My Super Estate

The 2781st chapter enemy

Chapter 2609 Enemies and Demons

"It's you?"

Grim Reaper stared at the sudden appearance of the Sifang Lord.

He always thought that this was the handwriting of the ancestor of the demon.

He believes that only the ancestors of the demon will have such a handwriting, otherwise, looking at the heavens and the world, who has such ability?

But how could it be the Quartet?

"Nine-color fairy light, did you exude it?"

In fact, this is nonsense.People are exuding nine colors of light.

I would like to ask, under the world, except for the fairy light, what kind of thing presents the nine-color light?

But how is it possible?

"No, why are you exuding nine-color fairy light?"

The Grim Reaper reacted suddenly. How could the Sifang Lord, even with his mighty power, radiate nine colors of light?

Become a fairy?

Impossible, immortal, represents the ultimate leap.It is the transformation of illusion and reality.

Being immortal means that your existence, the universe of heaven and earth sings, is inscribed in every corner.

It means that there is another eternal law in the universe of heaven and earth.

Most importantly, you are immortal. How could your strength be so weak?

But, it's not a fairy, what's wrong?

Staring at the Quartet Lord in front of him, he was a little unpredictable for the first time.

"Want to do so much?

When he was taken down, he didn't believe he could say it."

Originally a demon, why should we do human things?

Can't figure it out, kill him, don't you know?

Being able to speak like this in front of the god of death will certainly not be too weak.

Xuanming Ancestor didn't care what the god of death thought at all, he said he would do it.

Xuanming ancestors practiced a kind of Xuanming Avenue.The opening of the avenue is a manifestation of the extreme cold.

This is also the way many cosmic giants are taking.

Open up a world with your own avenue.

This side of the world is completely dominated by its own avenue, even there is no other avenue to accommodate it.

This is also an attempt by the cosmic giant.

Martial arts cultivation, reaching the level of an emperor, is enough to have the ability to open up the earth.

Moreover, as the strength increases, this ability will become more and more powerful, even enough to open up a cosmic star zone that accommodates the ten-party universe.

However, whether it is the Great Thousand World, or the Star Fields and Star Zones, there is a characteristic.

Tiandi takes its own avenue as its supporting point, and naturally guides other rules of heaven and earth, blends into it, combines with each other, and forms a large net.

This is the world law network.

Claimed to open up the earth, in fact, it is only with the help of heaven and earth.

What if you open up your own world without using the power of the heavens and the earth?

Every martial arts strongman is an experimental madman.

In order to improve their strength, no matter how crazy things are, they will never turn back.

Some people have extinct humanity, and some six relatives don't recognize it just to become a Buddha.Some people are high on the road, and some hold the Sun Moon Moon King.

Various, who can really make it clear?

Opening up the world to strengthen yourself.

This is a heavenly avenue.

Since Kaitiandiqiangqiang is feasible on its own, how can it break the limit of the universe's star zone?

Therefore, everyone came up with a solution.

The field has been developed to a limit, and the field is derived from the world.

A single avenue leads to a world.

Therefore, in many cases, Dadaotiandi is the strongest means of the cosmic giant.

Only when the cosmic giant, the universe is complete, can we form the so-called avenue.

The world of the avenue, that is, the space of the avenue, contains all the power of the avenue.

The Cangyuan Daqian World is extremely special, possessing a terrible rule of force that suppresses all outsiders.

Is this a kind of avenue space?

Entering the world of Cangyuan Daqian, Xuanming Patriarch had such an idea.

Although the time is short, he never gave up on this idea. On the contrary, as his strength recovered, this idea became stronger.

Therefore, he perfected his own world.

This shot, Wang Yang is regarded as a test product of his own world.

Seeing that he was surrounded by people.

Wang Yang sneered: "Laozi sees you are looking for death!"

In the Demon World, Wang Yang encountered great danger. He underestimated the strength of the Demon Patriarch. In the face of the Demon Patriarch, he can only choose to burn his own spiritual world.

This time, he already had a great determination to fight desperately.

The result was very satisfactory, and he won the victory and successfully defeated the Devil Ancestor.

However, in the same way, his own spiritual world once withered.

It once covered the entire Sifang Star Zone, the super-large mind world of the Twenty-Fang Universe, and it just withered to an extreme.

Even a quartet of universes is extremely difficult to control.

The huge mana in the body has lost control.

Seeing that this is a sign of getting into trouble, Wang Yang finally came to the fairy corpse in that demon world. The nine-color fairy light has lost its control. Although it has immortal qualities, there is no control.

One hundred million of cash can have huge purchasing power. However, one hundred million of cash is left in the mountains. Even for the past ten years, it is impossible to buy anything.

One day, a good luck boy suddenly got this one hundred million in cash.

Wang Yang just became that lucky boy.

An immortal corpse naturally exudes nine-color immortal light. It is impossible to have such an opportunity for millions of years.

Wang Yang can have such an opportunity, of course, will not give up.

Even if it is burning the spiritual world, it is a desperate try.

Obviously, he desperately tried to win a new world and a brand new tomorrow.

The spiritual world is guided by the nine-color fairy light and nirvana in the blazing fire.

The burning of Jiuxian Xianle not only strengthened the strength of the spiritual world, but also gave Wang Yang a great hole card.

There was a trace of fairy light on him, and naturally, there was a trace of fairy light.

However, every time you use it, you will spend a lot of mental power, and you will never dare to use it.

Covered by the Xuanming world of Xuanming ancestor.

Suddenly, I saw that Wang Yang's body naturally exuded nine colors of fairy light.

Every time Jiucai Xianle is displayed, it is very expensive, and usually cannot be displayed casually.

However, this time, it was immediate.

It was just shrouded in Xuanming Heaven and Earth, and once cold, wrapped around Wang Yang.

Under normal circumstances, at the current level of Wang Yang, any cold will not have any impact on him.

However, this is just the usual case.

In fact, when Xuan Ming Heaven and Earth were shrouded, Wang Yang had clearly felt that any temperature on his body had disappeared, and some were only extremely cold.

This is a cold from the consciousness, originated from the mind.

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