My Super Estate

The 2716th chapter everyone is crazy

Chapter 2548, everyone is crazy

"Your dragon family, dare to come to my Sifang Star District at this time?

What is it, is it going to betray the human race and dance with the devil?"

What kind of dragon, clan of war, and golden lion, they basically belong to the kind of orcs.

Although they belong to the same human race, they have enough blood of the Zeng clan in their bodies.

At the beginning, under the persecution of the demons, everything in the universe completed a great unification. All creatures were united in luck and merged into the human race.

In the general environment at that time, I was afraid that all foreigners would not dare to have a little distraction, all of them were honest, but now, at the end of the era, I am afraid that these guys can't sit still.


Lord Sifang, today, the old man wants to borrow your Yujianchi from the Sifangxing District. Do you borrow it or not?"


This is your face, right?Dare to talk to me in this tone?Since that is the case, then you will eat me a punch!"

Do you really think you are a character, come to the site of Lao Tzu, and dare to talk to Lao Tzu so, when Lao Tzu is muddy?

Wang Yang was not accustomed to him, a Ziyang magic fist, towards him, just hit the head in the past.

"Ziyang is rising!"


Wang Yang's record of Ziyang's early rise, the elder elder had seen it, but the second elder looks like now, but he is in front of him, but he dare not care.

At the moment, it is directly to sway a heavy void, directly to arouse, and a layer of realm is formed quickly.

He actually chose to defend.

"Thought that only you can do this trick?"

In the field, as Daoxing becomes more and more advanced, the strength and power of this move will become stronger, creating a self-avenue, and even more so, this power will directly reach an extreme.

In the blink of an eye, it is changing the world, and in a blink of an eye, it is rebuilding the world.

Other means, but all are a kind of means in this field.

When Wang Yang punched it, the purple sun rose directly. However, under the envelope of this trick, all the visions disappeared.

The rising purple sun was there, too, and was directly hit by a wave.


The dragon yells constantly, and the terrible water dragon is tossing up and down in the waves, stirring the waves, stirring the boundless seawater in the ocean.

At this moment, Wang Yang faintly felt that he was drowned by heavy waves.

Wang Yang knows that this is the power of the field. This feeling is just a reaction from the soul. The real situation is that when he is really submerged by such a wave, he is afraid that he is completely When killed by the realm.

"Zuyang Zisheng!!"

Zuyang, that is someone else's way.

The self-created avenue is the avenue of chemistry

However, there is no way, who can make people powerful and powerful?

For example, this big elder, his move to Hailong, really is his way?

Only, he has no such strength!

Suddenly, there was another round of purple sun, directly from the endless and distant void, suddenly came out.

I saw that the endless purple sun light, wherever I went, everything was broken naturally.

What water dragon, what ocean, what time and space, disappeared.

Opening their eyes again, they returned to the cosmic sky, the Quartet Star Zone, where it was, as if it had never moved.

"Huh, that's what you do!"

In fact, Wang Yang was just astonished just now.

This old guy, his strength is really very strong, and various means are extremely weak. If he does not pay attention, he is afraid that he may not be able to control him.

"is it?"

It seems to be a trick. In fact, the changes inside are complicated and changeable. If it is not Wang Yang's absolute strength, he will break through. I am afraid that Wang Yang wants to make a comeback. It is extremely difficult.

Who is the cosmic giant with the perfect road, who can't know?

If you want to win a cosmic giant at the same level, without some so-called out-of-the-board moves, there is no hope at all.

On the contrary, if there are some extra tricks, then it will be an absolute trick.

It's just that no one has seen it. He has such an out-of-office move, and the Sifang sovereign who has just made some breakthroughs has such an out-of-office move.

In a blink of an eye, between the two, a chess drum came.

"damn it!"

The elders were extremely angry.

If you are not too arrogant, you must let the two elders try to turn it over, and now you will not fall into such an awkward place.


However, for the elders, none of this matters.

Because, he knows, on this day, the shot is definitely not just himself.

In this case, what are you afraid of?Immediately, he moved decisively towards Wang Yang.

Anyway, this tangled guy is entangled, why should I say more about the others?

The second round of fighting started again.

The avenue created by the elders is very obvious, it is Shuilong Avenue.

However, the water dragon avenue he created seems to have a sense of unfinished meaning.

Obviously, this avenue has not been completed.

However, he is now at the tenth stage, already a cosmic giant, and he has not cultivated into any special derivative way.

Then, there is only one possibility. The water dragon avenue he cultivates is just a derivative way, not the self avenue he created.

Such strength is enough to let him run wild in the universe, but he wants to get any cheaper on Wang Yang, basically, it is like a dream.

"The great supernatural powers of the True Dragon series are not only owned by you, but also optimistic!"

All the tricks are true dragons and supernatural powers. Although he can't get any cheap from himself, but he himself has turned into a water dragon, turning over the river and the sea, it seems that all the water in the universe is all. Come together.

This is another area.

And, this field is different from before, he integrated himself into that field.

He is the domain, and the domain is him.

It can be said that he is desperate. Once the field is broken, I am afraid that he will not die.

However, he did just that.

"Crazy, this bastard is simply crazy."

The elders dare to do this, it is beyond Wang Yang's budget.

Of course, the most important thing is that when he was involved in this field, he clearly felt that in the cosmic starry sky, there were various strong men in the universe.

The great elder of this damn dragon family, even with his own strength, trapped himself, and then created opportunities for others.

It's crazy.

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