My Super Estate

279 Battle on the Void

Chapter 268 Battle in the Void


The Buddha came in bursts, as if the Buddha was born.

"The devil, don't lie, when should I stay?"

The majestic Buddha language came from midair.

In the void, I saw a huge golden Buddha statue, with a breath of majesty, and took a palm towards the blue ice surface.


Wang Yang had just returned to his normal complexion and changed again.

But, faintly, Wang Yang took another chance.

Even if the rocket did not explode, it shouldn't be a big problem.

However, the idea of ​​Wang Yang has just risen, and in the air, the sound of "click" has come.

"This, how could this be?"

Wang Yang's face changed wildly.

The ice that could not even be exploded by the rocket was even smashed into crushed ice by the big Buddha.

Is this the supernatural superpower?

Wang Yang knew for the first time that it turned out that the martial arts practiced to a high depth was so terrifying.

"Quickly save someone."

It happened too suddenly.

Just before the helicopter left, it was hit by hail.


The hail contained the horror power of the Big Buddha. The helicopter was very unlucky, and was hit by a basketball-sized ice cube, and exploded directly at high altitude.

"Isn't it saying that this is a spatiotemporal projection, how can it affect the real world of the earth?"

The power of hail is just obvious to everyone. A basketball-sized ice block is enough to make a helicopter explode. In case it is larger, I am afraid that even a house can't bear it. Don't fall together.

"Let's hurry up, just now, we also saw that someone jumped down on the helicopter, so high, and when the hail landed, it was very likely to be dangerous."


Wang Yang knew that the military personnel came for their own water village, and they must ensure their safety.

Besides, the people in Shui Village have already made arrangements after this time. Even if some houses collapse, they will be responsible for the construction.

When running around, Wang Yang did not forget to raise his head to look at the sky.

I saw the ice that had just shattered into one place and formed again.

"Damn, what the hell is this? Why did it break and become?"

This time, Wang Yang seemed to be unable to walk.

High altitude is also terrifying.

"This seems to be a means of ice magic.

Legend has it that the magic power of the ice demon is absolutely frozen.

Once unfolded, it can be frozen through the red world."

After being empty, being the most outstanding disciple of Shaolin, his knowledge was truly extraordinary. Facing Wang Yang's doubts, he made a brief analysis and got his head clear.

"What? Through time and space?

Do you mean that this is from the depths of time and space, feeling the cold passing through, freezing the water vapor at high altitude?"

"It is very likely that this is the case, otherwise it is difficult to explain."


Wang Yang has always thought that the earth is special and unique, restricting the existence of Hunyuan Venerable above can ensure that it is not traumatized.

Now it seems that all of this is fucking my own. I think too much about it. For real masters of supernatural powers, they can attack the earth through time and space.

The water village is not very big, Wang Yang quickly found the military personnel who jumped the plane.

He was very bad. He was hit by hail when parachuting, and he was seriously injured even with his umbrella.

The only road in the water village, two rows of tall houses side by side, the water village at this time, there was a silence, everyone fled their homes, they don’t know, when the ice in the sky will fall down, they don’t know, Whether his own house can bear it, no one dares to live in his own house,

He was also lucky. When Wang Yang arrived, he had been suspended by a parachute, and the broken parachute was hanging in the corner of the house, so that this friend from the air was spared.

"Friend, you are good."

When he came to the road, he raised his head and looked at the friend from the air.

"You haven't escaped yet?"

This friend from the air has very good qualities in his heart, so thrilling, he still can't change his face.

"No way, my home is here, my relatives are here, where can I escape?"

Wang Yang turned his head and said, "Swordsman, how about saving you this matter?"

To save people, none of the five of them is bad, but it is more convenient to have swords in the hands of swordsmen.

Bai Yu has no bad words, Qinggong is very good, silent, but Bai Ying flashes, Jian Xing flashes, people have been rescued.

"Are you Major General Wang Yang?"

Friends from the air, after being rescued, looked up and down at Wang Yang for a while.

"you know me?"

Last time, Wang Yang traveled to the Northwest, and was awarded the rank of major general by the instructor.

"Once seen on TV."

"What's your name?"

"Report, my name is Liu Jun."


Several people were still talking, a table-size table, and a foot-thick ice cube directly smashed down like a mountain axe, splitting the house in half.

"Come on, it's not safe here. Let's escape from here."

The ice in the air is still condensing, and no one knows when the ice disaster will end.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, a basketball-sized ice cube was hit by the sky, facing Wang Yang's head, Liu Jun was shocked, almost conditioned reflex, rushed towards Wang Yang.

Who is Wang Yang?

That's someone who dares to learn from even the grandmaster. How can such a catastrophe be taken into consideration?

Liu Jun wanted to knock down Wang Yang, but Wang Yang was spinning, and he punched him in the face of the ice.


Compared with Wang Yang's iron fist, the ice that can split the corner of the house is as fragile as glass.


Wang Yang's toughness surprised Liu Jun.

For a long time, he only thought that Wang Yang was just a good luck boy, and obtained a secret method to study a kind of magical pine tree with huge growth ability.

For the present earth, martial arts has just revived. Although it is magical, it definitely does not occupy the mainstream.

Long years of atheism dominate, and it is not easy to change this kind of thinking in the short term.

The general public, the worship of gods in their hearts, so that their ability to accept miracles is much higher than those of the upper class.

Liu Jun belongs to the military. Similarly, he is also a member of the upper class. He is not in a special force. Martial arts have no chance with him. Higher education makes him firmly believe that the world is godless, and also makes him firmly believe that technology is above everything else.

That is why he always felt that Wan Niansong, this is all that kind of high-tech products, and what kind of secrets and miracles are just a joke.

But what did he see just now?

The ice that could split the house in half was actually smashed by the major general.

In fact, he also heard and saw the battle at high altitude, but he was always deceiving himself in his heart, always thinking that this is a high-tech product.

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