My Super Estate

The 3020th chapter backstage spirit monkey

Chapter 2828 Chapter Backstage

"who do you think You Are!"

Originally, Wang Yang was planning to come forward.

He also has this confidence.

However, the answer of the Tongbi Spirit Monkey also surprised him.

who do you think You Are?

No, in the words of the arm-armed monkey, that is, who he thought he was!

Such a word can never be said without considerable confidence.

There is no doubt that the ancestors of Yin Ling are powerful.

With a single order, it was as strong as the real blood-devil, and there was no trace at all.

It is directly suppressed, one root has withered, and there is no vital root at all, naturally buried deep under the ground.

Pieces of ghost mist naturally radiate from the roots of the trees.

There is no longer the sacred and invisible power of the past.

Weeping blood true demon body, naturally, there are huge scars.

A stream of blood continually flows out of the scar.


There was a scream, which kept coming. Obviously, here, not only because of bloodshed, but also because of infinite pain.

Otherwise, it is impossible to scream with a will to inject blood to the real demon near the immortal level.

The head can be broken, the blood can bleed, and the dignified face can't be lost.

The strong have the dignity of the strong.

When confronting the enemy, it is unscrupulous, but if you do not confront the enemy, you know that you will die, and you will yell and lose the person.

"Something, you kill me, kill me!!"

Weeping Blood True Demon, as a Demon Race, has reached an extremely fanatical attitude towards the pursuit of strength.

Even the immortal realm has been impacted, and the immortal way has been refined. Its strength is much stronger than that of the general near immortal.

Such an existence, even want to die?

One can imagine the degree of pain.

In fact, shouting in pain, not just crying for blood, but also other beings.

The Lion Ancestor, the Golden Lion family, and none of the other three forces.

In the field, there were only Wang Yang and two Tongbi spirit monkeys, who could still keep Qiang.

Even the Demon God Tree, after returning to Wang Yang, was also imprisoned.

I am a fish and a knife.

At this time, he could still say:'Who do you think you are?'In this case, what kind of power is behind the arm-armed monkey?

It is worth wondering.

In fact, the first ancestor of Yin Ling is also very curious.

He will use all his strength to save Guihuai.

He had broken through the underworld, gave up waiting for 30,000 epochs, gave up his last backhand, and came out again, just because he had to rescue Guihuai.

At this time, he was also very curious, what kind of hole card does this arm-armed monkey have.

In the same way, there is also the person who put it.

He wanted to know, by this time, what other cards did he have, so that he could calm down.


No, he wanted to know if he could, reveal all of his final cards.

He wants to see if such a hole card can save Guihuai.


Unexpectedly, Wang Yang even heard such a title from the mouth of Tongbi Ling monkey.


For any human race, or even other universe spirits, such a name cannot be considered too unexpected.

The bottom card?

What could be more reliable than father, son, mentoring and apprentice?

But, who is the monkey?

He is from the Holy Spirit.

According to legend, they are born naturally.

In the chaos, very occasionally, there will be a kind of road pattern left before the unknown number of eras.

This pattern, which naturally gathers energy, forms a kind of god gold, or god stone, and finally, a god mine.

Thousands of mines, occasionally, have a first-line fortune and nurture a line of vitality, and then, after hundreds of millions of years of cultivation, naturally, a holy spirit is born.

How could there be a father with this kind of existence?

This time, Wang Yang is also curious.

Even Wang Yang thought of the Great Saint.

Could it be that he also had a great father?

Suddenly I felt that the water of this universe is really too deep.

Say good to raise naturally, as a result, you will have a father.

What if you want us grass roots?


Endless energy surge.

I saw it, and I don't know when it started. The existence of an incomparably great shore naturally appeared in the void.

A battlefield and a battlefield, the inspiring fighting will naturally pervade into the void.

A familiar breath flashed quickly in Wang Yang's mind.


Wang Yang was shocked.

He never imagined that the father of the Tongbi spirit monkey turned out to be this one.

In the battle of the battles, in the face of the siege of the ninety giant universes, once I saw it, I could not support it. Suddenly, there was an existence.

That is a fairy.

A very strange fairy.

The battlefield is famous for the heavens, and there are legends in the illusory universe.

Even on the earth, there is a battlefield.

Behind all this, there is a great existence.

This existence is a true fairy of a hundred battles.

However, Wang Yang never thought that there would be such a presence behind the Tongbi spirit monkey.

"That is to say, the last time this great existence appeared was not because of me, but because, at that time, the arm-armed monkey?

Because, at that time, his life was threatened?"


Sure enough, seeing the presence of this statue, the Tongbi spirit monkey greeted him the first time.

"Dad, he wants to kill me.

This damn ghost ancestor, he is going to kill me!"

Good guy, is there such a arrogant backstage?

Don't say that the first ancestor of Yin Ling, even Wang Yang, is also a little bit past!

Okay, there is a backstage, really fragrant!


How to get there is also a side of the relationship.

It's not too much to make a friendship!

"Oh, it's you!"

"Huh, Dad, do you know him?"

This time, it was a bit unexpected for the Tongbi spirit monkey.

How could his father know this human race friend?

"Yinling Ancestor?

How dare you come out?"

No one answered the question of the arm-armed monkey.

However, for the first ancestors of Yin Ling, it attracted the attention of the true immortals.

At the beginning, Wang Yang was forced to a desperate situation because of the existence of the poison fairy in the battle of war.

Obviously, there was no such scene in the memory of the arm-armed monkey at the time.

"Hundred battles?"

How dare you take care of this matter?"

In the battle of the battles, it sits in the chaotic star field. For the existence of the true immortals of the battles, the first ancestors of Yin Ling can't be unaware.

However, he never thought that this guy would dare to take care of his own affairs.

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