My Super Estate

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Chapter 2851 Killing the Ring

"This is me, underestimated?"

The sword master smiled gently.

I did not expect that I would be underestimated.

The seven saints, on their own, are the three giants.

But so is myself!

How can you forget me?

The demon cloud permeates, and the vast starry sky is directly shrouded in no less than ten light years.

From the magic cloud, a large number of large demons flew out.

These demons are powerful, surrounded by Dao Yun, and there is a great voice in the faint.

It's like choosing everyone: these are all universe overlords.

A glance, the number is as high as 1,300.

"So, you guys, this is here to die?"

Wang Yang fought very fiercely.

From the magical cloud, one thousand three universe overlords flew out.

Wang Yang knew that the only chance was to appear.

In any case, the ancestor of the devil, the god of death, must not shoot.

"Two people, what means are there to take them out, and they must not be allowed to leave the battlefield."

In the same way, Wang Yang did not forget to remind Daluo Emperor and Taiyi Divine Emperor in a hurry.

Their role is not to kill the enemy.

Similarly, it is also entangled with the enemy, dragging down all the enemies.

This idea is extremely similar to the Demon Race.

The voice of Wang Yang was received by Daluo Emperor and Taiyi Divine Emperor.

For a time, their attack and defense suddenly discovered a change.

Emperor Da Luo has three strong enemies.

If you want to save your life, defense is the best.If something is wrong, they will immediately leave, shift the battlefield, and fight for fighters.

No defense, only attack?

Attack by attack?

I'm afraid it's not a fool!

Have you ever played three alone?

The number of battles among cosmic giants has no effect, because, between the avenues, on the contrary, they are repelled, and without a special large formation, it is impossible to attack at all.

However, the premise of this is that you don’t have to use your brains and don’t think about the dead attack!

The premise of this statement is because you have a powerful speed and you can control powerful degrees of freedom!

Similarly, it is also in the starry sky of the universe, and there is no special terrain, which cannot create a serious obstacle to your escape!

You are really dead of brains, and the battle of death is not going back. You are built by the strongest god in the universe, and you will only get closer and closer to death.

"He's crazy?"

Emperor Da Luo's sudden actions, Shura Shengjun and three others immediately noticed it.

Their first reaction was that this guy was crazy.

However, their second reaction: bad, there is a conspiracy.

"Open the distance and guard against any conspiracy!"

Combat experience is really too powerful.

On the battlefield, there is a little wind and water, and they are alert.

"Be careful!!"

Devil races have always been selfish.

However, at this moment, Shura Shengjun, he actually found his conscience to find that he had left the battlefield for the first time and opened the distance, and at the same time, he did not forget to remind him.

"Want to leave?

how is this possible?"

The demon are alert and want to distance themselves from the battlefield, just in case.

What kind of vision does Daluo Dizun make it possible for them to achieve their goals?

In just a moment, the decision was made, and all the cards came out.

Although it was only a very brief moment, it has also achieved its purpose.


This scene made them very annoyed.

Although the burning source can greatly improve its strength, it is a great harm to itself.

Generally speaking, it is not life and death, not rush to escape, who will burn the source?

"This lunatic!"

It is simply unreasonable to burn the source and desperately fight with your three strong men.

It is impossible to escape from the battlefield again.

Otherwise, a single opponent must throw his life here.

"Haha, Daluo Emperor Zun is already desperate, and I can't fall behind!"

Faintly, Shura Shengjun heard Taiyi Divine Emperor's voice.

The only bad thoughts I have just had are now more obvious.

Conspiracy, human race has conspiracy.

There is definitely a conspiracy!

Suddenly, an unfamiliar, same, unimaginable super sword power suddenly broke out.


Just outbreak, Shura Shengjun clearly felt that his own spiritual world had a feeling of tearing.

These human races even have a giant kendo.

How could there be such a existence?

For a time, Shura Shengjun has been desperate.

One thousand three hundred universe overlords, the camp is really too powerful.

The Sifang Star District is far more powerful than the general Cosmic Star District, and the Space Overlord has not exceeded 30.

In fact, as of now, there are only twenty or so.

This is still the Quartet Star Zone, the first in the universe, breaking all kinds of conventions, otherwise, it is impossible.

Subordinate universe?

Not at all.

Sifang Star District, the growth rate is really too fast.

In addition, from Daluoxing District, Taiyixing District, the headquarter and the affiliated horses, together, there is no one hundred.

Less than a hundred of cosmic overlords, facing the demons that are so large to a terrifying 1300?

Where is there any chance of winning?

Wash your neck and wait for beheaded!

The Mozu grinously laughed.

The human race screams in despair.

It seems to be telling everyone that the emotions of the cosmic supremacy, cosmic sovereign, and human race are still so real.

Suddenly, I saw the presence of a great shore, walking slowly in the stars.

Step by step, it seems to be walking in a void.

Unmatched sword spirit, wanton.

The sword light flickered, and in the void, it directly exploded the entire order.

A demon overlord, who had reached the ninth level, grinned and slayed towards the Sifang Star Zone.

"I heard that the human race Sifangxing District has endless resources.

Let's see if there are endless resources here."

He seemed to have seen countless human races, and under his own slaughter, he scolded and begged for mercy.

It is more like seeing that he has plundered countless resources and returned to his own cosmic country to greatly enhance his domestic strength and overall strength.

Then, at this last moment, he has greatly improved his way and become a new generation of cosmic giants.


Crazy laughter sounded wantonly in the universe.

In the laughter, all seemed to be.

Suddenly, a bright sword light flashed suddenly.

Uh uh uh uh...

Covering his throat, all the madness, all the pride, all turned into panic.

Do not glance at the corners of your eyes.

Even more terrifying to him, the entire Demon Race, 1,300 universe overlords, are being slashed by that bright white sword light.

In the end, all darkness engulfed my whole soul.


The horror of the sword, flashed frantically in the soul world.

The whole Shura Shengjun was suddenly changed, and he was simply stunned.

Then, there was an angry shout.

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