My Super Estate

FTLN 2936 The lord of the sun

Chapter two thousand seven hundred and sixty-four Wang Yang became powerful

Five great spirits and four real demons.

Even the five great beasts are constantly searching for memory problems.

One by one, they were all a little panicked by the differences in their memories.

"What's wrong with them?"

Emperor Da Luo was also a little shocked.

These existences, one by one, are extremely terrible.

I am a cosmic giant. In the outer universe, it is also the existence of a vast universe of stars.

Even, he still led the entire human race, resisting the existence of the demon attack.

However, this is the kind of existence. In this battle of battles, there is no point to fight back.

Such helplessness made him desperate.

But what is going on now?

These real demons, ghosts, one by one, were as frightened as a ghost.

Almost not scared to death.

(Well, ghosts and the like are coming from ghosts, so it is considered a ghost.)


Wang Yang's eyelids were constantly jumping.

What happened to these guys, Wang Yang was too clear.

However, his eyes glanced lightly at Emperor Luo, and said with a smile: "Perhaps, our opportunity is here."


what chance?"

Emperor Da Luo was interested.

"Do you think, with their strength, after such a shock, how much strength will there be?"

"Huh, yes.

With their strength, they were frightened by such a shock. I was afraid that the dog's courage would be frightened. At this time, if we attack, we will definitely win a big victory."

"Of course."

Wang Yang was confident.

With their current strength, where are these guys still their opponents?

But, just that, do you think I can be satisfied?

too naive.

"What do you think of these guys' status among the four major ethnic groups?"

"of course?

These five Yinlings are one of the Nine Yins. If they have an accident, I am afraid that the remaining four Yins in the outside world will be unable to sit up immediately.

Other old antiques also need to jump out immediately."

After hearing this, Wang Yang narrowed his eyes.

Outside the four shades?

In other words, Emperor Da Luo, his memory, is also a problem.

In other words, he had forgotten everything before.

It seems that a hundred battles are true immortals. This is the destruction of all the participants and memories.

"fair enough.

It's just that the memory of these participants has been destroyed. I don't know what happened to the memory of those who watched the battle?"

For now, Wang Yang has taken the absolute upper hand in this battle of battle.

On the battle arena, all the participants, no matter how high your strength was before you, will enter the place and encounter the ceiling.

Unless, you are in this battle of the battles, just break through.

Obviously, such a situation is extremely rare, and basically, it is impossible.

However, oneself is the rare situation.

Under such circumstances, how can one be willing to not maximize the benefits?

Wang Yang's mind must be, and now, he thought of a way.

I saw that there was a mysterious divine power in the body, which naturally spread out, and around him, naturally turned into a field.

Then, you can see, behind him, walked out of the figure.

It is a deity, each with its own divine power, and naturally manifests various supernatural powers.

Or surrounded by the black wind, or thundering, or the water is filled with fog, or the light is shining, or the green is still...

Great magical abilities...made the magical realm.

In the battle of battles, everything, all can not escape the eyesight of those who watch the battle.

In this case, then, to create the God Realm, all these warriors are forced into a desperate place.

At that time, those who are fighting outside must vigorously send forces, otherwise, they can only watch these participants, and all die.

"Since there are one hundred and eight hongmeng purple qi, perhaps, hope is here."

The Rune of Zhiyang Avenue has been successfully condensed.

The way to the sun has taken shape.

However, there is a lot of resentment in himself. At this time, in the confused star field, you can escape a disaster. However, once you leave, you will definitely encounter the liquidation of the universe's will.

For today's plan, there is only one way to choose.

The gathering of 108 Hongmeng purple qi is directly arranged into a Ziyang Divine Array. When that time comes, Zuyang will be summoned, and all grievances will be wiped out.

"Well, what magical power is this?"

The magic knife's eyes are not blind. How can he turn a blind eye to the great movements of the human race Sifang.

I saw a god with a sword all over his body, and then he killed himself at the head.


In the face of such a strange magical power, the most effective way to deal with the magic weapon of the magic knife is to cut it directly.

He firmly believes that under his own sword, no matter what kind of ghost animal you are, it will be beaten.

Sure enough, there was a loud bang, and that god seemed to be a god who had been condensed by the sword all over his body, and it was directly split in half.

Even the ring was split in half.


The magic knife smiled happily.

If it is in peacetime, of course, he will not be so smug for this matter.However, in the situation just now, he was terrified.

Now this knife can give him a little confidence.

Unfortunately, he laughed too early.

I saw that the god who had been split into two halves had no problem at all. The sword of the true demon of the magic sword, even the existence of the centipede, could not be recovered by being split in two with one knife.

However, this strange sword god was nothing but human, and naturally, it was restored.

Then, the magic knife of the magic knife was still laughing there proudly.


Magic knife really magic reaction is really fast.

However, no matter how fast, he also left a knife mark on his body.


The real magic sword wants to attack again, but the sword god on the opposite side has already shot again.

Moreover, there is no hesitation at the first shot, endless.

It seems to be that if you don't achieve your goal, you will never give up.

"Ahhhh..." The magic knife was so angry that it vomited blood.

When the magic sword is true, it is also cruel. At the moment, it is shot against the sword god.

At first, he relied on his absolute strength and the power of his magic sword to defend instead of attack.

He was about to hack the damn king bastard to death.

He believed that with his own strength, he could kill him, but he would never have any problems.

He has such absolute confidence in his own strength.

Unfortunately, soon, he realized that he really wanted too much.

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