My Super Estate

Question 2737

Chapter 2559 The Opportunity Is Here

"Master, this, what's going on?"

This movement is really too big. In the eyes of some people, the Quartet is the whole universe.

Because, beyond the Quartet Star Zone, there are nothing in the starry sky.

In fact, even if there is some cosmic dust, when the Quartet is established, naturally, it emits a great gravitational force.

This is the magnetic field inherent in the Quartet.

The so-called gravity is not.

Otherwise, the Quartet Star Zone has just been established for hundreds of thousands of years. Where can there be so many mineral planets in the Star Zone?

It is precisely because of the establishment of the Quartet Star Zone that naturally emits a terrible magnetic field. In the universe’s starry sky, I don’t know that there will be multiple light years beyond the influence of the magnetic field of the Quartet Star Zone. All cosmic dust, Various meteors and various minerals are all absorbed by the Quartet Star Zone. However, under the rules of the Quartet Star Zone, various oysters are quickly formed.

And, with the increasing strength of the Sifang Star District, this range is getting larger and larger.

Suddenly, there is such a huge change in the entire universe, how can you not disturb others?

In a very short period of time, all the high-rises in the Sifang Star Zone have arrived.

Mo Jun, Sirius, Snow Wolf, Flower Wolf, Cang Wolf, Grass Wolf, Wu Xiaohong, Wang Qing, Invincible Sharp Gun, Dragon Lord, Bright God Lord, Wu Tian Emperor Lord, Wolf Lord, Guan Yue, etc. One is counted and all are present.

Each one of them, maybe not all of them are the masters of the universe, but one of them is extremely powerful, and it is a little distance away from the final transformation.

Even with the existence of the blood-clothed emperor, it is only one step away.

It can be said that many of them existed. Before the next generation was in retreat, suddenly such a huge movement made them fall short. It is impossible to say that there is no opinion in their hearts at all.

"The Shadow Sword is born!"


Before the Sifang Star Zone, the movement was too great.

It is precisely because of this, as the seniors of the Sifang Star District, they one by one can only look at their owner and meet the enemy alone.

How proud are they?How can I endure such suffocation?

Suddenly, one by one, they all made up their minds. Without breaking through the strength, they will never break through.

However, this has just made up my mind that the Sifangxing District has made such a huge noise, forcing them to have to go out of the customs. How angry they feel in their hearts can be imagined.

"The shadow sword?

In legend, that fairy sword?

No, in the legend, the shadow sword does not require us to collect many imprints in order to be born?Why was it suddenly born on the spot?"

The Lord Dragon was shocked.

He didn't forget, however, that when he followed Wang Yang, he walked through the world on that day.

Cheng Yingjian, he is no stranger.

However, in the legend, don't you need to collect the seal of the shadow sword?

At the beginning, they had collected it for a while, and even Wang Yang had a lot of marks on it.

Now that the seals are not fully collected, how can they be born?

For a time, there was silence for a while.

This question, even Wang Yang, could not be answered.

Who can they not know?There is a big problem here. This legend seems to be the rooftop world, or this is the brand imprinted on the rooftop world. Any one of the universe overlords can clearly feel it.

As a result, the imprint has not gathered yet, and the fairy sword has been born.

So, what's wrong with it?

With a sullen face, Wang Yang could not answer.Similarly, he needs answers to such questions.

"Father, what happened to Yujianchi?"

Wang Qing is a master of swordsmanship, and he is very weak.

He clearly felt that as long as he followed the guidance, he would certainly be able to rise in swordsmanship.

But who is Wang Qing?

He is an extremely powerful young master.

As long as you are willing to use the huge resources of the Sifangxing District, even if the strength is improved by several levels, I am afraid that it will not be too difficult.

How could he follow the unknown guidance?

In fact, at this moment, following the guide, there are a lot of them, it seems that the sword is coming. The entire Sifang Star District, I don’t know how many people are immersed in that kind of guidance at this moment, thus, Throughout the Sifang Star Zone, Kendo has improved, as never before.

"This, this is to transform the Sifang Star Zone into a sword?"

Using the avenue as a supporting point, the entire universe star area is connected, supported, and then it is brought together into a whole.

The Sifangxing District is based on Wang Yang's Dahua Avenue.

Therefore, in the Sifangxing District, anyone can clearly feel that the atmosphere of creation is extremely rich, in the void, in the faint, there is a clear purple sun, always feel so clear .

Even all kinds of magic medicines are planted in this world, so it is always so easy.

In the Sifang Star Zone, all creatures are clearly aware that the Sifang Kingdom Lord has a mysterious manor. In this manor, there are endless magic drugs, a variety of natural materials, innate magic drugs, Even chaotic treasures, everything.

However, no one knows where the mysterious manor is.

In fact, for the creatures living in the Quartet Star Zone, they also don’t need to know where this mysterious manor is, because they clearly know that in the Quartet Star Zone, they plant all kinds of magic medicines as long as they want It is also much lighter, at least, much easier than the other star regions of the universe.

However, if, when the Quartet Star Zone, has been transformed into a sword.Since then, with the main road of swords, then, in this star area, a terrible sword territory will be formed. In this sword territory, it is much simpler and easier to cultivate the sword way, but you want to obtain rich resources again. I’m afraid it’s even harder, even if I have Wang Yang’s support, I don’t even use fart.

The huge coal ash hair is destined. Wang Yang cannot be alone, but can support the hundreds of millions of souls in the entire Star District.

What kind of consequences will these two different environments cause? No one will be unclear about the people present.

Therefore, it is not just Wang Qing who is the most nervous, but also other people, who are also very concerned.

In the same way, what will happen to the sword master, they are also extremely attentive in their hearts.

Whether they can get some benefits in this Yujianchi, they want to know more.

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