My Super Estate

The 2739th chapter giant ant

Chapter 2571 The Giant Ant

Killing you is as simple as stepping on an ant.

Who said this?

Well, who actually said this word, this question, Wang Yang is not very clear, just know that this word is very widely spread.

However, this problem is very big!

Killing you is as simple as stepping on an ant?But, I’m so special, now I can’t even beat an ant!

Looking at the big ant in front of him, his stout six legs stood there, even stronger than himself.

Even the brutal upper jaw, just a glance, you can clearly feel that there is a feeling that the fat man has been bitten off.

Even, the two tentacles in front, flicking back and forth, turned out to have a violent wind.

Wang Yang is very certain that this one is an ordinary ant, at least, in terms of body shape, it is definitely just an ordinary ant.

However, just such an ordinary ant, now, standing in front of himself, he has a feeling of facing the tenth.

"Damn the rules!"

In such an ordinary world, Wang Yang almost didn't get angry.

I don't know what kind of wonderful flower it is, and it will open up such a strange world.

Into it, even ants turned into elephants.


Meet in a narrow road, the brave will win.

I can’t believe it. I am a famous lord of the Quartet in the universe, but I am also famous in this universe. However, in this world, I have been trying to compete with an ant.

Then, the ant flicked its tentacles.


Wang Yang was very pitiful. He concentrated his strength and suddenly broke out. Unfortunately, there is no use of fart at all. It is just a flick of the tentacles.


A familiar voice rang in his ears.

"Great Saint?"

I did not expect that I would be here and saw an acquaintance.

Sun Dasheng.

"Master, why are you here?"

"Why else? Do you think that my grandson is willing to come to this ghost place!

Still not because of you, shouted loudly, all of them couldn't stand, all got in."


Naturally, I am overjoyed.According to Sun Dasheng, all the strongmen came in.

With so many strong men, this special rule may be broken.

At that time, maybe he will restore his strength.

"Let's talk nonsense, kill this damn ant and say it."

An ant, dare to chase me down?

Really think that no one can control it?

Today I will let you know that you are wrong!

"I'm so mad at my grandson!!"

Looking at the ant, Sun Dasheng was also very angry.Obviously, in the past, he also suffered from the loss of this big ant.

As the saying goes, when the enemy meets, he is jealous.

Think of his Sun Dasheng ascending into heaven, going to heaven and omnipotently, what kind of scenes haven't I experienced before stepping on the Nine Serenities and going into the mansion?

When will it be bullied by a little ant?

At the moment, he lifted his golden rod and hit the ant.


It was like, facing a fierce dog, holding a small toothpick and stab him.

Dog skin is thick, even if the toothpick is sharp, what can I do?

The tentacles like Jiaolong's tail flicking, Chao Sun Dasheng, were pulled out.


As if it were a mortal, the fast-moving car was directly hit by it.

Sun Dasheng in the Megatrons was literally pumped away by an ant.

Speaking out, no one will believe it.


Do you still die??"

It is indeed a copper-headed iron bone. He was vigorously pumped by the tentacles and returned immediately with blood.

The whole person, looking at it, is still so refreshed and warlike!


It is a pity that no matter how high the fighting spirit is, under the power of that hegemony, there is no meaning at all.

The difference is that the postures are different.

Or fly upside down, or fly horizontally, or fly vertically, or fly diagonally...

All kinds, at one time, turned out to be many.

Eighteen martial arts, each performed once.


What kind of world is this?

How could it be so perverted??"

Who is Sun Dasheng?

There has never been a lawless existence, but this time, he actually had a feeling of collapse.

In fact, this place is really too evil.

Think, what kind of hero is Sun Dasheng?

As a result, it is now impossible to defeat even an ant.

"God, if I met those elephants, dragon horses or something, wouldn't they be trampled to death by their hoofs?"

The elephants fell down in a poop, and they didn't know how many ants were going to be killed.

However, there is no such thing as an ant that I can't beat now. If the elephant shit just falls on top of his head, wouldn't he be buried alive by this pile of shit?

After such thoughts, Sun Dasheng was so scared that it was a worry.

"Boy, you are thinking of some ways. How can we restore our strength?"

All kinds of natural disasters and man-made disasters are emerging one after another. With the appearance that they can't even beat an ant like this, I am afraid that they are the short-lived people.

Hey, no, where is 80%, this is absolutely 90%!

"Perhaps, we have to break this rule that treats me and other outsiders differently, otherwise it will be broken. Otherwise, where else can we live?"

Based on current observations, this is a special rule.

In front of such rules, any outsider will be pressed into a creature that is even thinner than ants.

They are not without mana, on the contrary, their mana is still very strong.

However, their mana is suppressed in the same proportion.

In this case, they are still so powerful among the same outsider creatures, but for the outside world, their strength is suppressed to the same proportion. I don’t know how many times.

This rule can be said to be a very terrible rule.

For example, the power of ants can lift things more than four hundred times their own weight.

How much can human power lift more than one's own weight?

As a result, an ant, facing an ordinary person, was pressed by an ordinary person, and then pressed to death.

For now, the situation I face is just such a situation.

"If we want to break the current situation, we have to break this rule.

In other words, if we can use this rule for our own use."

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