My Super Estate

The 2864th chapter can only borrow strength

Chapter 2692 can only borrow strength

This hell devil is really terrible.

Wang Yang clearly felt that his spirit and spirit seemed to be a flood that had been vacant, and he could not stop it at all, as if he had received a certain spell.

However, he can clearly feel that he does not have any power to bless himself.

In this way, it is even more terrible.

I clearly seemed to be a flood flooding, and I couldn't stop my energy. As a result, I can't stop it now. It is just that the catharsis is endless.

It is simply a bottomless hole.

"damn it."

I feel that I really have no choice.

Watching myself change from a strong boy to such a small bamboo pole.

Rao is Wang Yang's psychological quality, which has always been very good, and now it can't bear it.

First of all, all the supernatural powers under their own control are used once.

Thinking, is it possible to break it.

As a result, no matter whether it is the evolved god claw evolved from the dragon claw hand, the master god's god light, or even the god fire.

It is still a kind of God of Creation in the main realm, and so on, which are useless.

Under such circumstances, it seems that Wang Yang has no solution at all.

Such a high state is directly crushed directly. Whether you are willing or unwilling, such terrible powers can be crushed positively.

It is better to resist, to defend, or even to attack head-on, or to win by surprise.

Anyway, no matter how it comes, it can't have any effect.

The Five Ghosts and Devil Kings are there, and a hell demon is shrouded, he is comprehensive.

My own attack is to hit the air.

It is more powerless than playing sponges.

That is, the creation of God Realm seems to have played a little role.

The emptiness seems to be saying from the side, this five ghosts and demons, his state is extremely deep, but his way of doing things seems to be a little inadequate.

The force that dominates this space is disturbed by Wang Yang's creation god realm, and cannot be completely ignored, and is slightly affected.

However, this is just the case. If you want to have some other gains, it is impossible.


In the end, Wang Yang really had no choice.

It seems that the most powerful methods can no longer play any role.

How to do?

Undoubtedly, for now, the most powerful means is the Dahua Avenue.

Sohua Avenue, so it has reached the seventh step, only three steps away from the completion of the Avenue.

However, there are hundreds of steps in the avenue and ten steps in one step.

Three steps, that is thirty steps.

One step is the end of the sky, the corner of the sea.

I want to step into the sky in one step, and enter the high realm of'Yingyingtiandi', or even'Yingyingtiandi', it is impossible.

So, what can I do?

Seeing that the spirit is passing, there is a tendency to accelerate, and Wang Yang is even more anxious.

"Creating a divine body?"

To deal with the Great Demon King, it burned a great deal of purple energy, which caused Zuyang's projection to come down, and it was so clever. Finally, he killed the Great Demon King.

The reason for dealing with the heavenly demon is because of the blessing of Zuyang's power, so that his own god body can go further and reach a special situation of physical psychic.

It is precisely because he has such a great magical power that he can succeed, and when the spiritual world is blocked, he will explode vigorously and completely break it.

However, now this hell devil is not simply a blockade of the mind, but also a blockade in space.

There is no power to break the space itself, and even if the spiritual world explodes, it is impossible to resist that terrible force.

In the ordinary big thousand world, even the universe starry sky, with his power, it is enough to break up the space.

Even, with his mass, it is such a big thousand world. As long as he enters into it, only his mass is enough to crush a big thousand world.

Between the two, it is not at the same level.

No matter how big the balloon is, if you throw a fist-sized iron ball into it, the balloon will be crushed.

Unfortunately, with Wang Yang’s strength, it is impossible to break this space,

Here, you can see how domineering and terrifying space is.

There is a bottom line, no upper limit.

"It seems that only in this way can there be a way!"

Faced with this situation, it is impossible to rely on your own strength.

Then, there is only borrowing.

No one stipulates, you are only allowed to find the backstage, I cannot find the backstage!

"Let it burn!"

Finding the backstage also requires that you have this power.

The so-called, iron must also be hard.

Without strong power, even if you want to borrow, you can't.

Even if you are lucky enough to borrow, you can’t take it.

At this time, it is vital that you have a strong spiritual power.

In the spiritual world, a burst of nine-color fairy light suddenly erupts in it, and then it bursts.

"Hey, what is this?"

The sudden burst of nine-color fairy light almost didn't scare everyone to death.

It's the extreme.

According to legend, because immortals are too perfect, therefore, immortals, the breath of natural exudation, has a nine-color light.

Moreover, this nine-color fairy light has infinite power and can destroy all tangible and intangible things.

Failure to reach a certain level will inevitably be completely destroyed.

It's just, what's going on with this?

Obviously just an ordinary human race, how could he have so many complicated means?

"damn it!"

The most unbearable is the five ghosts and demons.

He originally came from Feng Hao. Even, for a long time, not only Dao Xing raised a level, but also the realm, but also promoted from "Ying Xin Ying Tian Di" to "Yi Dao Ying Tian Di". It can be said that it is really vigorous.

This shot, though, was intended for the extermination of the human race, but why did it not want to be in the limelight?

The limelight is getting bigger. Perhaps, my own image is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Then, his own tradition was rooted and sprouted in the souls of all beings.

Perhaps, his own way of doing things is so advanced.

But how could this happen?

A human race, even if the avenue is not perfect, how could he have so many means, so difficult to tangle?

Is there anything hidden inside that is not known to outsiders?

Unfortunately, he wanted to withdraw, obviously too late.

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