My Super Estate

Question 2800

Chapter 2662: Nine Color Soul

The ancestor of Huang Quan is worthy of being the ancestor of Huang Quan, and he is incredibly reckless.

A vast and magnificent, no margin can be seen at all. It is like a vast ocean. Only by looking at the flow of the Yellow Spring can we be sure that this is a big river of Yellow Spring. Towards the death, it is a direct impact.

A fierce shock.

Even if it was a god of death, he could not bear the impact of Huangquan Dahe.

First of all, this is a big river that can't see any margins at all. This big river, carrying an irresistible force, flows toward the front always and firmly.

Under the impact of such power, even the cosmic overlord must be beaten to pieces.

In fact, the former Xuanming ancestor was only hit by such an impact, and the space of Xuanming Avenue would be broken.

Reaper can not die, this is because his strength is strong enough.

Even so, he was also the first to hit hard.

"Xuan Ming Ancestor, you are a bastard!!"

Grim Reaper is a little angry and corrupt.

If it were not for the enemy, he would have to discuss it with the bastard.

Damn, this kind of heavy damage, originally lost its strength because of the death scythe, is now down by 30%.


At this time, it was not the theoretical time either, whether it was Venerable Hell, or other demons, all one by one, all came to Wang Yang.

This is a big devil under the ancestor of Huang Quan. I saw that his whole body was covered with strips of white cloth. Looking at it, it looked like a mummy. However, this big devil has a very big body. The ground is hard, especially, the white noodles on them are like the strongest magic soldier.

I saw them in a group of four, towards Wang Yang, they were gathered around.

The four of them were all punching towards Wang Yang, but they were shocked by the void.

Just for the first time, Wang Yang was repelled for more than three hundred miles.

"Great power!"

You should know that your own creation and physique is truly a supreme physique. Not only is it extremely powerful, but more importantly, it can also absorb the power of the other party to achieve the effect of tempering itself.

This is to transform all the characteristics of that golden bell refining body.

Therefore, no matter who it is, even if it is more powerful than itself, it is difficult to achieve it if you want to repel yourself.

"Well, since that's the case, today, I will have a good time with you."

Wang Yang was somewhat pleased with the hunt.

Such opponents are difficult to see easily.

Perhaps, after a bit of confrontation, one's own creation of the god body will directly raise a big level.


Who is so cheap?

Wang Yang is very dissatisfied, he finally met a suitable opponent, you come to find something?

Didn't you make me happy?

Wang Yang decided that he could not let them wish.


Without turning his head, Wang Yang shouted towards himself.

I saw that behind Wang Yang, there were three demons, and various great magical powers broke out, attacking Wang Yang.

This is from the death of the gods, all one by one, are all dead, and there is no anger at all.

If they could still act, no one would think that they were still alive.

However, it was such a group of death monsters that was stunned by Wang Yang, and it was immediately shocked.

I can't believe it.

"Hey, what magical power is this?"

Intelligence, the Sifang Kingdom Lord does not have this magical power!

Their strength is as high as they are. General supernatural powers, but they don’t do anything. They must have supernatural powers. Otherwise, it’s just the suppression of the main road. No matter how great the power is, there is no fart.

However, in intelligence, does the Quartet have such a supernatural power?


The three of his subordinates were screamed, and they immediately gave up drinking.

Is this enough?

At the moment, even the unlucky things of Huang Quan's ancestors can't be taken care of, and what must be done to suppress the Quartet.


The three death guards who had just retreated quickly killed Wang Yang.

At the same time, there are other five or six devil heads.

On the front side, Wang Yang still bears with the three big mummies, and in the back, there is a powerful chaser.

It must be said that to reach such a level, there is no blessing from the battle front, no matter how many people, it is useless.

However, this can't hold your heart!

You can't beat it, don't run away, you are the iron body, and can withstand a few hammers?

It's just that this Sifang Kingdom Lord seems to have entered his head with water. There are three big mummies in front of him, and five or six big demon heads are killing him in the back. It is a burst of real hammer.

"court death!"

The mummy is not afraid of it, it is physical attack, you fight with their flesh to flesh like this, but it is just smashing eggs and stones.

You are not looking for death, what is it?


Suddenly shouted, like thunder billowing.

A god of death, he quickly withdrew his attention and looked towards the battlefield.


Death was startled.

I saw, I don't know why, that the five or six devil heads would be so obedient that they didn't even touch the side of the lord of the Quartet, they simply retreated to Lianlian.

"What are you doing?"

Damn king bastard, now the main culprit of the Sifang Kingdom is stupid.

"grown ups!"

The five or six demon heads were frightened and trembling.

"Say, what are you doing?"

"It's really not that we want to back off!

It's just that following his loud drink, we seem to have a force that directly suppresses our spiritual world and controls our body."

"Yeah, his loud shout contained an extremely powerful spiritual force, which not only blocked our spiritual world, but also controlled our body.

There is a puppet feeling."

"That's it!"


The gods of death are all ignorant.

When will the Quartet Lord have such power?

This is the means of puppet ancestors!

However, with the death of the puppet ancestors, the power of the puppet avenue in the universe is much worse than before, only relying on some cosmic sovereigns, at most only two or three cosmic overlords.

Could it be that he, the founder of the Quartet, wouldn’t go the Taohua Avenue, and instead took the puppet road?

"No, this is spiritual power.

His lord Quartet, has such a powerful spiritual power?"

Reaper was shocked.

What a powerful spiritual power this is, just a loud shout, directly controlling the five or six devil heads.

If this is to play against him, he suddenly comes this way, who can bear it?

The more I think about it, the more difficult it is to accept in the heart of death.

He felt that this time, he was afraid that he would grow wings and fly.

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