My Super Estate

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Chapter Two Eight hundred and Twenty-One

The Yinling tribe, the three major forces, one by one, all come out with the means.

Even, in order to resist the big moves of the three major forces, the Yinling clan will be hidden in the underworld. The details that have not appeared since 30,000 epochs have all been taken out.

Tens of thousands of cosmic overlords, more than 2,000 giants of the universe.

Such a quantity is simply a desperate horror.

Yinfeng Guiyu, wantonly plunder the vitality of the human body.

Like a knife cut, a series of scars are cut on the flesh and the body.

The scarlet blood just flowed out, and was immediately infected by the ghost fog. The scarlet blood was already dark in a very short time.

It seems like, I don't know when I was dyed with ink.

A drop of blood turned into a sea.

In the sea of ​​blood, it is possible to breed legendary and extraordinary spirits.

Innate god.

However, this drop of blood, dripping into the void, is without any movement.

It seems that this is a drop of blood in itself.

Not only is the divine power gone, but the vitality is gone.

Even, it fell on the ground, with a click, it was torn to pieces in time, and broke into several pieces.

In the past, this was simply the case.

However, what will happen at all is now.


At this moment, the Tongbi spirit monkey was furious.

With their unique supernatural powers, they united with more than one hundred masters of the Holy Spirit family behind them.

For a time, strength rose.

With a palm shot, all the wind was blowing and all were broken, and all the ghost fog was all gone.


With this palm down, none of the Yinlings and the top masters have problems.

However, those universes that came out of the underworld are all one by one, without any signs, directly exploded.

Tens of thousands of cosmic overlords, this is the Yin and Yang clan, accumulated bit by bit since more than 30,000 epochs.

Suddenly, it exploded more than two thousand venomous self, even if it was a ghost and ghost family, and its indifferent nature, at this moment, it was shocked and out of control.


The black fire ghost lord screams.

"The ancestor saved lives!!"

Feelings of suffocation, anger, annoyance, and so on, quickly flowed in, and finally, turned into a kind of terror, quickly eroding itself.

As a family of Yinling, even a near immortal with the characteristics of "Tao Yu Tian Di" exists.

He has always been proud.

Once, more than once, he complained to the main hall of the master: They confused Star Realm, but they were the base camp of the Yinling clan. How can the three forces occupy one side?

"Master Hall, as long as you give orders to the Black Fire Ghost King, the first one will rush to the forefront, and will definitely kill all the aliens."

"Well, the main hall hasn't walked out of the grave for too long, otherwise, how can he be so fearful?

Three forces?

My ghost ghost family, such a powerful strength, as long as it is shot, it must be able to destroy it all!"


Lord of the main hall, if the ancestors are alive, how can you be like the guts and babies, and be in charge of my ghost spirit family for so long?"

Recall that I used to say different things on different occasions.

Suddenly, there was endless remorse in his heart.

Hard coal, once yourself, so arrogant?

Even underestimated these three forces.

Now, when I really face it, I realize that I am so underestimated of others.

"The ancestor saved lives!!"

It was photographed with another palm, and more than two thousand universe overlords, all exploded.

Tens of thousands of universe overlords?

How many slaps can you bear?

If all of them are exploded, what next?

What will happen?

For a time, like a cold current, flowing from his own spiritual world.

All blood, all me, all extinguished.

In my heart, there is only endless fear.

"The ancestor saved lives!!"

After two consecutive calls, there was no response, and the Black Fire Ghost King was desperate.

It was taken with another palm.

In just a short period of time, it has been more than six thousand cosmic overlords, and has been shot lively.

Tens of thousands of universe overlords?

How many times can you withstand the slap?

"If I had such a powerful battle line, how could I let you wait for the Holy Spirit to let go?"

Seeing that asking for help from the first ancestor did not play any special effect, the Black Fire Ghost King was indignant again.

Human race, how to move towards prosperity step by step among powerful opponents?

Isn't it the terrible reliance on the battle front?

If we, the ghost and ghost clan, also have such a powerful battle array to help, why fear him for the arrogance of the Holy Spirit clan?

Black Fire Ghost King, only felt a grief in his heart.

It was a feeling that there was a strong power, but it couldn't be played for half a minute.

"Ancestor, why haven't you shot yet!"

Although it is clear that it is impossible to count on the ancestors.

However, at this moment, he is still taking the lead in his heart.


I just flashed this thought in my heart. I don't know when, there was a voice of supreme majesty between apathy, ruthlessness, and faintness, which suddenly exploded.


This very familiar voice is really crisp.

This is the sound of someone seriously injured and someone vomiting blood.

Of course, the most important thing is these two words, the familiar breath contained in the sound.

"The ancestor!

This is the voice of the ancestor.

Ooo, the ancestor did not abandon us, the ancestor did not abandon us!!"

The Black Fire Ghost King, in the Haunted World of Hades, has always been known for being tough and overbearing.

The domineering character, even if it is the three major forces, one by one, is extremely extraordinary. He dare to suggest that he should work towards those three major forces.

The great strength has made many human races desperate.

However, at this moment, it was such an overbearing, indifferent ghost king that even had a faint cry.

He even cried!

Opening his eyes, and sure enough, in front of himself, I don't know when a great shore appeared.

This is just one piece, as if it were, there is no specific form.

"Er and other tribes, dare to come to my hell?"

The sound is flat, but there is a thunder.

The strength of the Weeping Blood Devil is strong enough, however, under such a voice, it is directly hit.

"A good ancestor."

The Nine Great Hall Masters, 30 Yinling clan near immortals, the strength is really too strong.

However, it is such a powerful strength that, in front of the real demon who weeps blood, there is no action bomb, and it is easy to suppress.

However, such a powerful crying blood demon was forced to retreat by a word.

What kind of means is this?

The real demon weeping blood only feels that a burst of pressure is coming over.

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