My Super Estate

The 2779th chapter nine color fairy light? ? ?

Chapter two thousand six hundred and seven chapter nine color fairy light???

The whole world of Cangyuan and Thousands of Thousands was a mess.

Niu Gui Zhe Shen, all jumped out.

I don’t know, where did the Mozu jump out from so many strong men, the seven holy places, the eight-party god pavilion, plus the central god capital, Lin Lin, the entire world of Cang Yuan and the thousand worlds, the emperor’s one-level strong men, say less, also There are more than twenty.

The Lord Mingyang has been abolished, but other existences, but none, are all active.

Now, all of them have their own opponents.

Even the Demon Race prevailed, and the world of Cangyuan Daqian saw that it could not support it.

"How to do?

Cangyuan Daqian World, that is also the side of my human race, sharing the luck of the human race, watching them be slaughtered by the demons, it is not right!"

Emperor Da Luo, Tai Yi Divine Emperor and some other strong human races, I don’t know when they will gather together, and look at their appearance. One by one, their strength is very good. At least, they all have the Xeon Kingdom. Breath.

Such a speed, but much stronger than Wang Yang.

"Let's do it!"

The three-eyed God of War spoke coldly.

When he was in the heavenly court, he was the god of war, responsible for guarding the order.

Now, there is a chaos in the whole world of Cangyuan, and he certainly wants to shoot, and he wants to kill all these disturbed people.

This is not because he belongs to that kind of old man.

He doesn't need others to think he is the kind of old man, but he knows better that he must act.

This is an experience of one's own avenue and a verification.

"It's up to us?"

The three-eyed God of War wants to shoot, but other people are not necessarily.

One by one, they are all cosmic giants, a small world of thousands, in their eyes, but not much weight.

What if they were all slaughtered by the Demon Race?

Of course, the most important thing is that now, in their eyes, only the shadow sword.

Chengyingjian didn't come out, he was fighting with the Demon Race?

You treat me stupid!

"Huh, what is that?"

Mozu fights out, some humans are still thinking about hiding.

However, at this moment, no matter who it was, they were all stunned by the shocking movement.

So, that is the nine-color fairy light?

Could it be that the shadow sword appeared?

Has the Dragon Clan Master refined?


At this moment, I don't know how many people laid down everything, and toward the front, they rushed away quickly.

"This, what's wrong with this?"

The central Divine Emperor also saw it, and, his opponent, the Demon Race known as the Death God, had left.

My central god has already survived the disaster.

In the original, Wang Yang's spiritual world could fully accommodate the twenty-party universe.

Without such details, he dare to shoot towards the ancestor of the demon?

Not to mention, you can visualize Cangyuan Daxian yourself, and, with the manifestation of Cangyuan Daxian, can you have such a smooth life without enough powerful mental power?

It is a pity that this ancestral ancestor doesn't know what kind of means, although he has no way to reach such a powerful spiritual world as Wang Yang, but his means are also extremely good, and he can't visualize the supreme fairy. It is impossible to manifest a supreme daxian.

His two giant dragons are obviously already blessed by the power of the Demon World.

The spiritual world of the twenty-party universe is now burnt down in one fell swoop.

Once it broke out, it really had infinite power.

The same is the nine-color fairy light, the power can not only increase tenfold?

With just one blow, the two vast dragons were directly collapsed.

Even the Demon Ancestor was seriously injured and fled quickly.


Looking at the escaped ancestor, Wang Yang could only feel a pity for a while.

If you still have some power, at this time, perhaps, if you catch up with yourself, this ancestral ancestor will only have a dead end.

Feeling his emptiness, Wang Yang knew that he was the aftereffect of the burning of the spiritual world.

The spiritual power is the commander who controls the power in the body. The empty power of the mind will cause the power in the body to be out of control.

If a person is a big river, then the mana in the body is the water in the big river. Usually, the water in the big river flows calmly, just because of the river bed.

Once the riverbed loses this binding force, then the river will form a terrible flood.

Thousands of miles of water seems to be the most common.

And spiritual power is this riverbed.

Obviously, Wang Yang is now facing this problem, his own spiritual power can no longer control the mana in his body.

Mana has been chaotic.

It's already imminent to get into trouble.

"damn it!"

Such a situation, Wang Yang has long been expected.

In fact, he knew that his opponent was the ancestor of the demon, and he still dared to follow the other party in the world of the demon, just because he had enough confidence in his own spiritual power. He believed that no one could match his strength.


He has miscalculated the superiority of the Demon Patriarch in the Demon World.

He could actually mobilize the power of the world of demons in the world of demons. Others only have a power of one hundred. He directly exploded by five hundred, even eight hundred.

It's just hanging.

Finally, burning spiritual power is the final desperation.

Patriarch Patriarch succeeded in running away, but, now, he has reached the edge of getting out of the way.

"Nine-color fairy light, fairy corpse, and fairy body are the last hope." Inspiring the last power, Wang Yang controlled himself, not letting himself be comatose, and walked towards the corpse exuding nine-color fairy light.

This is a world of mind demons, of course, it is not possible to have a real physical body.

However, here is still a demon with a level of immortals.

Obviously, this fairy corpse is a super-level fairy.

Such a demon, even if it is dead, there will be a corpse left.

Coming to the edge of the corpse, Sure enough, Jiu Cai Xianguang naturally repelled herself.

This is the characteristic of Jiu Cai Xian Guang, which protects the Lord naturally.

Wang Yang is the great immortal of Xiancang Yuan. Now, he can get the nine-color fairy light.

"Unfortunately, you are already ownerless!"

If there is a Lord, of course it is the Lord, but this demon has long been dead. I don’t know how much time there is, I don’t have a little breath, and I don’t have a little consciousness.

Under such circumstances, if Wang Yang is just an ordinary creature, of course, he will not be interested in Jiu Cai Xian Guang.

But if, Wang Yang also exudes nine-color fairy light?

What will happen, Wang Yang does not know.

However, he decided to give it a try.

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