My Super Estate

The 2879th chapter big card, enough weight

Chapter 2707 has a big hand and a lot of weight

"Haha, human race, definitely not only you have the cards!"

The Taoist symbols of the quasi immortals gave the group demons enough confidence.

Guangfa Dazun, as the owner of Dao Run, was extremely excited.

An unspeakable excitement.

Put it on peacetime, wanting him to take out such a peacetime, enough for himself to save his life, and even, in the end, to completely overturn the ship's hole card, it is simply more difficult than killing him.

He will never take it out until his life is fattened.

Even with the greatest benefits, he will never take it out.

All the while, keeping this secret.

Now, as soon as I took it out, inexplicably, I felt an excitement.

In particular, this opponent is still the Quartet.

One can contact a fairy, the Sifang Kingdom Lord.

Such a presence.

Now, he will be killed by himself.

That kind of excitement is really too strong.


Human race, lord of the Quartet?

What if you can invite a fairy?

You are still dying!

Still dying!"

Excited, all the cheeks were pumped.

It seems to be that the entire heaven and earth are all their own. In one thought, they can kill all the existence of the universe.

Yes, they can decide their life and death.

At this moment, Guangfa Dazun had such a feeling.


Desperate Devil's Land is about to burst, are you still shooting sooner??"

This damn Guangfa Grand Master, the Desperate Demon Land is about to be destroyed, and now it is necessary to take down the Sifang Kingdom Master.

Even use him to influence the Ziyang emperor of that race.

Otherwise, everyone will die.

At such a critical moment, you are a bastard, are you still obsessing there?

You are damn ten thousand times.

The five ghosts and devil stared at the damn king bastard, eager to give him ten thousand pieces.

"Dare you scold the deity?

you wanna die!"

Unexpectedly, this Guangfa prince, taking out the horrible Taoist symbol, didn't even strike at himself for the first time.

On the contrary, he turned to the five ghost demon king.

Such a result is absolutely unexpected.

Wang Yang had planned to ask someone for help again.

Even, a suitable object has been found.

Just waiting for a cry.

As a result, you showed me this?

Wang Yang almost didn't vomit blood.

Of course, Wang Yang didn't vomit blood, but the five ghosts and demon kings had already vomited blood.

He had absolutely no idea that this damn Guangfa Grandmaster, with such a horrible hole card, after the outbreak, the first one to find it would be himself.

It just doesn't make sense.


Such a bastard, look at this seat will not kill you!

The five ghosts and demon princes were furious, and they shot toward Guangfa.

"If you weren't a bastard, Lao Tzu is now self-styled. How could he suffer such an encounter?

How dare you shoot towards Lao Tzu?

See I can't beat you!"

Under the rage, the Five Ghosts and Demons didn't show any mercy.

He really wanted to kill the bastard.


The sudden accident was beyond everyone's expectations.

No one thought that such a thing would happen.

Longyang Dazun, the big evil king, and the big demon king, one by one, were all angry and turned purple.

But what can they do if something like this happens?

At this time, both of them must separate the two parties.

Otherwise, the princes of the Terran Quartet have nothing to do. If they are internally infighted, they will be killed directly.

Unfortunately, they are overestimating themselves.

In other words, they do not have a comprehensive understanding of their opponents.

They only thought that this was a struggle of will, the current enemy is reluctant, and it can also be regarded as the "self" of Guangfa Dazun and the five ghosts and demon kings. They will have some restraint from each other and will not really shoot.

As a result, it was the ten thousand magical runes that directly bombarded everyone.


It is worthy of the integration of all kinds of roads. Such a thousand runes are simply making people feel desperate.

With just one blow, the Five Ghosts and Demon Kings, Longyang Dazun, Big Evil King, and Big Demon King, one by one, are counted as one, all of them were seriously injured.

Even the physical warfare was completely destroyed, only a little bit of residual spirit remained.

Such a devastation can be recovered if there is enough time to follow their path.

However, it is clear that their behavior is sufficient, but Wang Yang will not give them time.

"Why, how could this happen?"

The first person who did not believe this would be Guangfa Dazun.

"You, you guys, how could this be?"

Looking at Longyang Dazun, which is only a little residual spirit, there are five ghosts who are better than Longyang Dazun, but they are absolutely very good.

Finally, there is the Great Evil King and the Great Demon King.

One by one, it is already not far from death.

"How did you become like this?"

"Wang Ba Dan, do you still have a face to ask?"

"Damn bastard, goddamn it!"

Long Yang Da Zun waited, one by one, all pointing at Guang Fa Da Zun and asking questions.

They never thought of it.

Wait for yourself and others, advocate the use of the final hole cards, and want to do your best to do your best.

In the end, the enemy hasn't done much yet. These people, one by one, are already half dead.

It is simply incredible.

"No, it's not like that.

I am clearly attacking the lord of the Quartet. How could you bombard you like this?"

"Fart, aren't we like this?

The lords of the Quartet, clearly opposite, well, are you blind?"

For Mozu, blame is the most useless nonsense.

They have always treated the human race like this.

They have always felt that the set of accusations of the human race are the most wasteful performance.


The current five ghosts and demon kings are just a residual spirit. He can do nothing but blame.

in contrast.

He could feel that the Devil's Devil's Devil's Land was completely broken, not far away.

"Do not.

I didn’t strike you, no!!"

Guangfa Dazun shouted loudly.

He didn't even think about it, he wanted to shoot towards the Devil himself.

No matter how confused he is, he now knows that his greatest enemy is that human race.

How could he put his biggest hole card towards his demon?

Is my brain a pig brain?


Of course you never thought of shooting them."

"It's you!"

"Of course it is me!"

Wang Yang sneered and walked towards Guangfa Dazun.

"You, how is it possible, I am clearly shooting towards you, how could it be like this now?"

"This is to say, of course, let you treat them as if I were myself!"

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