emperor Luo Luo was stunned.

Staring at his son and looking up and down, he smiled and said, "A hundred universes?

Perhaps, if you can have a thousand universes, I am afraid that any one person can reach my level.

It's just that you have such a skill in these thousand universes?"


Emperor Da Luo was a little surprised.

Indeed, a cosmic star zone has a thousand cosmic nations. Perhaps, then, luck must be more intense.There are naturally more talents.

As Dao Xing improves, it will naturally be faster.

But, is there such a existence in this universe?

In addition to the Quartet Star Zone, in this universe, who can really break this limit, ten cosmic nations are already the limit.

"Father taught me."

He knew that this was the father and taught himself on the side.

In fact, regarding the Sifangxing District, the concern is definitely not just the two districts such as Da Luo Di Zun and Xin Mo.

On the contrary, in the entire universe, as long as it is a cosmic sovereign, at this moment, all eyes are turned to the Quartet.

Twenty universes.

This is not just a matter between the human race and the demons.

This is the way, this is Cheng Xian.

At this moment, all the grievances must be put down, and all the energy should be concentrated on the Sifangxing District.

"Go, tell this news to some people, they might be interested."

In this universe, there are always many unknown existences.

They may be self-styled, but with all kinds of means, they, like the living dead, are waiting for opportunities to improve themselves.

Since they are waiting, then we should give them a chance.


The command of death is quickly communicated.

Inexplicable places, one by one, in some universes all come out of fluctuations.

However, in the same way, there are some things that can't be hidden in the Taiwanese world.

And Wang Yang just stepped out of the interstellar battlefield, raised his head, and looked into the midair.

In his feelings, suddenly in the universe, there was a sharp edge.

In the universe, the rooftop world has long been a secret.

However, after the emergence of the Tiantai World, it was only a legend that it was a nine-handed fairy sword.

Just a legend, but there has been no movement.

"Now, is this really moving?"

Such a sharp edge must be felt with heart.

In the universe, it seems that there is no movement, but as long as the strength reaches a certain level.

Close your eyes and feel clearly that there is a terrible sword spirit in the spiritual world.

It was a terrible existence that could split the sword of one's own soul world.

"So powerful?"

Such a sharp edge, even if it is just a sword, Wang Yang can clearly feel that it will not be worse than his Ziwei Excalibur.

how is this possible???

Conditional reflexes are average, and Wang Yang is unwilling to believe.

Only, he knew better.

This may be true.

In legend, the key to the real world.

One of the nine fairy swords.

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