My Super Estate

Question 2727

Chapter 2559 is coming

There are too many strange things in the universe.

But today is still very special.

I saw that in the cosmic starry sky, there was nothing empty, there was no movement, there was only a four-sided star zone, and I didn’t know how many light years there were. Inside, there were little stars, all the world, under the dominance of the Dahua Dadao, constantly turning around beginning.

This starry sky is no different from the starry sky in other places.

It must be said that there is something different, then this is the quadrilateral star zone, very large, even if it is the most cosmic star zone in the universe, compared with it, it is less than one-tenth.

The huge quadrilateral star zone, as it enters it, seems to be a universe, with a variety of living beings, including human races, zerg races, wood and spirit races.

Various, countless.

One world, one star field; one star field, under the auspices of a certain force, formed a huge superstar field.

Every world contains extremely terrible power.Across the starry sky, it looks like a star, emitting endless light.

And around this world, all kinds of cosmic dust and impurities, plus various regular forces scattered from the world, naturally form a planet.

These planets, dead and dead, have no vitality.However, under a variety of scattered rules, mineral planets have been formed, forming veins.

There are gold, silver and earth. Occasionally, in the universe, a trace of Dao marks is captured. Under the power of Dao marks, a certain kind of divine gold is formed. It is a surprise to be discovered by the martial arts masters.

Only in a very small number of planets, with a very small chance, will they capture a trace of vitality. From this moment on, in this planet, nurture life, derive your own rules from life, and give birth to your own Consciousness composes your own heaven.

However, today, the Quartet Star District is very abnormal.

The Sifang Star District, as if you had to take a serious look, you will find that this is a very huge egg.

In this egg, you can't tell the difference.

However, if you stand in the starry sky, in other places, no matter how you look, no one can control, but, when you stand in the Sifangxing District, you will find that you are very natural, you know, which The direction belongs to the top, and then you will naturally adjust yourself in the cosmic sky to adapt to this orientation.

At this time, there is such a huge sword pool in the upper part of the Sifangxing District.

The Jianchi spans dozens of light years and is located above the Sifang Universe. As long as you are in the Sifang Universe, as long as you are willing, raise your head, you will find that there is a huge light group, even the sun. It blocked the light.

At this time, in front of this Yujianchi, naturally, there were waves of space ripples.

It seemed that the calm water was hit by a stone. Naturally, a circle of water waves appeared, forming a round of water marks.

"This, this is Jianshan?"

Suddenly changed, enough to attract all the attention, as the owner of the Quartet, naturally it is more clear.

It's just that before waiting for Wang Yang to move, in the void, a corner of the world has already appeared.

That is a very familiar place.

In that place, I once had a chance, above the swordsmanship, the achievement of the sword, and became the master of the sword.

Although it is only a derivative way, being able to become a party leader has great help for your own strength.

What's more, if it weren't for his own strength, he suddenly improved. I'm afraid that it won't be so easy for me, but I will overcome the difficulty.

But, Jianshan, shouldn't it be in that rooftop world?

In other words, this is the tip of that rooftop world?

How could it manifest in this place?

"Cheng Ying Jian?"

Who is a simple character?

Even the Patriarch Patriarch, and the Dragon Patriarch, the two of them, watching the previous confrontation with Wang Yang, fell out of the wind, and both died the Great Elder, and even the Dragon Clan also caught one Second elder, the loss is extremely heavy.

But are they really that simple?

With their strength, how can we really not promote the newly promoted Sifang Guozhu?

I'm afraid that even Wang Yang won't believe it.

The old tricks, they are the ones who say.

Nine-handed fairy sword, in legend, only the first-hand fairy sword has some information.

"Jianshan's name can only be heard because of the princes of the Quartet.

This, the shadow sword has just appeared in the world, far from the rooftop world, it is necessary to reveal a corner of the world in the Sifangxing District. This is really destined!"

"The Patriarch Patriarch, are you playing?"

The sword energy on Wang Yang's body, like the evil dragon turning over the river, is always ready to kill the despicable guy in front of him.


It seemed that he was really frightened by Wang Yang. In the face of Wang Yang's provocation, he just snorted without any words.

This kind of Patriarch Patriarch, but it is extremely inconsistent with the rumored one.

Old fox.

Scared by yourself?

I dare say, do you dare to believe?

Who believes who is a fool.

"Everyone, it seems that this is not the time for internal strife."

Well, the term infighting is actually used between the human race and the demons.

Thinking about it makes me feel funny.

However, Emperor Daluo and Taiyi Divine Emperor didn't object.

Between the human race and the demon race, there is only the battle between life and death, and also the battle of luck. This is an absolute incompatibility between positive and negative.

However, there are some differences between the whole and the individual.

The human race and the devil race are all fighting for luck, and the relationship between positive and negative is absolutely incompatible.

However, Daluo Emperor and Taiyi Divine Emperor, as human races, are also living creatures.

Being souls means having your own needs.

When their chances are reached, they will get along with the Mozu for a short period of time and stay in agreement for a short time. For them, nothing is a big deal.

Don't forget the mission and live up to the original intention.

Before Chengxian pavement, it is already the biggest morale to betray the human race.

Finally, the projection, the scope is getting bigger and bigger, all the things on the Jianshan are revealed.


One by one, all are well-informed.However, such a scene is also unseen.

"Could it be that the shadow sword is cultivated with a million swords?"

"No, still using this Yujian Po!"

Otherwise, it makes no sense, there will be a scene in front of you!

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