My Super Estate

The 2751st chapter strength of the demon

Chapter 2583 The Strength of the Demon

"It's the Demon Ancestor!"

Coming to the battlefield, with seventy-two changes into a small mosquito, Sun Dasheng sent Wang Yang a branch of an ancient tree.

Fingertip dolls, with the power of this branch, can still be carried.

"The Demon Patriarch recovered quickly!

At this time, at least, it is a supreme king."

Song is the most terrible.

You know, who is he?He is the ancestor of the demon.

With his experience and state of mind, there are also powerful magical powers, Daoxing, even if he has just entered the ranks of the strongest king, the general king will definitely not be his opponent.

In fact, the former Golden Lion Patriarch, in the face of the attack of the Sifang City Lord, can still persevere. At that time, the Golden Lion Patriarch,

The strength is not very strong, at most, it is the realm of Yuanshen.

However, at the level of Yuanshen, as the governor of the Golden Lion family, he has gone very far, even if he is a strong king like the Sifang City Lord, he can still steadily contend.

Even the Sifang City Lord, who leads all the Xeon Kings, is extremely extraordinary, but in the face of the Golden Lion Patriarch, it is still extremely difficult to fight.

Compared with the elder Patriarch of the Golden Demon, he will not be inferior but only stronger.

However, the present ancestor of the demon is already the supreme king.

His strength, I am afraid, will be more powerful, and even, most likely, will become unfathomable.

"Are you sure?"

Patriarch Patriarch, it is his old acquaintance. If he can be given to him, he will be given to him for ten years.

The demon, but vaguely, mainly him.

This is one of his biggest competitors.


He is a veteran demon giant, and he is only possible if there is any strong backer.Everyone is at the level of the Xeon King, and my grandson is not his opponent."

Sun Dasheng, what a proud person?

If he refuses to accept heaven and earth, enters the palace and enters the Dragon Palace, what is he afraid to do?

However, in the face of the ancestor of the demon at this time, he even said that he was not sure.

This is not self-humility, it can only be said that the strength of the Demon Ancestor is really very powerful.

Wang Yang smiled slightly and said, "Da Sheng Mo wants to be humble, there are many means of demon ancestors, and the seventy-two changes of the Da Sheng are extraordinary, not to mention, Da Sheng's fighting avenue is extremely good. In the continuous improvement.

I believe that this time, the world and the world, the way of the great saint, will inevitably improve a lot."

"Ha ha!

In this regard, my old grandson was convinced.

My old Sun Tangtang Qi Tian Da Sheng, copper head and iron bones, how can he weaken his demon ancestor??"

Although it was said this way, either Wang Yang or Sun Dasheng, at this time, no one thought to jump out.

Sun Dasheng's copper-headed iron bones, the seventy-two changes, the Fighting Avenue, and so on, all show endless scenery.

However, Sun Dasheng's behavior is not as good as his demon ancestor, but there is no fake.

If you are not as good as you are, you should be honest.


Patriarch Patriarch didn't open his mouth, but, around Patriarch Patriarch's body, there were endless pavilions continually cheering.

Sifang Chengzhu has to say that his strength may not be the top, but his luck is extremely good.

In the face of the outbreak of the Golden Lion Patriarch's cards, all the others were already dead and he was still alive.

Now, he even met the Demon Ancestor again!!


The weird laughter turned into a terrible sound of heart demons, and all kinds of messy fragments turned into a kind of specious memory.

This is the most powerful means of the Demon Patriarch.


Many people, overnight, have an extra memory from the supreme strongman in their hearts, either in the name of crossing, or in the name of seizing, or in the name of soul fusion, and turned into various kinds of gold Fingers have become powerful means to keep the souls constantly stronger, and finally lose their spirituality.

In the end, it turned into a puppet, a kind of incarnation.

Such a method, gentle wind and drizzle, subtle, the most remarkable.

Either because of greed or because of weakness, it is often difficult to resist in the end.

"This, this means!!"

With a bystander mentality, Wang Yang immediately discovered the horror of this method.

"This, this is the so-called crossing?

This is the so-called snatch?Is this the so-called gold finger??"

Wang Yang only felt the waves of fear.

You know, how is your rise similar to such a method?

I used to be just a bad boy born with defects. As a result, I was once in luck.

The hapless boy who was born with defects has become the invincible cosmic giant who dominates the universe as he is today.

So, is this an adventure?Or the invasion of demons?

Or, soul rectification?

In the past, Wang Yang had always believed that he had everything he has today because of adventure.

However, when he saw the means of the demon ancestor, a firm belief in his heart, he did not know why, and was always shaking.

"Da Sheng, you said, is there a so-called adventure between this world?"

Along the way, it is really too smooth. Is this smooth life really what the unlucky kid who was born with defects should have?

In his eyes, the Sifang City Lord firmly resisted, blocking all intrusions from the soul.

It is a pity that, under the clever means of the ancestor of the demon, this so-called resistance is all bullshit.

It simply doesn't make any sense.


Finally, resistance is getting harder and harder, and finally, there is more comfort and more fascination in the expression.

How familiar is this fascination?

In the desperate situation, I saw the dawn of hope.

However, as an outsider, Wang Yang really saw that the Sifang City Master at this time had gradually given up his resistance.

When he completely gave up his resistance, perhaps he would be transformed into the incarnation of the Demon Patriarch. What has subtly changed into the Demon Patriarch, and then from the world to the lord of the Quartet.

How similar is this to the one who once had the adventure?

The closer he looked, the more frightened Wang Yang was.

Is my adventure really a adventure?

Don't know, he suddenly found out that he couldn't tell clearly.

"not good!"

Sun Dasheng was shocked.

He never thought that this kid would fall into such a situation.

"Drink! Before you wake up, when will you stay?"

Seeing that the quartet of city masters had to give up resistance completely, a thunder came from Skyrim.

This thunder screamed, turned into a sky blade, and chopped along the sky, in the darkness, breaking all the shackles.

Suddenly, I only felt that the whole body was physically and mentally weak, and the body was heavily burdened and all disappeared.

Between heaven and earth, there is no longer the shackles of the past.

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