My Super Estate

The 3048th chapter demon heaven

Chapter 2848th Demon Heavenly Path

"Huh, Lord Sifang, do you think that this way can break the general trend of my demon heaven?"

No one knows what caused the action this time.

However, the final goal of this action was clear to everyone.

Destroy the Quartet Star Zone and cut off the hope of the human race.

Just a moment ago, that race was in an imposing competition, and the Demon Celestial Path held the absolute upper hand.

A rare opportunity.

The strong of the human race have not all gathered, otherwise, there is absolutely no such good thing.

Unfortunately, it failed.

"Magic Eye!!"

The boundless magic cloud quickly gathers and rolls.

Enveloping the Quartet, at least ten light-year-old magic clouds all turned up.

From a distance, it looks like a nebula.

It's just that this nebula is dark and dark, without any gloss.

Powerful energy fluctuations quickly pass from within the nebula.

Slowly, from this nebula, a terrible will was born.

It was a supreme feeling.

Anyone, standing under this will, can clearly feel that he is a little ant under the mountain.

It's so small.

"No, this is the will of the demon heaven!"

Mozu Heavenly Path, supreme, even the great existence of Nine Nether Moxian, is under Mozu Heavenly Path.

Even the seven Mozu giants come together, with their strength, they want to cause the advent of the Mozu heaven.

That is also impossible.

However, the Demon Celestial Dao is really supreme, and its power, even if it is only a trace, is also an irresistible force for Wang Yang and others.

"Everyone is ready."

The demon is about to make a big move.

The will of Mozu Heavenly Path has already been concerned here.

Even if it is just the arrival of a trace of power, it is an absolutely devastating blow to the Quartet star Eurasia.

Must be prepared.


At this moment, everyone shouted together.

A strong breath broke out.

The powerful breath stirred the wind and clouds, and the whole universe, I don't know how many starlights, all gathered towards this side.

Heavenly Dao, only Heavenly Dao can resist.

The demon made a big move, and even the will of the devil's heavenly path paid attention to it.

The Sifang Star District is the only way to converge the Eight Stars, to attract the air of hundreds of millions of people, and to guide the coming of the heaven of the human race, if it is not to be broken or destroyed.


All around the magic cloud, a sudden thunder rolled, a pure, without any emotional fluctuations, as if it was an unattainable god, his eyes suddenly opened.

What kind of eye is that?

High above, no emotion, cold, lonely.

The immeasurable amount of energy gathers quickly to form an irresistible magic light that can destroy all.



"Damn, these demons, they suddenly came towards me in the Quartet Star Zone?"

Wang Yang, who is in a wild continent, has already experienced the changes in the Sifangxing District.

Eyes, without traces, glanced at the real devil crying blood.

As far as the devil is concerned, weeping blood is really one of the most powerful guys.

Here, in front of his own face, this sore blood demon is obedient to himself.

Behind the scenes, what role does this guy play?

Behind the scenes?

The actual manipulator?

In other words, it is the latter of the magic cloud screen.

A powerful magic light shining toward the Quartet Star Zone.

Sure enough, everything went to Sambo.

This Demon Heavenly Dao appeared, and turned towards himself.

How is it possible for you to succeed?

The boundless power gathered quickly, and the thunder was overflowing. Suddenly, I didn't know where it came from, and a thunder came directly to it.


Both powers are supreme. No one but human power can resist except for each other.

Under such power, any existence is so tiny.

"Do not!"

Suddenly, Wang Yang only felt a sense of danger.

It seems that he has been locked in by a force.

"No, this is the power of the demon heaven."

It turned out that in the scene just now, Wang Yang looked at him with the help of the spirit.

However, Wang Yang only found out now that he looked at himself a bit high.

The magic light was broken.

However, the power of the Thunder is obviously a bit inadequate.

The Demon Race is broken, and there can be no more danger to the Quartet Star Zone.However, the scattered magic light is still so powerful.

Wang Yang backed off again and again.

There is no sign.

"what are you doing?"

Shizu stared at him.

Is it already so powerful?

If you didn't do it yourself, would you retreat?

However, he reacted too slowly.

Wang Yang has just backed away, a magic light, do not know where to call, directly is to smash the entire void.

The powerful force is directly from above the sky, in a sudden, it is hit.

Wang Yang retreated immediately.

Suddenly, the power struck successfully avoided.

However, the slow-reacting Lion Ancestor was not so lucky.

The magic light came too suddenly.

When he reacted, the magic light that didn't know where he was from had already hit him.

Shizu Na is a near immortal existence.

With such an existence, Wei An is incomparable, more powerful than ordinary cosmic giants, and more than a thousand times more powerful.

In front of such an existence, Wang Yangneng can maintain an undefeated image.

It does not depend on his own strength.

He, himself, does not have such strength.

He relied on the Demon God Tree.

Otherwise, with his strength, he could increase it by a hundredfold and a thousandfold, and I don’t know if it can resist it.

However, it is such an incredible lion ancestor. Under the bombardment of such magic light, there is no direct resistance.

Under the powerful bombardment, the lion ancestor was only in the void, leaving a sad scream.

Then, the entire void is left without any existence.

The existence of a near immortality is so tragic death?

Suddenly, the king of Baixiao was scared.

Shizu's strength is not much weaker than himself.

What happened?


In fact, such a scene in front of me has already scared many people.

The strength of Shizu is really too strong.

However, such a powerful existence exists like this, dying unclearly?

"God, heaven?"

The most shocking thing is the true demon crying blood.

As the most top-notch existence of Mozu, he is the real big brother.

Brother is not in rivers and lakes, rivers and lakes have legends of brothers.

To put it bluntly, it is the number one person like him.

But what did you see?

The power of the Demon Celestial Dao helped a human race and killed a blocker?

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