My Super Estate

Chapter 282 Anger

Chapter 290 Rage

"Damn fellow, they are looking for death!"

Just walked into the airport and looked at the pregnant woman's pus, Wang Yang couldn't believe it. All of this is true.

In a modern society, such a scene of extinction will happen.

"Is there a way?"

Bai Yu also stepped forward and asked.

Such a scene of extinct humanity, Bai Yu was also angry in his heart.

Wang Yang did not answer, looked at the middle-aged elder sister, and asked, "Sister, don't you hurt?"

The whole body was covered with pustules. However, although the pregnant woman's face was full of panic, she did not yell. On the contrary, she did not seem to suffer any pain.

"No pain."

The elder sister looked at the pustule on her body, her face was frightened, but in the face of Wang Yang's questioning, she was calm enough.

Wang Yang and Bai Yu looked at each other.

This big sister is very vigorous, and if it is not a body pustule, no one will think that she is a sickness.

It's not painful, it's just pustules all over the body, it is still alive.

What a weird plague.

"What do you feel?"

Bai Yu asked.

"Don't you feel that this big sister's vitality is getting stronger and stronger?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, she was hit by the plague and her vitality could not be more and more vigorous.

But, her vitality is getting stronger and stronger..."

The two set their eyes on the big sister's belly.

The doctor came quickly, and the eldest sister was also taken away.

However, Wang Yang's complexion is iron-green.

"Someone is gathering vitality."

Wang Yang affirmed.

"what should we do?"

"I want to make a phone call to the instructor and I need to confirm again."

With that said, Wang Yang took out his phone and directly called a chief instructor.

"Chief instructor, it's me. I need you to help me confirm the symptoms of this plague before each patient died."

"What? Vitality..."

"Before death, who was in contact, or was there anybody who dealt with the dead?"

"okay, I get it."

Hanging up the phone, Wang Yang looked at the direction the doctor had just left.

Shashi, a public security bureau.

Wang Yang led Bai Yu directly into the building and stepped into the main building.

"Two, who are you looking for?

Upstairs, the two cannot enter casually, please forgive me."

"I'm looking for your director, I need to see him immediately."

Wang Yang is no nonsense. Looking at the young police officer in front of him, he directly looks for the chief.

Originally, for this matter, it is best to go directly to Director He Xiangmin, but at present, Director He Xiangmin is already promoted. Plus, it is a little far from the airport.

"Who are you, what's the matter with the director?"

The two young men even went directly to the director, but the police officer did not dare to carelessly.

"Lead the way!"

Wang Yang took a red book out of his arms.

"Major General!"

The young police officer's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that everything in front of him would be true.

"Lead the way, you have to be held responsible for delaying major events."

"Yes, take you right away!"

The young police officer did not dare to neglect, and immediately led the two of them to the upstairs.

Gao Shenghan has been dreaming in recent months.

Originally just an ordinary police captain, who knew that in just a few months, he had become the director of a branch.

However, he still missed the days when he took his brothers and rushed to the front.

But, looking at his left foot, he can only helpless.

"Dangdang Dang..."

The knock on the door rang.

"Come in."

Converging emotions, Gao Shenghan stood up straight.

"Secretary, this chief looks for you!!"


Gao Shenghan was stunned.

The so-called chief is generally called by the military. How can military personnel find themselves?

However, when he looked up and saw the person coming in, the whole person was shocked.

"Mr. Wang!!"

Gao Shenghan quickly stood up.

"Tall Brigade?"

Wang Yang did not expect that this director would actually be the captain of the special operations team.

At the beginning, Liuhemen came to find his trouble, or he took the team into the water village and fought side by side with himself.

"Tall brigade, isn't the captain of the action team?"

The captain of the special operations team is not lower than this branch. In some respects, the director is even worse than the captain of that team.

"In one battle, I hurt my foot and can no longer stay in the action team."

Obviously, Wang Yang was puzzled, Gao Shenghan pretended to be easy, and said.

"sorry, I do not know."

"It doesn't matter, Xiao Liu said before, you have something to do with me?"

"Yes, there is something.

This little police officer Liu, right, thank you for leading the way. I'm a good comrade with your director. Let's talk casually, so go for it!"

Wang Yang looked at the leader and smiled.

Gao Shenghan is also a discerning person. It can be seen that Wang Yang wants to talk with himself alone, and cannot be seen.

"Xiao Liu, go out and remember to take the door and bring it."


Xiao Liu turned around and left. When he went out, he did not forget to bring the door.

"Secretary Gao, I think you already know about the plague in Shudi.

I'm in a hurry now, there is one thing that I have to tell you to do."

"Please speak."

Although it is not yet known what position Wang Yang is, for Gao Shenghan, the battle is above everything else.

"Just now on the airport, there was a plague patient who had been taken to the hospital. You are now with two smart people. Pay close attention to this event. The best thing is to stare at the patient, including all her treatments. "

"You mean, someone wants to move this patient?"

Gao Shenghan Tie looked at his face, and the blood of the blood in the battlefield suddenly radiated out.

"Yes, the plague patient just now, we have been the observer.

The whole body is full of vitality, it is not like a plague patient at all.

I suspect that this is some ox, ghost, and snake god collecting vitality."


Gao Shenghan was shocked.

Collect vitality?

What is vitality is the expression of vitality.

It should also be said that the plague in Shu land was artificially created.

Damn, these animals.

Gao Shenghan was furious.

"You can rest assured that this thing, I must stare in person, I want to see, who the hell is this."

As a soldier before the first battle, defending the home and defending the country is his creed, and defending the people is his mission. This mission has been carved into his bones.

"Okay, all this is up to you."

"Can he believe it?"

From the Public Security Bureau, Wang Yang and Bai Yu rushed to the airport again.

"He is a soldier, a real soldier.

The people, the country, have carved his bones."

Hearing the words, Bai Yu respected.

A true soldier can engrave the country and the people into the bones and into the soul. In their hearts, they are above all else.

Such a person is a charm.

A unique charm.

"Gao Shenghan, I will give you this matter, I hope you can bring me the gospel."

Sitting on the plane and watching the plane flying higher and higher, Wang Yang said silently.

"Budo, longevity, and order are always contradictory.

I hope that this contradiction will not affect the peace of the earth."

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