My Super Estate

The 2741st chapter turned out to be strength, can it be improved like this? ?

Chapter 2,573, turns out that strength can be improved like this??

The present self, really, is too weak, even an ant has become a monster!

The terrible figure seems to have given the ants a power beyond imagination.

Otherwise, these ants are too ordinary. Although they have certain wisdom, they are too stiff to use. They are afraid that even if they have copper heads and iron bones, Sun Dasheng cannot be an ant opponent.

Want to behead him?


Wang Yang, looked at the ant that had been cut.

"I'm already low-key, why don't you want to let me go?"

Wang Yang whispered softly, the whole person, watching, was very quiet.

The black ant, Yaowu Yangwei, Zhang Yawu claws, although only an ant, but walked out of a mighty posture.Two tentacles, that is, two dragons, contain unmatched power.


Although it was silent, however, there seemed to be a tragic breath in the void, as if there were thousands of horses killed, and even in the air, it seemed to have a bloody smell.

'It's really too weak.

Just an ant can affect my perception.'

Of course, Wang Yang knows that everything is illusory, just because he is too weak now, and he is directly affected in terms of perception.

A good Wang Yang is indeed extraordinary. Facing the big ant that was rushed, Ziwei Divine Sword crossed a bright sword light.

Wang Yang is a tiny creature that is many times smaller than the ants. The Ziwei Excalibur in his hand is certainly not as powerful as it is.

However, it was such a sword light that crossed in the void.

The whole of the big ants seems to have entered a different-degree void, and the power in the body has been extremely suppressed, even the body shape is suppressed to a point similar to that of Wang Yang.

Then, the sword gleamed red, and the big ant had split in half.

The big ant was restored to the prototype, however, at this time, the big ant was divided into two halves.


Sun Dasheng appeared suddenly, staring at the big ant with a startled sound.

"Here, you killed it?"



In this world, there is a terrible rule that suppresses all our strength to death.

My old grandson didn't know how many big ants were killed before they regained this size. Even so, my old grandson was not sure how he could give this big ant.

How could you split it in half?"

A child, with a knife, can kill a pig, but would you let the child split the pig in half with a knife??

"how did you do it?"

Sun Dasheng is now at least one-tenth the size of an ant. Such an accomplishment is already his courageous killing of enemies. In an ant nest, killing all sides, I don’t know how many big ants were killed. achievement.

In contrast, Wang Yang is afraid that he is only one-tenth of his size.

But now, you tell me, you can cut the big ant in half with such a small size?

Do you think I believe it?

Wang Yang confessed that he was a very courageous person, but, I don’t know why, staring like Sun Dasheng always felt a sense of unreliability in his heart.

It's a hairy feeling in my heart.

"Master, don't, don't stare like this.

Look, over there, another big ant has come to kill, Dasheng quickly shoot!"

"Bark, boy, are you really my grandson and a fool?

Your strength is so powerful, why should my grandson shoot?"

"No, Ma'am, that's not what it said.

Kill these big ants, but they will grow up.

You don't want to grow?

Look, do you have a tenth of the size of a big ant now?"

"Fart, fart, what you said is a big fart, I'm not one-tenth the size, but I'm at least ten times your size. How dare you look down on me?"

"Hey, grandson, how can you have such a vision?

You think, this is a big world.

No one knows, no one knows how many terrible existences there are in this world!

If, between us, we don’t let a person recover faster, we still have some ants, but, just in case, is it a giant dragon that jumps out next time?

What if a dragon takes a breath?

You have to know that no matter how powerful the big ant is, its individual is there."

No matter what kind of creature it is, the size of the individual often determines its strength.

Even human beings, when they are powerful to a certain degree, often have magical powers similar to the law of heaven and earth.

Otherwise, the huge size and the same level of life often determine the strength of mana.

It can be said that as long as there is a giant dragon, a breath, perhaps, an ant nest, tens of thousands, must be killed and cleaned.

These tiny creatures, which are a hundred times smaller than ants, cannot bear even the slightest disturbance.

"No matter, no matter what, anyway, my old Sun's copper head and iron bones, the dragon breathing, but I can't treat my old Sun."


Your reason is really too strong, I am forced to do so by you!

Rolling his eyes, Wang Yang almost didn't get angry with him.

However, those ants are really abominable. I have honestly understood the magic rules, and I don’t plan to trouble you anymore. Why are you so ignorant?

The sword light flashed across the sky, and suddenly, the hundred and ten ants that had been rushed to death were all cut in half by the sharp sword light.


Sun Dasheng was scared.

Staring at the eyes and opening his mouth for a long time, I still don't know how to speak.

Wang Yang, in a very short time, skyrocketed tenfold.

House prices in Greater China dare not rise so much.


Do you understand the rules?

Is it true that you have understood the rules??"

He could see clearly, the sword flashed, and any big ant was suppressed more than a hundred times.

Then, there is the sharp sword light, directly cut in half.

Then, the big ant quickly returned to its original state.

That is a rule.

It belongs to this big world, unique rules.

"Yes, it's the rules.

Everything in the world is under the operation of the rules, as long as you understand it, it will naturally."

Wang Yang is so calm.

This is actually the case.

It’s just that it’s so simple, but how many people can do it?

"Here, Grand Sun might as well try it?"

Sun Dasheng, to help yourself, that is too much.

Now, it is not a good habit to have good food and eat single food.

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