My Super Estate

Question 2776

Chapter 2604 Desperately

The ancestor of the demon at this time was very excited.

Even, he had an urge to hit his head against the wall.

He didn't even think about it. This turned out to be the body of an immortal great fairy.

This is a real fairy corpse!

As long as it is obtained, and the crystals of the energy of the devil are extracted, then by then, your own spiritual world will be greatly expanded, and by then, the spiritual world will be greatly improved.

This is an opportunity that has been rare for thousands of years.

However, his brain was flooded, and he took such a rare opportunity to see for thousands of years, that is, he attracted the enemy like the Sifang.

Isn't this to use his own money to fund the development of the enemy?

"Sir, what's wrong?"

Since the last time, Fengling Mozun took a group of men and women to the Golden Emperor City to find trouble.

Sword Demon Venerable is the only confidant under the ancestor of the current Demon Deity.

"Go, take a trip with this seat to the demon world."


The fierce danger of the world of heart demons, of course Sovereign Sword Master knows.

However, this is the order of the Demon Patriarch, he had to follow.

Of course, to say that he is so loyal to the ancestor of the demon, so if it is said, even the ancestor of the demon will not believe it. He is even more impossible.

The devil's nature is selfishness.

Repeatedly, betrayal, secretly, etc., are the most common means of the demon.

Loyalty alone is the most difficult quality for the Devil.

"The magic dragon is born!!"

When it was discovered that the nine-color fairy light turned out to be a fairy corpse that had no vitality, the ancestor of the demon had already decided that this opportunity was his own.

What a crazy lion, that's a fart!

Compared to the immediate chance, a holy land elder, shit is not counted.

Without the mad lion, is there no evil wolf yet?

"Huh, afraid you won't succeed?"

The ancestor of the demon suddenly made a move, and Wang Yang was not surprised.

I saw, in front of it, there was a magic dragon that meandered and did not know how many miles, manifested from that void.

This is the characteristic of the world of mind and spirit, as long as your spiritual power is strong enough, even if it is a supreme fairy, it is also manifested.

Visualization, manifestation, and manifestation are the norm in the world of demons.

This magic dragon is extremely powerful. Perhaps, it is not comparable to that giant cow, but it is definitely much stronger than the general cosmic giant.

This is the heart demons world, the home field of the heart demons ancestors, as long as he is willing, even if it is a near immortal, he can also come out.

Even, he has enough self-confidence that he can be invincible in this demonic world.

"Huh, every monster, dare to be arrogant?"

Visualization is a prerequisite for realization.

The so-called visualization is not whimsical, you have the ability to do nothing out of the first line.

When you visualize the magic dragon, you must give it the soul of the dragon.

If it is a soul, it must be powerful enough.

This is the power of the Demon Patriarch. In the Demon World, he can visualize a magic dragon that is more powerful than his own deity.

"Cangyuan Daxian!!"

With a loud shout, Wang Yang directly visualized the Cangyuan Daxian, and then the Cangyuan Avenue he enlightened himself was as if it had been copied by others, and he was directly integrated into the phantom that exudes nine-color fairy light.

The majestic pressure naturally radiated out.

Nine-color fairy light, at this moment, finally revealed its domineering.

Wang Yang didn’t show any magical powers, only the nine-color fairy light spontaneously radiated naturally. The vast dragon was like a sea crashing, riding the wind and the waves, killing Wang Yang. Unfortunately, in that nine-color fairy light In front of him, it seemed to be a punch on the sponge. Although it possessed incomparably domineering power, on the sponge, it still possessed extremely powerful resistance. Even the resistance became greater and greater, even if it had In the face of such resistance, the power to destroy the world is still dwarfed.

Even, the attacking power is getting bigger and bigger. From the nine-color fairy light, it naturally has an extremely terrifying rebound force.

The power of attack is getting stronger, and the power of rebound is also getting stronger.

Even this kind of power has exceeded a limit, which is to stop all the attacks.

Even, the Demon Ancestor had a feeling of lifting a stone and smashing his foot.

Because, he found that the force of the rebound is getting bigger and bigger, not only the trend of his own attacks has been blocked, but even this force of rebound has directly turned into a force of attack.

Regarding one another's way, still one's body?

Patriarch Ancestor wanted to cry.

This kind of avenue is rumored to be between heaven and earth, the most top-level avenue, the trajectory is high enough, even if it is attacked by thousands of people, there is no fart use. Under that avenue, directly Had to crash.


This is just a rebound of Jiu Cai Xianguang!

Is it so powerful?

It has always been heard that immortal, possessing supreme power.Now I finally see it.


Feeling that the force of the rebound is getting bigger and bigger, the heart of the demon ancestor is becoming more and more uncomfortable.

It's a pity that no matter how good it breaks out, it's useless.

Finally, at a certain moment, that terrible rebound force directly exceeded his limit.


A force that is more powerful than one's own shot is a bombardment on oneself.

It can no longer be suppressed, and the vast dragon will simply collapse.

The ancestor of the demon is spitting blood.


Such a strength is really unthinkable.

"It seems that another friend is here?"

Turning around, Wang Yang rushed up coldly, throwing it to nowhere behind him.


You are dead!"

Just seriously injured, the ancestor of the demon face, feeling the breath of the deity, suddenly laughed out loud.

No matter how powerful it is, it is just a doppelganger.In terms of spiritual power, oneself must not occupy any advantage.

However, this new to double is different.

The deity is very different in strength in the world of Na Cang Yuan and Thousand Yuan. However, there is no power to suppress it when entering this world of demons.

Even, this demonic world is his home court.

A lord of the Quartet, in this world of demons, dare to come and compete with himself?

I'm afraid it hasn't been repaired.

"It seems that you have enough confidence to deal with me?"

"Huh, could it be, you think, in this world of demons, can you still deal with my deity?"

The question of Wang Yang, the Demon Doppelganger was extremely disdainful.

To be a man, there must be some self-knowledge.

In this way, what is the point of not acknowledging death?

With a fat face, do you think you will become fat?

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