My Super Estate

3017 Mr. R.S.

Chapter 2825th corpse runs wild


It seems that Wang Yang's fist is blessed by Zu Yang's power. When he punches it, it seems to be a round of the sun, which is directly exploded.

The sudden burst of power that was released was like a row of mountains.

It is a force that cannot be resisted.

Under such a sudden release of power, the Ghost King Formation was directly exploded.

"Ghost King Formation, just such a power?"

The Ghost King Array was exploded, that is, 108 ordinary universe giants.

This kind of existence does not have any difficulty for Wang Yang.

Leaping up, head down, feet up, and facing down, it was an extremely overbearing punch, and it came suddenly.


The strong explosion, the violent sun and the real fire, like the sea, suddenly set off endless huge waves.

However, this huge wave is composed of flames.

The 108 cosmic giants are directly swallowed up by the overbearing true fire of the sun.


It is a pity that none of the 108 cosmic giants can escape from the fire waves on this side.

After the real fire of the sun went out, only 108 ghosts remained in the void.

The ghost body has not been destroyed, but, consciousness, has been destroyed.


There is a huge movement here in Wang Yang, which of course cannot be concealed.

The first thing that struck me was the ancestor of the Yinling family.

He has not fully recovered, and his strength is mostly in the seal.Now, just waiting for Guihuai to be promoted.

One hundred and eight ghost kings, this is the ninth hall master of the underworld. .

The entire Yinling family, the ghost king formation, is also very few.

Ghost King is a card.

However, for the ancestors, none of these matters.He only cares about whether Guihuai can be promoted.

Now, the chance of Guihuai was interrupted.

How can this be tolerated?

Ghost King's formation, no loss, no longer under his attention.

"You guys go in!"

At this time, he had to ensure that the human race inside was resolved.

In fact, he hopes to do it himself.

However, most of the power has been sealed, and it is already very reluctant to deal with a blood-drenched true demon and a full-armed monkey. If you want to contribute more, I am afraid that it will be difficult.

What's more, that human race, but also the ordinary cosmic giant, did not even reach the heart with the sky.

The nine main hall masters shot, it should have been enough.


The orders of the ancestors cannot be violated.

The nine main hall masters, one by one, quickly flew towards the inside.

Similarly, there are a large number of Yinling clan.

"This human race is just an ordinary cosmic giant, and it hasn't even reached the "Yin Xin Ying Tian Di".

Can break through the ghost king array, only because he arranged a Ziyang array.

The Ziyang formation is to summon the strength of Zuyang to bless oneself.

I waited against it and did not have any advantage!"

The orders of the ancestors cannot be refuted.

However, no one would be willing to take his life to blog.

So, what should be done between the two?

"Ziyang's array is limited.

His control is not that great.

What's more, with the help of the ancestral tree, he is even more unlikely to last.

My opinion is to let the Yinling under our command strike him.

What's more, the blessing of Zuyang's power will consume a great deal of spiritual power, and he can't persevere for long!"

There is not much distance between the outer periphery and the inner periphery. However, within such a very short distance, the nine main hall masters have already negotiated a suitable strategic policy.


For the Yinling family, the so-called cosmic overlords, even the cosmic giants, are worthless.

As long as time accumulates, there will naturally be more and more.

What's more, at the end of each era, they will plunder in the universe, human race demons, at the end of the era, the fallen cosmic giants, cosmic overlords, and more.

Some of the remaining Hongmeng purple qi, with better luck, can be picked up.

As long as there is time, cosmic overlords and cosmic giants will not be lacking.

If necessary, use some ghost king as cannon fodder, there is no problem.

Human tactics are already the best tactics.

Just settled a group of ghost kings, 108 hongmeng purple qi, it is ready.

It's just that the battle has just ended, there is no rest for a while, and a large number of yin spirits are rushing towards themselves.

The Yinling family, in addition to using a special array of ghost kings, did not have a large formation.

However, when their number reached a very large number, it was also a shock.

"Mind Attack!!"

The main lord gave the order directly.

A single spiritual world is not so powerful.

At least, there is no problem for a strong man like Wang Yang.

However, when the number is too far to a limit.

Then, naturally, a mental attack will form a torrent.

What's more, Wang Yang itself has not reached the level of "reflecting the world with the heart".

In the spiritual world, he is stronger than ordinary cosmic giants, but he is very limited.

One-to-one, his spiritual world, has an absolute advantage.

But to one to ten thousand?

Forget it, don't even think about it!

Frustrated, Wang Yang had to shoot.

The phantom of Zu Yang rose slowly from behind him.

With a punch, the sun exploded.


This punch is absolutely powerful.

However, this punch, and the mental attack, there is no intersection with each other.

With one punch, it is equivalent to a near immortal touching the ceiling, striving with full force.

With a punch, I saw the ghost and ghost clan in front of him, and it was like a blast.

I don't even know how much there is. Under this punch, it just explodes.

The strong aftermath pushed a large number of ghost kings all away.


This punch is of course quite awesome.

It's just that the wave of mind attacks, like a torrent, is directly washed away.

Wang Yang took it all.

For a time, I only felt that my mind was about to explode.

This is still because of the blessing of Zuyang’s own strength. In itself, his own spiritual world is much larger than the ordinary cosmic giant.

Otherwise, just this one, I am afraid that Wang Yang will explode the soul world.

At that time, the entire Quartet was bound to suffer unprecedented hits.

Even directly, it is highly likely.

In fact, even so, Wang Yang felt that his head swelled.

But, on his face, he smiled.

One by one, the purple and purple spirits represent that one's own blows have not suffered in vain.

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