My Super Estate

Chapter 285:

Chapter 283 The Manor Strength Improvement Plan

"Boss, you are back."

The magic gun is invincible, lying on the bed, watching Wang Yang appear, he is very excited.

Shenshui Manor, with Wang Yang’s sitting, is truly Shenshui Manor, no one dares to commit.

"You have worked hard."

"Not bitter."

"I heard that you have realized the true meaning of your martial arts?

Here, I have two options that can help you restore your strength."

Hearing the words, the glare flashed in the invincible eye of the sharp gun, saying, "Which two?"

Two choices?

In other words, no matter which one you choose, you can restore your strength!!

Before, understanding the true meaning of the marksmanship made the invincible mind of the sharp gun full of hope for the future.

However, in the end how to recover, still need elixir, or have a strong chance.

"The first one is that I look for the elixir of bone continuation and then nurture success to help you recover.

However, this kind takes time, and it takes a lot of time to be hopeful.

In the second kind, consciousness is reincarnated and lived again."


The sharp gun was invincible.

Reincarnation, only in the legend of the Buddha's power, has there been rumors, could it be that the boss has such magical powers?

"Remember the vision that happened on the fish pond when I came back?"

"I know I know."

Xiao Yun, who had always been beside the invincible sharpshooter, suddenly shouted excitedly.

"Master, Master, do you know?

Yesterday evening, on the fish pond, a golden clock suddenly appeared, then, then..."

In the end it is a child, although clever, for some visions, he cannot say why.

"Golden clock, is this martial vision?"

The invulnerability of the magic gun is extraordinary. As soon as he heard about it, he guessed that one would not leave behind ten.

"Yes, deep in the fish pond, there is a parallel world, which will never be in contact with the earth, only consciously enter.

I was there for one year, but the earth was only one day. I lived there for a total of three years. In one fell swoop, I realized the unique true meaning of martial arts and formed a powerful martial art vision."

"The martial art vision does not require the realm of Hunyuan Venerable to be cultivated?"

As for martial arts vision, the invulnerability of the sharp weapon is not unknown at all.

The Hunyuan Venerable, the Jingqi God and Hunyuan unite to form a unique martial vision.

"This is also a special place in that world. It allows the highest strength, the Grand Master's realm, as long as you break through the Grand Master's realm, you can cultivate your own martial vision.

This is also the reason why I propose to you.

If you want, I can send your consciousness into it and practice again. When you break through the Grand Master's realm and cultivate your own unique martial vision, you will naturally be drawn and returned to the earth.

At that time, all your achievements in the parallel world will be carried by the martial arts vision and return to the earth.

At that time, under the impact of the huge gang gas, the meridians in your body will naturally be nourished and continue to connect."


"Of course, look, what level am I now?"

With that said, Wang Yang released his body.


"Yes, I came back yesterday and I am already a master."

Wang Yang sighed secretly.

If it were not for the Ziyang Divine Skill that he had practiced was very special, he would have to cultivate the corresponding war body to break through. He is now the Grand Master Realm.

Ziyang Warrior, Bronze Warrior...

It's just that he didn't know when this bronze war body would be truly consummated.

"Okay, I choose the second."

Feeling the real strength change of Wang Yang, Dao Qing's invincible eyes flashed through the Dao Jing Mang, and a battle spirit rose into the sky.

Today, in addition to the invincible arrangement for the sharp gun, he has one major thing to deal with.

Through one arrangement, the important figures of Shenshui Manor were all present.

Quick Sabre Abing, Sirius Squad, Luo Jian, ****, even the invincible sharp shot in bed, is also remotely participated by electronic equipment.

"Okay, this time, we have an emergency meeting.

This time, the Gang, and the Jianghai League incident, everyone wants to come, but also has a deep experience.

This world has undergone major changes, and all the great caves have been born together, which has caused a huge impact on this world.

Practicing martial arts can live forever. This is a very big progress, and for us, it is a very big benefit.

However, as far as the country is concerned, all kinds of polluting weapons have been strictly prohibited from being produced by the most powerful people in the world.

The famous martial arts are rampant, and the country's control over the people has been greatly insufficient. Although there are dragons on the team, I think they can't manage it for a while.

Therefore, how to improve one's own strength will be the biggest problem that our Shenshui Manor aims to face.

This is a strategic question."

After finishing the talk, Wang Yang glanced at everyone and hoped everyone would give a suggestive answer.

"Yes, what the boss said is that we have already thought about this problem.

This time, the Qing Gang and Jianghaimeng committed crimes. Our Shenshui Manor, we can really shoot, only I am invincible with the sharp gun, and finally, if it is not Master Kong, they decisively help, I am afraid that we will be wiped out by the whole army."

Quick knife Abing nodded, he already had a deep understanding of the problem of insufficient strength.

"Brother, didn't you help the Dragon team a lot before? Why didn't they help this time?"

On such occasions, ****, as a newcomer, should not have spoken, but he could not bear it.

Over the past few days, watching Shenshui Manor was humiliated by those people's insults again and again.

Wang Yang smiled softly and said, "****, you know, the Green Gang is an old **** force.

In their power, the Grand Master is not non-existent, do you understand?"


What kind of grandmaster is there is a deep understanding.

The master's true energy is ever-changing, and can be injected into any utensil. The so-called Liuyun Feixiu, picking leaves and flying flowers, and dripping Hualong are all talking about them.

However, for the Grand Master, gang qi is separated from the body, and long-range attacks, such as swords and swords, can't even be done by ordinary masters.

"I know."

Thinking of the terrible Grandmaster's terrible, already clever, finally understood.

The Grand Master did not show up, so he was naturally restricted.

"It's good to understand that Shenshui Manor is a force. Since it is a force, naturally, it must have a certain degree of self-preservation. This time the Green Gang and Jianghai League are a test of the Dragon Group on our Shenshui Manor."

"Then I don't know, what is Big Brother's plan?"

"I think **** is already asking the question in everyone's mind.

Yes, in this case, I have an idea.

Under our fish pond, there is a parallel world.

Everyone is very familiar-Xiaoaojianghu World.

I mean, I will send some of the disciples of the manor into it and go through reincarnation."


The topic of Wang Yang is a bit big. For a time, everyone was shocked.

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