My Super Estate

The 2804th chapter fairy sword? ? ?

Chapter two thousand and thirty-two chapter fairy sword???

The victorious lady beckoned towards herself charmingly.

Why did you grab such a black man halfway?

"Nine Nether Magic Fairy?"

Wang Yang gritted his teeth.

However, he had no choice.

The other party is a truly supreme being, an immortal being.

And yourself?

Okay, well said, that is a cosmic giant.It's hard to say that it's a small role.

Well, the cosmic giant is also a character, don't doubt it.

"Huh, little fellow, why are you again?"

"Master Magic Fairy!"

That surprise in Bleach!

I can be regarded as a transshipment, and when I see it, I will be cut across by others, and I have encountered such a great existence.


This seat is really a lucky existence. In such a mortal time, should there be such a treatment?

This is a thick thigh, which must be held. It is really impossible. Find a hanging buckle and piggyback yourself!

"Master Moxian, please make the decision for me."


You said that we are the giants of the universe and the existence of the famous name?

Don't be funny, no matter how big the name is, can someone be a demon?


Giants are also the role of others across the board.

Today, no one should stop me, I want to hold my thighs.


Nine Nether Moxie stared at Death with surprise, and said, "You are this era, the leader of the Demon Race?"

The tone of Jiu You Mo Xian is a bit cold!

Suddenly, the mind of Death was awakened.

Devil races are inherently ruthless and selfish.

Moxian can save oneself, is already a great graciousness, he also asked others to take action against the Sifang Kingdom Master?

Where did such a big face come from?

You said, where did you come from that big face?

Hey, just now, if you heard it right, the Sifang Kingdom Master seemed to be saying hello to the demon.

He, they know??

"Boy, what about your master?"

"Haha, of course Master is on the side!

However, Lord Moxian, is this passing by?"

Wang Yang pretended to be calm, but in fact, already panicked.

This is a magic fairy, which can completely crush his existence.

Damn, how did he come in?

"Passing, of course.

Or would you please come over and sit down?"

I believe in your evil.

Wang Yang scolded in his heart.

Before, this Nine Nether Magic Fairy was blocked by Chaoyang Emperor Ziyang.

Now, I don’t know how it will appear here. How dare I invite the emperor to come and sit down with him?

Are you itchy, or are your bones too hard?

"Thank you, but it is not up to my junior to decide what Master will do."

If you can call the master, you will be caught directly.Now, where else do you pretend to be a big tail wolf here?

Wang Yang was very sober. At this time, he could only draw one or two backers for himself, otherwise he would not be able to bluff him.

Even, is the scene in front of you really in reality?

Whether it is life or death, it all depends on his thoughts.

The idea is smooth, then, naturally is the strong.

It is a pity that he is so smart, and others are not fools.

"Boy, since your master won't come out, then come over to this seat!"

The experience of being stuck in chaos by the emperor Ziyang impressed him.If the emperor Ziyang is here, of course he will not say much, but, if he is not, then, the new hatred and the old hate, it will be counted.

With that, I saw Wang Youquan, which appeared naturally.In this Wang Youquan, there is a world full of demons and ghosts, they are struggling inside, inside, roaring.

Very directly, Wang Yang felt his own soul, and felt a great traction.

Under such a great suction force, the soul flew towards that Wang Youquan.


Wang Yang was shocked.

He didn't expect that this damn thing would be shot halfway.


What else can you think about at this time?The most important thing is to fix your soul for the first time.

"Hey, boy, your spiritual world has been broken by this seat, can you still hold the soul?"

The soul is living in the spiritual world, being nourished by the power of the soul. The more powerful the soul is, the stronger it is, and the stronger the soul is.

Therefore, when the spiritual world is closed and the souls become vegetative.

No matter what you do to him in the outside world, there is no feeling at all.

If it was before, maybe, it really can be fixed.However, now Wang Yang, the spiritual world has been broken, and then it is a bit difficult to stop.


Such a scene is really good news!

Grim Reaper already had a very serious injury, but now this scene, but let him have fun.

"Sovereign Lord, do you have today?"

Originally, watching the lords of the Quartet and Lord Moxian talking and laughing, the heart of death has sunk to the bottom of the sea.

Originally, he thought that this lord of the Quartet was really so magical that even Moxian would sell his face.Even, he still had to climb with him.

Now it seems that I really think about it.

The magic fairy is the magic fairy, how could it be possible to make a small human race because of others?

Wang Yang couldn't fix his soul at all. Soon, the soul was separated from the flesh.

If there is no external force to intervene, Wang Yang’s soul will be swallowed up by the world of Wang Jiu You.

It's a world where people eat people and naked people eat people.

Because, in that world, you can only grow if you eat people.

Even, survive.

It must be said that Wang Yang’s spirit is not too weak. After entering, he is also the strong among the strong.

However, this also counts with whom!

In the world of Nine Nether Magic Fairy, do you want to be strong and strong?

Where do you think about it?

Of course, Wang Yang knows that it is impossible for him to have such an opportunity.

"Senior saved me!!"

Seeing that his own soul was about to get out of control, Wang Yang was frightened.

Can't take care of anything, and shouted loudly.

At this time, we must ask for help!

"Hey, you shout, you just broke your throat, and no one will come to save you!"

What a joke, anyway, he is also a magic fairy, who dares to save?

However, the Nine Nether Moxian was too confident. His words had just been exported. Suddenly, in the void, there was a great wave of fluctuation, which came directly from the fierceness.



I saw that in the void, an extremely terrible fairy sword, from afar, cut towards this side.

Horrible sword power, earth-shattering.

With a sword cut, it seems that a world is crushed.

"Fairy sword??"

The breath of this sword is too familiar to everyone.

Isn't this the shadow sword?

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