My Super Estate

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Chapter 2844 The Devil's Conspiracy

In the universe, the most top-notch existence, on the bright side, are those giants of the universe.

Knowing the cosmic giant, there are seven human races.

Daluo Emperor, Taiyi God Emperor, Sifang Kingdom Lord, Lei Zun, Yu Zun, Dianmu, Fengshen.

However, in contrast, Emperor Da Luo and Tai Yi Divine Emperor are pure human races, the real blood of human races, other storms, thunder and lightning, and the four great gods, each of them, should be counted as one of the Holy Spirit. class.

Their strength, one by one, is very strong.

Similarly, he also enjoys human fortune.

Even, one by one, they are fighting endlessly with the demons.

However, there is one biggest problem.

That is, their four deities, one by one, do not have much affection with the human race itself.

In other words, while enjoying the luck of the human race, they also showed that they are high above the ground and do not share the same with others.

Their strength is strong enough.

The human race has enough cards, but as long as they do not betray the human race, they will basically not participate too much about the internal affairs of the human race.

Even, their four great deities, self-contained, did not unite with the human camp.

In fact, their situation is generally the same as that of the Dragon Clan, the Golden Lion Clan, the God of War, the God of Light, and the four strong clan.

They all enjoy the luck of the human race, but they themselves do not have much sense of belonging to the human race.

On the contrary, they are not thinking about whether they are independent from the human race, and they are independent in the universe.

As long as there is a chance, they will definitely try at all costs.

However, the human race is really too powerful.

There are too many details.

In contrast, the Demon Race is also not weak.

Hell Demon Race, Nine Ghost Demon Race, Xuanming Demon Race, Earth Dragon Demon Race.

Moreover, there are several powerful existences in the Demon Race.

Black Lotus King, Six Dao Kings, Shura Kings, Blood Prison Kings, Demon Respect Tower, Demon Patriarch, Death, Huangquan Patriarch.

Among them, the black lotus sage, and the demon respecting the floor, have never heard of it, as if it was, don't know where, and suddenly appeared.

In the universe, a great reputation has been left.

On this day, the silent Shura Shengjun suddenly opened his eyes.

His body shook and appeared again, he had come to the Shura Demon Temple.

The Shura Demon Clan is the entire Demon Clan, a well-known strong clan, and a truly ancient heritage.

Since the beginning of the Demon Race, they have existed.

"Blood Priest, Heart Demon Patriarch, what do you want to do?"

"Sura Lord, you asura demons are the oldest strong tribe of my demons.

What happened, haven't you heard any rumors?

In other words, you haven't received the order from the senior Shura Demon?"

The Blood Priest sneered for a while.

Devil races have many ancient heritages.

However, the Shura Demon Race is definitely the oldest existence.

Even he received an order from the high-level, he Shura Shengjun, will it?

"Extinct human race?"

King Shura, very ugly, with blue-faced fangs, nostrils turned over, and his eyes protruding.

Such a face is really scary.

However, such a face can not affect the strength of his Shura Shengjun.

"The era of catastrophe is coming.

Even if I wait, without strong strength, can not become immortal, it must be hidden in the Jedi.

Now want to exterminate human race again?

Are you kidding me?"

At the end of the era, everyone struggled at the end.

At this time, do that extinction?

Have a problem with your brain!

Under the era of catastrophe, all creatures are destroyed in the catastrophe.

At that time, don’t do it yourself. None of the entire universe and all creatures can live.


Asura King, aren’t you, deceiving yourself?"

The ancestral ancestor sneered and said, "The era of catastrophe is coming.

How can those high-level leaders not understand?

Don’t forget that the reason they are still alive is because they have found Jedi asylum.

Otherwise, there was no possibility of survival under the catastrophe."

"What do you mean?"

"Sifang Star District!"


The whole universe seems to be a sensation.

At the end of this epoch, the catastrophe is at its most critical moment. The Demon Race does not know what is going crazy.

The seven cosmic star areas, led by the seven cosmic giants, looted toward the four star areas.

Hell Demon King, Shura Saint King, Heart Demon Ancestor, Blood Prison King, Black Lotus King, Six Dao Kings, Grim Reaper.

It can be said that the universe giants known by the Mozu, in addition to the newly-developed Demon Respect Tower, as well as the nine-nine ancestors and Xuanming ancestors, who have been beheaded by the Sifang Kingdom Master, have basically appeared.

For a time, the whole universe was sensational.

"Father, the seven demon giants, led the troop of trillions to the Sifang Star Zone.

what should we do?"

Emperor Da Luo has returned.

But, not much rest, Emperor Da Luo came in a hurry and reported a shocking news.

"Damn, these demons, what do they want to do?

Now, it is already the end of the era. Under the catastrophe, there is no shelter from the Jedi. All creatures cannot escape.

At this time, the cosmic giants are all struggling with that final struggle.

The people underneath, basically, can already be sure that they are going to die.

All you can do is save the tinder.

When the next era comes, we will sow seeds in the universe and preach.

At this time, the army again commits crimes?

The brain is flooded!


"Where is their direction?"

"Their direction is toward the Quartet Star Zone."

"not good!

Why didn't they think that their goal was to move towards the Sifang Star Zone?"

It's just a little bit angry.

Emperor Da Luo was a moment and did not intend to stay.

In this era, it must be said that there is still a place that can be preserved under the universe.

The Quartet Star Zone is definitely one.

Moreover, this hope is very, very big.

The Quartet Star Zone is already 23 universes.

A cosmic star area, twenty-three cosmic nations?

More vast than the two star districts.

On such a large scale, the ability to withstand disasters will be greatly improved.

If, if we go one step further, how many more universes are there?

Well, things will change drastically.

Perhaps the Quartet Star Zone will become the only survivor in the universe.

Once the expectation comes true, wait for another era to come again.

The human race, inevitably, has an absolute advantage.

Mozu, this is the layout in the next era 1

"Quickly, to bring together all the powers of our Daluo Star Zone, we must ensure that the Sifang Star Zone will not suffer any impact.

To ensure the safety of the Sifangxing District."


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