My Super Estate

3044 Mr. R.S.

Chapter 2842 is invincible

The fairy sword is the ultimate goal.

In order to suppress the fairy sword, one must solve one opponent after another.

Lion ancestor, main hall lord, Peng ancestor, King Baixiao, the real demon of weeping blood, and even the best-armed monkey!

Yes, except for the four in the front, the real demon weeping blood behind, the monkey with the arm, both of them, they must face each other.

The fairy sword is too big.

The fairy sword represents a avenue.

It is not possible to create a self-prosperity avenue, but it is enough to cultivate a derivative Taoist symbol.

To become an immortal, we must open up a road to the real world.

The Heavenly Road is composed of Self Avenue and Eight Derived Tao Symbols.


A fairy sword represents a derivative Tao character, no matter how big the face, no one will give up.


Another set of fingerprints was quickly printed.

A golden sword that didn't know where to cut from the sky fell like thunder quickly.

Covering the sky, that is absolute power, forcibly suppressing.

The golden sword, however, wins with speed.

If Wang Yang wants to dodge, it is impossible.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

This King of Baixiao, his strength, will definitely not be fake.

However, since you want to compete with me at the same level, then, this desire, I must also satisfy you!

"Admiralty never goes out!!"

Immortal Admiralty, this is a weapon of Wang Yang's vertical battlefield.

For a long time, no matter how powerful he was, he blocked it with a golden bell.

No matter who it is, in front of this golden bell, they have to shout abruptly.

However, since he created the Sifang Universe, the Admiralty of Great Bell, he has not used it for a long time.

In fact, the great magical power created by Wang Yang did not endure the golden bell.

However, no, does not mean there is no.

For the creation of the god body, there is the immortality of the immortal golden rhyme.

When that terrible golden sword was broken through the air, it was impossible to avoid it.

He is already a basic skill as a cosmic giant, protecting the road, and manipulating the void.

However, even if he manipulated the void, at this moment, he was completely impossible.

Because the void is like iron, no matter how great the force is, it is impossible to tear apart a piece of steel.


The golden sword was blocked by a big bell.

The golden sword is shining, the golden bell is golden.

The two great magical powers are fighting against each other. Suddenly, the entire universe of heaven and earth seems to have been submerged by a golden sea.


White light shines.

Cover the sky.

The golden sword.

How can even the three great supernatural powers give this human race?

Is it true that he really can't treat him?

No, this is absolutely impossible.

The three great supernatural powers are his great supernatural powers.

It is also called the celestial supernatural power, which is his credibility.

How could it be possible to take a human race without any solution?

No, you can never admit defeat.

This seat is the most powerful near immortal in the universe. It is the king of Baixiao, who is in the universe of heaven and earth. When is it not as good as humans?

How is it possible that there is no way in front of this human race?

"You have made three consecutive moves. Next, it's my turn!"

Bai Xiaoshen Wang was not reconciled. It should be noted that Wang Yang was even more angry.

If you were not a near immortal, Lao Tzu could make you three tricks?

Don't even think about it!


The three courtesies of courtesy are already the greatest respect to you. Since none of them can treat me, then, today, you should try it, my great!

Big wave.

Seeing the endless flames, it seemed to be coming from every corner of the universe of the day and the earth.

The endless stream of chaos, not knowing where it came from, was swallowed up by this terrifying sea of ​​fire.

The endless chaotic torrent flooded the Quartet.

The Wild Continent is originally in the boundless chaos, but, the Wild Continent has a certain kind of wild connotation, and from the chaos, it avoids a bit of magic and turns out a clean.

Being in chaos, it is like an island in the chaotic sea.

All around, all are chaos, and the interior is like a paradise.

However, all of this, at this moment, was all broken.

The boundless chaos suddenly appeared, a touch of chaos fire, burning in the chaos.

Turned into a chaotic big tripod, covering all.

This turned out to be the magic fire.

This is one of the great magical powers created by Wang Yang.

Dahua Avenue, Dao Shenhuo.


Unexpectedly, Chaos had just blocked the Quartet, and suddenly there was a supreme power that directly bombarded Chaos.

There was a loud noise, the chaos was big, and it exploded into five or six pieces.

The whole image is quite embarrassed, clean clothes, a piece of red and a piece of white.

A white face, at this time, is also black and white, like a corner on the stage.

"Baixiao Shenwu, I think that the kind of power just now is not the power possessed by ordinary cosmic giants."

"Who said that I must maintain the power of the cosmic giant?"

Lengheng said: "But I want to weigh your strength.

Do you think that this seat can only use the power of the cosmic giant?"

Rolled his eyes.

Just using the power of the cosmic giant is your choice.

I did not force it.

Besides, do I have this power?

Sure enough, Jinxian is Jinxian.

When Baixiao Shenwang let go, he showed the most powerful strength.

I saw that all the roads were naturally manifested in Lu Xianhua of the universe.

Even Wang Yang felt that the Dahua Avenue was beating faster.

not good.

This is the existence of the near immortal-the characteristic of "Tao Dao Yu Tian Di".

Perhaps, this can be called a state, perhaps, this can also be regarded as a characteristic, a capability.

Under such characteristics, there is no same characteristic resistance, even if you are the perfect road, your road will also be completely controlled by the other party.

"Huh, kid, what do you think, your strength, in front of this seat, what is it?"


Wang Yang's face was blue.

But what can I do?

Scolding each other shamelessly?

Or, blame the other party for cheating?

Don't be amused. Why do you have to compete fairly with you based on your own victory?

"Humph, do you think that I would be afraid of you?"

Unexpectedly, Wang Yang, who was already unable to control his own avenue, was still so calm at this time.

Could it be that he has any backers?

Perhaps, what other powerful background does he have?

"Come out!"

I saw Wang Yang's hand waved and vanity, as if by a supreme power, it was just pulled away.

A towering god tree appears naturally.


I saw like a silver dragon, drawing towards me like lightning.

A closer look turned out to be just a branch.


King Baixiao, retreating again and again.

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