My Super Estate

The 2731st chapter fight

Chapter Two Five hundred and sixty-three

Watching movies is always very exciting.

However, if the movie becomes a reality, then some of these things are desperate enough.

For example, in the projection, a shadow-bearing sword, in a blink of an eye, do not know where to jump out of three or four statues have never seen the strong.

No one has seen it, and it is already showing their terrible power just by the shot of their own soldiers.

"Everyone, who is behind these four magical soldiers?"

A big hand, a spear, a red string, and a finger.

Big hands and fingers, also did not see any physique master, it seems like two magic soldiers.

I saw that they were fighting endlessly over that Jianshan, even if they were separated by hundreds of millions of light years, but just by watching with a projection, they could still clearly see that around the Jianshan, the void was already shocked. , The empty ripples visible in the eyes spread towards the surroundings.

The rooftop world, in legend, is the closest place to the real world.With the repression of Yu Wei in the real world, the void is solid, and the road is mended. Even if it is a cosmic giant, if you want to break it, you must have enough strong power, otherwise, the water will not splash.

However, in such a place, even in this battle, even the deity is not present, just four magical soldiers, remote control shot, the aftermath is to let such a powerful master appear in the void.?

Monkey Mountain is a very common mountain around Jianshan.

At the beginning, Wang Yang realized Taoism in Jianshan and faced him in the direction of Monkey Mountain.

There are no monkeys in Monkey Mountain, but here, there are legends about monkeys.

Legend has it that in this monkey mountain, there was once a natural stone monkey, born sacred and extremely noble.

As soon as he was born, there was an endless storm.

At the beginning, because of Sun Dasheng, he had paid more attention.

However, Wang Yang did not expect that, at a glance, after that, it became a farewell.

Just by sweeping through the space ripples, it seems that the sharpest soldiers in the world have swept through. No matter what the Monkey Mountain, nothing is left. Then, the entire Monkey Mountain disappears.

Yes, it just disappeared.

It seems that there has never been such a hilltop in this world.

"Are such strengths, are we opponents?"

Even Wang Yang was shocked when he had such a strength. He turned his head and looked at Yang Sanyan, Sun Dasheng standing side by side with himself.

He himself, he can be very sure, if such strength falls on his own body, I am afraid that, in addition to the body protection of the Excalibur, I am afraid that it is only a trick, naturally, it will be exploded.

"My old Sun's copper head and iron bones can't die!"


You have copper heads and iron bones, you can't die.

But are you an opponent?

You are not an opponent, just say it!

In contrast, the three-eyed God of War is very honest, saying: "Unless the sky eye is used, it is not an opponent!"

For a time, there was silence.

In contrast, a group of eight strong men, Daluo and Taiyi Divine Emperor, were divided into two groups.

Both of them are very powerful.

However, at this moment, they also have no voice.

"You said, they don't talk like this, are they thinking, are they opponents?"

Everyone is a cosmic giant. As a result, as soon as you shoot, I kneel, how can I bear it?

You have to kneel, and everyone needs to kneel.

Well, Wang Yang feels that he has turned dark, thinking too much.

However, whether this is the case, I am really curious!

Unfortunately, the curious Wang Yang didn't get the answer he wanted. No one gave him the answer. There was also no time for him to find the answer.

I saw that the four magical soldiers who were very hot in the projection suddenly turned around the projection and called towards the Patriarch.

It turned out that I didn't know when, then the shadow shadow sword, which had no movement at all, came to the Patriarch Patriarch.

Then, it's the same.

It's the same!

This joke, but it was big.

Wang Yang’s hand listened to the Ziwei Excalibur. Whether it was an immortal sword or not, there was no exact number. All of them had caused the siege of many strong men. In front of him, this shadow sword, but everyone, everyone had already determined in his mind. Now, It disappeared in front of you.

Who do you fight without hitting you?


Damn, just a projection, dare to be so arrogant?"

How did Chengyingjian come over? No one knows this question, but, your four strongest people, even the deity does not appear, or even, just a projection, even though you don’t know a few hundred million light years apart. Long distance, shot towards yourself?

Really gave you a face, how dare you not take me in the eye?

At the moment, the Patriarch Patriarch shot with all his strength.

In any case, it can't be underestimated.


The entire starry sky was directly exploded.

I don’t know how many stars in a long distance are directly hit by a force that doesn’t know where to come from.

In the starry sky, a black hole exploded, and then the ripples of the void rose and calmed down again, which was in the chaos.

The luster was one, the gray was a piece of gray, an undercurrent emerged, and the chaos was tumbling, which was a world of thousands, and naturally, it was under that undercurrent that directly came out of the impact.

In peacetime, in chaos, I don’t know how many worlds are hidden, and it’s no exaggeration to be called a “world sea”.

However, all the world cannot be hidden in the chaos. Even the strength of Wang Yang and others can only be found in the chaos by controlling some marks and the like.

It's just that it's very magical. In front of them, you can still see that the male star does not know how many light-year squares are still manifesting in chaos.

The unique twenty cosmic nations and the special Yujianchi are all unique in the universe. Even if you say that this is not a Sifangxing District, no one will believe it.

Of course, the most important thing is that, in the Taitai world, the range of several thousand miles around Jianshan is unknown, still under the support of a certain force, leaving a projection in front of the Sifangxing District.

The Patriarch Patriarch shouted loudly, without any rules at all, carrying the axe, and then directly cutting off towards the big hand.

"This seat is to see what kind of means you have!!"

It was just a projection, and he dared to come and shoot at himself.

The Clan of the Hundred Battles fought out, without any fear of half points.

For a time, the entire chaos seemed to have been lifted.

Some big worlds hidden in chaos quickly manifest in that chaos.

The Great Thousand World is the Great Thousand World. In the chaos, it was lifted out. Even if the martial arts manifested itself, it was only one million feet tall, but the Great Thousand World manifested more than one hundred thousand in length and width.

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