My Super Estate

The 2783th chapter brave invincible ruler

Chapter 2601 The Brave Invincible Lord of the Quartet

In addition to the Demon Patriarch, four of the Devil's top five have emerged.

Ancestor Xuan Ming was the most anxious, and he was also the most unlucky.

One stroke of Xuan Ming heaven and earth, vertical and horizontal, hard to have rivals.Unfortunately, he just met the nemesis.

Under the light of the nine-color fairy light, what avenues and what spiritual world have all become a thing of the past, as if the ancestor is his own.

Don't be a man.Doing magic is even more difficult.

Xuan Ming Ancestor didn't understand this truth deeply, no one took action, he just jumped out, Huang Quan's ancestor was a little reluctant, a flag of Huang Quan, shaken fiercely, the entire universe is empty, all are shaking By the way, a big river with no margin is coming. The water of the Yellow Spring contains a force. The grass does not grow, the animals are not born, and the birds are difficult to cross.

A scouring, just awesome just now, feels that the world is in my hand, Xuan Ming ancestor immediately suffered a big loss, and even his own physical battle body was also directly broken.

Everyone is the same demons, there is no reason, you are more powerful than me.

The ancestor Xuan Ming shot, and your ancestor Huang Quan also waved the banner. Could it be that I watched with death?

Absolutely impossible.

A long-handed soul-cutting sickle, gently wielding, is a black light, and is slain towards Wang Yang.

I just jumped out of Xuan Ming heaven and earth, and there is no actual observation of the battlefield. The enemies there have already been killed.

what can I do?

Kill it!

The one that can’t be beaten is victory.

Reaper's sickle, that's the real big name, even as a child, there are legends in various movies.

No one knows whether there is a difference between Grim Reaper and Grim Reaper.

However, you all have sickles, and that's right.

Fighting sickle with flesh?

I'm not stupid.

It’s not just you who have such a miraculous soldier, I also have.

A purple sword light, like a purple sunlight, with the instinct to purify the cold, attacked toward the sickle of death.

In the world of mortals, weapons are all about power, in the world of gods and demon, weapons are the second life.

Even a good weapon can directly increase one's strength from two to three times.

For example, Ziwei Excalibur.

The transformation one by one, has already surpassed all the magic soldiers, and under the blessing of Wang Yang's powerful spiritual power, there is a hint of nine-color light revealing in the faint.

Those who don't know, thought it was a fairy sword.

It looks like a tiger.

"Fairy sword?"

Death was shocked.

It was a very powerful force, and immediately withdrew three points.

His own death scythe, that is a real magic soldier, top magic soldier.But, take your own sickle and fight against the fairy sword?

Reaper confessed that he definitely did not have such a land tiger.

That is not a level.


Receiving some power does not change the result of the two tigers fighting.

However, compared with the two, there is already a sufficient gap between them. The death scythe has recovered some strength. Where is Wang Yang's Ziwei Excalibur?

The direct result of the fierce collision was that the scythe of death was cut off.

Had it not been for some strength and enough preparations, I was afraid that the sword would be hit hard by Death.

But then again, all of Bleach’s fighting power, all on top of a sickle.

Now, the sickle of death is cut off, and his strength is extremely affected.

"Scythe of death is broken!"

Sure enough, the scythe of the god of death was cut off, and all the strongmen who had been extremely afraid of the god of death were all bright.

For the demons, they have no emotion.

They are brutal and unkind.

Competition is the most eternal topic among them.

Normally, they were suppressed by a sickle of the god of death, and there was already a fire in their hearts. Now that the sickle is broken, they will naturally have some ideas in their hearts.

Unfortunately, at this time, Wang Yang will not care what they think, his purpose is very clear, since you dare to jump out, then I will beat you down.

Ancestral Xuanming is half disabled.Death's sickle is broken.

Ancestor Huang Quan and Venerable Hell haven't shot yet.


The Demon Race is the Devil Race. Between them, they only pay attention to interests, and there is no heart of honor or disgrace.

The siege is so logical.

Huang Quan's ancestors waved a flag of Huang Quan and manipulated a large river of Huang Quan that could not be seen at a glance.

Even Wang Yang, in the face of such a world wonder, he can only dodge.

Huang Quan is the most filthy thing derived from a corpse after a person dies. Any creature, once contaminated, is bound to be tainted.

At the slightest level, the physical body is destroyed, and others are damaged.

Hell Sovereign is not a guy who eats dry food. Once the hell demon robe is displayed, it is vast, and it is impossible to know how many skeletons have been killed.

With a sword cut, thousands of skeletons were cut off.

However, the strength of the skeleton army is too much, even if it has the sharpest sword, it is impossible to destroy it all.

The most excessive, but these skeleton army, they actually have endless vitality, saw the skeleton cut off by Wang Yang, and re-condensed, on the battlefield, collecting bones to recover.

"All bone essence."

Sun Dasheng was furious.

At the beginning, he was punished by Master for three dozen bones.

Right now, these damn white bone spirits, dare to pretend in front of themselves?

At the moment, no matter what, he was killed towards those bones.

A golden rod, in his hands, really played tricks, even if it was just a person, it seemed to have a huge army.

The fighting was fierce.

Sun Dasheng really competed with the endless army of skeletons.

Even, pulling out the monkey hair on his body and blowing his mouth, the dense army of monkeys.

Monkey hair avatar?

Wang Yang laughed, and showed great enthusiasm, and greeted the demon giants from all walks of life.

At this moment, Wang Yang is truly invincible.

The same cosmic giant, Wang Yang, with one enemy and three and a half, took the absolute upper hand.

Even though he is a Venerable Hell, the Skeleton Army is entangled by Sun Dasheng, but he himself is not completely without strength.

On the contrary, he himself is a white bone essence, and he is also a very powerful white bone essence. Even the white bone on his body has been tempered by him to a very high level, even the Ziwei Excalibur is difficult to cut Break.


With all his strength and strength, he didn't cut off this boneless spirit.

You know, the sickle of death, but it can't resist.

What kind of bone is this?


The bones are chopped constantly, so what about the connection between the bones?

Perhaps, the fire of your beating soul?

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