My Super Estate

Question 2809

Chapter two thousand six hundred and thirty-seven


In his heyday, Laozi couldn't beat you?

Where does your logic come from?

Today, I still don't believe it.

Facing the face-to-face death scythe, Wang Yang punched all the punches toward the blade of the death scythe.


The powerful energy has had the most intense collision.

However, the collision of power between the avenues is not the main one. Who has a higher moral behavior, who has a more profound morality, and whose spiritual power is stronger, who will be more powerful.

Obviously, the scythe of death, as a treasure derived from the death avenue, is naturally carrying the power of the death avenue.

I can only feel the terrible death, coming towards me.

What is even more terrifying is that Wang Yang clearly feels that the endless lifelessness is spreading around him, a huge world, naturally, is born.

"Dead world?"

Wang Yang was shocked.

The experience of the Cangyuan Thousand Worlds is vivid, and Wang Yang's impression of this kind of special world is really too deep.

He had absolutely no idea that this sickle of death was so horrible that if he cut it off, he would directly derive a world of death from death.

In the world of death, there will surely be a road of death, who can stop it then?

"No, you can't make him successful!"

Why is it so special in the world of Cangyuan?

Isn't it because the level of Cangyuan Daqian World is too high, a high-level world, no matter how high the level is, where can it be?

It's just that there is a special avenue rule in the world.

Under the suppression of this special avenue rule, any creature, whether you are the cosmic sovereign, cosmic hegemon, or even a cosmic giant, must also act within the rules.

Said to suppress your strength, then, it is to suppress your strength, there is no room for negotiation.

The world of death, in any case, will not make him successful!

Too late, then fast.

In a very short period of time, Wang Yang clearly felt that one space naturally became independent.

Regardless of whether this world is nothingness, or a sky-round place, or what galaxy time and space, their foundation will be based on time and space.

It's just that time and space are too high, but the foundation of all affairs.It is really visible and untouchable.

Therefore, many people can only create their own space avenue.

Therefore, many people can break the space.

However, it is easy to break the space, but it is extremely difficult to accept the space avenue.

Space, heavy and heavy, no one knows where the limit is.

Of course, Wang Yang knows that the space in front of him is definitely not a blessing of the Avenue of Space, but as long as there is a blessing of the Avenue of Death, it is also extremely terrifying.

"Since that's how it is!"

Wang Yang knows that the Avenue of Death is really too advanced, and Wang Yang can compete with it. Perhaps, only the ancestral yang spread all over the sky.

Immediately, in the spiritual world, mobilize all spiritual powers.

Think of Zuyang with your heart to gain Zuyang's power blessings.

Suddenly, I saw Wang Yang suddenly burst into extremely terrible power.

This power is faintly revealing a sense of supremacy.Even the hot energy feels that there is a power that can incinerate everything and purify everything.

The five-finger clenched fist, that supreme power, naturally converged between the five fingers, facing the world of death that was about to spawn, and with all its strength, it was a punch that smashed hard.

With a slash, death's eyes are full of self-confidence.

Only he is most aware that the death scythe is definitely not famous because of the death. On the contrary, the big name of the death is famous because of the sickle.

The power of the death scythe, even if it is himself, should be shocked.

As long as Wang Yang is trapped in the world of death, then he will die.

In the world of death, only the dead can survive.

The living will die.

"You two, haven't shot yet?"

This is called being blown by snakes for ten years, fearing well rope.

The power of the scythe of death is very clear to him.

However, this quartet of sovereigns is really too weird. No matter how important it is, it is not too much.

"it is good"

I saw that between the death scythe and Wang Yang, they faced each other with all their strength.

In Wang Yang's perception, there is already a world of death around him. However, in reality, the feeling for everyone is just the confrontation between Wang Yang and the Sickle of Death.

The mystery of them, only these guys can really know.

There is no strong mind perception, even if there are endless changes in the surroundings, the world is falling apart.You will not have any perception.

In your feelings, your surroundings are just ordinary.

If the state is not reached, even when death comes, you will not have any feelings. Even, you will laugh at others loudly, but you do not know that you are already dead.

However, this situation is very obvious, and will not appear on both Hell Venerable and Huangquan Patriarch.

"What do you want us to do?"

"He has an extremely terrifying power exploding on him, and I need your power to bless it!"

Any rule of the avenue requires blessing of strength in order to be more amazing.

The death avenue is strong enough. Throughout the ages, throughout life, there is life and death.

However, the power of the god of death is not enough to bring too much power to the road of death.

"it is good!"

This matter is easy to handle.


Just now everyone is still beating to death?

Just kidding, who are we?

We are demons, and between demons, when did we get along in harmony?

As demons, it is normal to kill each other and fight each other.

However, killing each other, fighting with each other, can't we let go of the enemy together?

Who made this rule?

At least, this rule, if anyone gives it out, his hellbearer will absolutely not agree.

That's it, the three giants of the Mozu, who had just been the enemy of life and death, were united again and made troubles toward Wang Yang.

The most direct reaction was that Wang Yang clearly felt that the mighty road of death was more powerful.

"damn it!"

Now, it is a contest between oneself and the god of death. It is also a contest between Zuyang and Dadao.

Originally, he was close to the final victory.

However, now it seems that I was wrong.

I think these demons are too simple!

"No matter, this drop of nine-color fairy blood must be available."

Taking one-on-three is very difficult.

Now, it is no longer the world of a thousand and a thousand people, and everyone's strength and morality have not been suppressed.

Wang Yang wanted to be one to one hundred as before, but it was very difficult.

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