My Super Estate

2829 One Rejection Suppresses Everything

Chapter 2657 One Projection Suppresses Everything

The entire Quartet Star Zone is like a huge city in the universe.

Even in this huge city, naturally, four huge walls were revealed. Above the walls, the "four directions" appeared, showing a huge text.

Those are two very strange words.

Even these two characters have never been seen in the universe in any era.However, these two words, no matter who you are, as long as you see it, naturally, you can recognize it.

This is the Avenue of Gods.

This is Wang Yang's self-created essay.

If you want to preach in the universe of heaven and earth, creating your own essays is a necessary process.

Words are the only way to spread.

Even the changes in the entire Quartet Star Zone have recently appeared.

In fact, in the universe, many star regions reveal various forms.

For example, there are angels, archers, and gold bottles.

The sky is so far apart, if you look at it from afar, it will naturally be regarded as a huge constellation.

This is also a means of preaching.

In the universe, it is definitely not equal, nor is it the same dimension.

On the contrary, in the universe, the dimensions of space and time are also different.

There are many cosmic star regions, but there are more cosmic kingdoms.

However, the most real ones are those large worlds at the bottom of the universe, and mortal planets.

In the universe, natural evolution, perennial battles, and collisions of various avenues have brought a lot of excitement and more passion to the universe.

However, there is also an infinite number of cosmic dust.

These cosmic dusts are either drifting or sedimenting, or subject to certain things, and naturally gather.

Naturally, it is the formation of huge planets.

The vast majority of these planets are ordinary mineral planets and do not have any characteristics. They belong to the real garbage planet. Both the quality and the environment are extremely poor, and even the life span will be very short.

This is also the most primitive planet.

These garbage planets have been transformed again and again. Under the circumstances of chance, they naturally absorbed the debris of a certain law in the universe. Suddenly, it seems that they have been given a guide. Naturally, they have been given. Some kind of character.

As a result, some rubbish planets have rare metals such as gold, silver, and iron.

Among the debris of the law, the rhythm contained in the Dao is more intense, and the gestation time is longer. These mineral metals will become some god gold.

Phoenix blood red gold fairy tears green gold dragon marks black gold road robbery gold feathers green gold eternal blue gold god marks purple gold...

It is in such a situation that a lot of planets in the starry sky of the universe, a whole planet, gave birth to a kind of god gold.

And some planets are more creative, and there is a trace of vitality in the mineral planet. Then, after a very long time, in the planet, souls can be born.

When the creature raises its head, it can look into the universe and see the endless mystery in the universe.

Or the fairy constellation, or the sagittarius, or the taurus...

However, just a short time ago, in the cosmic sky, there was another inexplicable constellation-the Quartet.

"Sure enough, there are endless mysteries in the universe."

Just after changing the entire Sifang Star District, Wang Yang clearly felt that his own way of doing things had improved very quickly.

This is because, in the universe, the flow rate of time at different levels is completely different.

The super is in the upper layer, the slower the time flow rate.

On those ordinary stars, tens of thousands of years have passed. The Quartet Star Zone is very likely, but it does not arrive in a day.

"I wish they could improve so fast!"

Wang Yang already understood a little bit, why, obviously everyone is only a few million years old, but some cosmic giants are so terrible.

How slow the ascension of the cosmic overlord is, Wang Yang is too clear.

In ten thousand years, perhaps there will not be a little improvement.

However, there are still so many giants in the universe.

It now appears that it turns out that the mystery is here.


Mo Jun, are they in danger?"

Transform the star zone, create the God of Creation, and let your four-square star zone reflect the void of the universe.

After returning, Wang Yang never stopped.

Now, finally, there are sufficient results.

Your own Dahua Avenue is fully integrated into the Sifang Star Zone. As long as there are creatures looking up at the starry sky, you can see that Sifang City constellation in the void, and naturally, you can feel some of the information in it.

Although, it is just a mere imagination, and there is no cultivation path at all. However, as long as it preaches its way, it will naturally help Wang Yang improve his own way.

This is the most excellent method of preaching in the universe.

Originally, this was a happy time, but when he felt that the Shenshui Tenth Elementary School, even the expeditionary forces such as Mo Jun, were in great danger, there was no joy.

"Huh, since you have chosen silence, then you can continue to silence, what else do you jump out of?"

With a snort, across a very distant void, it was a hand, photographed fiercely.

"Human race, you dare to go deep into the Mozu hinterland to find death!"

Sure enough, it is the most overlord in the universe, just a shot, the ten great array that once displayed absolute superb power in the Xuan Ping star area, it directly collapsed.

The entire ten-strike team, I don’t know how many strong players, at this moment, it is directly playing the physical collapse, and even the soul is in jeopardy.


Ten Jue Team, this is ten small efforts, even for those comrades who have penetrated into the Thunder Realm, they know that they are extremely dangerous, and they still chose to stay.

Unwilling to give up any one.

Now, it was just a blow, and the entire ten-strike team was wiped out.

Xiao Yun was immediately furious, but he was desperate to despair with it.

It is a pity that he was caught by Guan Yue and would never dare to let him act recklessly.

"Qua, want to work hard for these ants?

This seat will fulfill you!"

Although Guan Yue is holding on, how can Xiao Yun's behavior not be noticed?

This boneless monster obviously didn't intend to let him go.

In other words, he had no intention of letting them go.

"Humph, ants?

You go to pay for these ants!"

I don't know where it came from. Suddenly there was a thunderous voice. Then, I could see that a huge palm was photographed fiercely across the distant time and space.


The great dignity, mighty, and rushed to the soul.

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