My Super Estate

Question 2987

Chapter 2759th Lure

"Ghost King of Montenegro, are you going to give up this way?"

The four true demons, plus a ghost king of Montenegro, were defeated by a tree of demon gods.

Speaking, it's all a faceless thing.


In this world, there are still things, can't you say it?


What kind of attitude you four big ghost kings are, regardless of this seat, but, I, the King of Black Hills, must not fail in this temple!"

Failure means the destruction of the legend.

Preaching is not to attract the trust of others?

In this universe, there are countless creatures, and all kinds of powerful people are countless.

In an era, there will always be hundreds of thousands of universe overlords.

Even, it is hundreds of cosmic giants.

Every leap universe overlord represents a avenue.

Every cosmic giant represents a great road.

This universe is boundless and endless.

There are countless creatures in this universe.

However, such a vast universe cannot accommodate so many avenues.

What's more, there are still giants who don't know how many epochs they have left.

It can be said that preaching is already a very serious event.

Facing the natural killer such as the Demon God Tree, the four true demons are unwilling to leave.

The ghost king of Montenegro was directly injured seriously, and even had extremely serious road injuries.He is still willing to leave.

They are not afraid of death.

It's just that they all know that compared to the strong men of this era, they have lost their opportunities.

It can be said that they are all losers.

If they want to find a chance to rise again in failure, then they cannot fail again.

Preaching is even more important.

"What are you going to do?"

The ghost king of Montenegro knows that he will not retreat.

The Demon God Tree will not be stronger than you, nor does it have the qualification to let yourself turn around and leave.

Similarly, the four real demons, they will not retreat.

"We need to gather more people."

"Well, I will gather our main hall master, owe the Yinling clan, accumulate 100,000 epochs, and have a solid foundation.

Absolutely not let people read less."

The words of the ghost king of Montenegro are puns.

They belonged to a family of ghosts, accumulated 100,000 epochs, and had a solid foundation. They will never retreat in the face of the Demon God Tree.

So, the four real demons, who had rushed into it at first, would he just ignore them?

"Relax, the Demon God Tree is a natural nemesis of my devil. Our family will never let go."

There are words in the ghost king of Montenegro, and everyone is not stupid, how can it not be heard?

At this time, it is even more impossible to give up.

The Demon God Tree is a natural nemesis of his own demon clan. Once it gets handed by the Yin clan, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Here, the four authentic and fake model plays and the ghost king of Montenegro, both of them are pregnant with ghosts, each playing their own abacus.

Over there, Wang Yangming is in contact with the Demon God Tree.

"Forge God Tree, can you move?"


So Yi Cong.The Demon God Tree has never moved.

Wang Yang thought that he could not move.

Now it seems that I really have been promoted too fast, and I have never understood the permanent sense of many common sense things.

The magical god tree and the like are extremely slow in growth, and the birth of spiritual wisdom is even more difficult.

At the level of chaos, they are not able to move freely, and are limited to the environment.

Only when the avenue is complete and unaffected by the environment, can we move freely and get out of our place of growth.

However, such special cases are too few.

"This particular continent has super gravity.

Here, boned a chaotic god tree, it wants to see you.

Can you come over?

Of course, the best case is that you can bring a large number of cosmic giants with four major forces.

Perhaps, I can borrow from them for a while."

"it is good!"

Drive a large number of cosmic giants?

This task is really too difficult.

If they are ordinary people, they would definitely not dare to come down.

When, the Demon God Tree has no hesitation.

"Do what you can!"

In the end, Wang Yang still couldn't believe it easily and had to remind him.

Perhaps, the Demon God Tree will also be very difficult.

It's just that it is impossible to get some opportunities without paying.

"how about it?

Dadao Shenshu, but willing to come?"

At this moment, the chaotic ancient wood was a little restless.

Looking at Wang Yang, there was some tension.

Dao Shenshu, he has grown so big that he has never seen it before.

It has always been thought that this is a legend, it is illusory, and cannot exist.

Because, he is already unique.

Growing in the incomplete fairy rules, under congenital conditions, he has already thrown away thousands of others.

What's more, it was still a Jedi, and those long years made it stronger than most Chaos God Trees.

However, it is still possible that you are so powerful that you want to be promoted to Avenue God Tree.

Every time I get promoted, I can clearly feel that my source is greatly inadequate.

If you want to be promoted, you have to make up for your origin.

I desperately want to see the Avenue God Tree, don’t let it preach, don’t give it a decision, and don’t give it anything good for itself.

However, pointing yourself at how you can accumulate quickly and strengthen your source.

As long as the source is sufficient, you can be promoted immediately.

"In the beginning, the God of Fortune God was promoted. I arranged a kind of Ziyang formation.

Arranging such a large array requires 108 hongmengqi.

Therefore, the arrival of the God of Fortune is very likely to attract a large number of cosmic giants.

At that time, what these cosmic giants have to deal with, but it all depends on you.

Otherwise, if you want to be promoted, there is no other way!"

"it is good!

Rest assured, in other places, I have not been so confident.

However, in this wild ancient forest, even the existence of near immortals must be suppressed by the super gravity.

No one is my opponent 1"

What a big tone!

Wang Yang was shocked.

This chaotic god tree doesn't know what to say, is it true?

Of course, for now, this ancient chaotic wood is extremely powerful, and it is far from being an opponent.

If, really, then...

Wang Yang was moved.

If this chaotic ancient tree is not bragging, then, perhaps, it is possible to count Wufan's terrible ghosts and demons.

There are four major forces in this confused star field.

At least, nowadays, there is only Yin and the clan and the demon clan, entangled.

If, really can give them a heavy blow, perhaps, it is a very wonderful process.

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