My Super Estate

The 2838th chapter 90% shadow

Chapter two thousand six hundred and sixty-six ninety percent shadow

A thirteen consecutive beatings directly killed three demon overlords.

Wang Yang's called a person who walked to create a breeze.

Even if he knew it, it would be impossible for him to kill his demon overlords, and Wang Yang was very happy.

This is not only to advertise one's own strength, but also to quickly collect the source of the avenue.

As long as one hundred and eight avenues are available, the sword master may be his second cosmic giant in the Quartet Star District.

For the Sifangxing District, this matter is of great importance.

"Go! Never let him escape!"

Another three demon overlords were killed.

The gods of death and Huangquan ancestors did not feel anything.

Instructed the seventy-three demon overlords to quickly chase forward.

Even if they are slower, they will go straight to drive them away.

"see it?

Ziwei Excalibur, what a sharp weapon?

A sword can't kill people."

The three demon overlords were killed, and there was no feeling of death. On the contrary, what he valued more was the process of the battle just now.

With the strength of the Sifang Kingdom Lord and the blade of Ziwei Excalibur, one sword could not kill anyone.

Could it be that the demon overlord, his strength, will be stronger than himself?


With the strength of their own giants, they cannot be easily taken over.

He, a demon overlord, can even take over?

Is this a doubt about the strength of this seat?

Obviously, it is not.

Nor is it the strength of his god of death, it really seeps water, nor is it the strength of the demon overlord, which is really stronger than the god of death.

Strength is stronger than Reaper, then it is not a cosmic overlord, but a cosmic giant.

So, what is the reason that a demon overlord can be killed under the sword of Ziwei?

There is only one possibility.

The strength of the Quartet's sovereign has declined.

The lord of the Quartet is a cosmic giant. His way is even stronger than the average cosmic giant.

The avenue is eternal.

The lord of the Quartet has not fallen, and his road will not be in trouble.

If the avenue does not happen, how can the strength decline?

Obviously, except for the collapse of Dadao, there is only one reason. His spiritual power has already had a great influence.

"Hey, Lord Sifang, you will have today?"

Seeing the Sifang Kingdom Lord still not knowing it, and still proud of the beheading of the three Demon Overlords, the death was a sneer.

These demon overlords are all left over in ancient times.

They dare not enter the real universe, it is difficult to carry the demons' luck.

It can be said that no matter how much they die, they will not let the Devil luck, and a little bit of casualties.

Will not have a slight impact on his death.

More than one, not more, less than one.

However, if it is allowed to exist as garbage and pollute the four-party sovereign, it is really a cost-effective transaction.

If so, he can be beheaded.

It can also give you a huge blessing of luck.

'Perhaps, if I could go further, it would fall on him.'

The more you think, the more proud you are.

The god of death, who was always known for his dead face, smiled.

Moreover, the smile is so proud.


Are you saying that the supreme existence of the human race behind others is backed up?

Boy, did you wake up?

Where is it?

This is the Devil's Devil's Devil's Land, with a great magic fairy road guarded. Unless you enter it in person, who can sense what happened here?

What does God mean without knowing it?

This is it.

"Go, be sure to leave him here!"

The current Sifang Kingdom Lord still has some strength. Before, he was almost not shitted by him. It is not unnecessary. The god of death would never want to be beaten by him again.

However, these demon overlords, he did not care.

All of these are products left over from history, and they will not possess demonic luck.

Whether they are dead or alive, the Demon luck will not change a little.

In that case, what else to say, just fill it with human life.


Want human rights?

Please, everyone is a demon, not a human race.

Is there any human rights thing in Mozu?

If you don’t go, I will kill you, it’s that simple.


Desperate Devil can't kill?

Isn't this a big joke?In the world of demons, you told me that you can't kill?

Is it a world that cannot be killed, or a world of demons?

Desperate Devil Land is guarded by Moxian Avenue, but its target is only human race.




Important things to say three times.

"Aren't we going to do it in person?"

The strength of the Quartet's sovereign has obviously declined, and now is the right time to shoot.

Since that is the case, don't you do it now?

If not, conscious of your own strength, it may be difficult to win alone, and the troll has already shot himself.

"Huh, you have to shoot, you just try it.

However, if it falls, don’t blame this seat for not reminding."


Is this a senior?


Senior, isn't that used to be trampled?

Without strong strength, do you dare to be a senior?

I will challenge you directly and ask if you are afraid?


The strength of the Quartet's sovereign is indeed a little frightening.

Besides, the Terran has always been cunning. Who knows if his power decline is true or false?

In case he is staring at him, I am afraid that he will peel off the skin without dying.

In this case, everyone seems to have no problem.

That's it, Wang Yang has been surrounded by many Demon overlords, and in extremely remote places, the five giants of the Devil are staring far away.

Even if you do not step forward, you will not retreat.

This is how it hangs.

"damn it!"

Feeling the reaction of the demons, how could Wang Yang not scold in his heart?

This world is really desperate for the human race.

Being targeted by the Demon Race, he will always be attacked by the Devil Race.

If you do not fight back, you are just waiting to die.

You fight back, well, the shadow of your spiritual world will naturally expand continuously.

Killing several demons in a row, the shadow in his body has been greatly expanded.

However, in order to attract these demons, he had to slap it.

In this world, if you don't move, people will stare at you.

Do you want to rest?

Don't even think about it.

That's it, what can you do?

The shadow area of ​​the mind is getting bigger and bigger, even if you are not actively controlling it, the power is constantly weakening between shots.

If it goes on like this, when 90% of the spiritual world is covered by shadows, then the whole person is in semi-waste.

"How to do?"

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