My Super Estate

Chapter 2855 ?

Chapter two thousand six hundred and eighty-three, can it be like this??

"That is to say, this arrogant Sifang Lord, is this going to be a member of my Demon Clan??"

How can there be such a thing between this world?

Some demon can't accept it.

He came to snatch the opportunity that belonged to the prince of the human race.

Even, he wanted to kill the Quartet.

However, in a blink of an eye, he will become a member of my Demon Race, what do you want me to do?


The demon cannot accept it!

"The inheritance of the Seven Love Demon Lords, only this seat can be inherited, and all other existences, who dare to touch their fingers, who will die!"

Worthy of being a demon giant, acting is arrogant and domineering.

The inheritance of the Seven Love Devil's Land is related to the success of the Seven Love Demon Immortals. He dared to openly oppose it.

Even, he wanted to force a shot.

He wants to interrupt this human race's acceptance of the Seven Love Gods and Fire Gods.

He wanted to plunder this opportunity.

"Can it still be?"

Looking at the Demon Race that had been killed towards himself, Wang Yang smiled.

He laughed very happily, as long as this unknown demon race, shot himself to fly.

I still don't believe it. I have already been attacked by the Demon Race, and I can still be forced to accept this kind of demon inheritance.

The demon is looking forward to his full shot, and can strike this human race, and then interrupt his chance of inheriting the seven sentimental demons.

Wang Yang is also looking forward to this'day demon', he can blow himself off, so that he can get rid of this process of mandatory inheritance of the Seven Love Demon Immortals, thus interrupting his inheritance of the demon Fairy inheritance.

The goals of both parties are the same. Although they are both parties of the parties, at this moment, they are very tacit, and together, for the same goal, they express a deep desire for hope.

Finally, the attack of the Sky Demon successfully fell on Wang Yang.

Here, I have to say that Sky Demon is worthy of the Demon Giant, and the speed of attack is fast.

Even Wang Yang's thoughts had just been turned, and his attack had already fallen on himself.

However, they were too happy.

The attack speed of the celestial monster is very fast, no one can deny this.

However, his attack strength is really bad.

I saw that on Wang Yang, when I didn't know when, a terrible fire of seven emotions suddenly broke out.

Then, Qi Qing Mo Huo suddenly exploded.

Exactly, at this time, Tianyang's attack also fell on Wang Yang.

If any of them lied, it was a coincidence, it can only prove that this guy must have gotten into the water.

Coincidentally, the demon was directly blown away.

"Hey, is this okay?"

Wang Yang just didn't scold his mother.

"You waste, can you give a little force?

Have your strength been eaten by dogs?"

Wang Yang scolded in his heart.

It is a pity that his spiritual world has undergone tremendous changes, and the civil strife has not stopped. It is impossible to stop it.

It is impossible for him to speak.

Only, very mysterious, his thoughts.

In other words, his turning thoughts were naturally recorded in the void.

As long as the spiritual power reaches a certain level, it can be clearly felt in the void.

Obviously, such a level, the demon reached.


A sip of blood, it was really suffocating, just spewed out.


Pointing to Wang Yang, the air in the heart of the demon 1

"what happened?"

The big evil king and the big demon king, of course, saw this scene in front of them.

But why did such a scene happen?

Is there any special ability for this kid?

Or, simply, what powerful existence controls all this behind the scenes?

"Isn't it, the Seven Demon Lords?"

Both are scared.

Of course, the master of Seven Love Devil, they certainly know.

The reason Desperate Demon Land is so famous and attracts so many powerful existences is because in legend, in Desperate Demon Land, there is such a destiny as Seven Feelings Demon Land.


For those great beings, it may be a follower, an opportunity to come again.

However, for the Demon giants in the Unreal Universe, it is an opportunity to get a chance.

In particular, for those Mozu giants who have to choose to proclaim themselves because of the era of catastrophe, this is their further opportunity.

Oh, it's not right, it can't be said to be an opportunity, but it should be said that this is a hope.

In despair, a mysterious hope.

Just ask, how could they not go deeper?

However, after an in-depth understanding of more than one hundred eras, they have never found out, what consciousness is hidden in this Seven Evil Devil's Land!

Or more clearly, it should be that there is no awakening consciousness at all here.

"It's impossible, the consciousness of the Seven Demon Lords has awakened?"

This is a big deal.

You know, the Seven Love Devil Lord is very likely to be a very great demon.

Even, most likely, he is a demonic fairy who has fallen.

So, are there certain opportunities?

To say that these demons still have enough guts.

As long as there are enough benefits, even the tiger's ass, they dare to touch.

Of course, this tiger is also a super size that is stronger than them.

In contrast, at this time, Wang Yang couldn't control so much.

Because, at this time, he was completely frightened by the sudden eruptions of the spiritual world.

I saw, just now, Tianyao suddenly shot towards himself.

Originally, Wang Yang thought that he could use such an opportunity to completely get rid of such a forced demonization.

It's a pity that the demon is too wasteful.

A full blow could not hurt oneself.

It just doesn't make sense.


Finally, Wang Yang is already desperate.

Even, he has already accepted his fate.

But what is going on now?

How did the Seven Love Devil Dao seem to have been purified?

Yes, it is purification.

Wang Yang clearly felt that the extremely overbearing seven emotions charm in his body seemed to have been purified.

Because, Wang Yang can clearly feel that the seven-character magical charm that is about to take root and come to a standstill has stopped.


If it's just a pause, it doesn't matter.

However, Wang Yang clearly sees that the magic in his own spiritual world has been constantly fading.

"Is it Zuyang?"

Feeling meditation without external interference, even without the blessing of spiritual power, consciousness can feel everything in the spiritual world.

Just like seeing it with your own eyes, there is no difference.

But how could this happen?

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