My Super Estate

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Chapter 2870 Simulated Heavenly Path

"The young master will rest assured that he will never let you down!"

The Sifang Star Zone has become the Sifang Star Realm, but Wang Yang's name is still the Sifang Kingdom.

Regardless of his strength, in the universe, the name of his lord of the Quartet will not change.

As Wang Yang’s son, Wang Qing took it for granted that he was the only Sifang young master.

A 90-million-year-old psychic grass is a rare shock to the four-star master.

However, its magical effect is unimaginable.

I saw that when swallowing this 90-million-year-old soul grass, the four-star master, surrounded by the horse, had an endless sense and naturally derived.

The powerful Taoism naturally derives a boundary.

One by one, the dimples are naturally born in the derivative realm.

In a blink of an eye, there are no fewer than tens of thousands of patterns, which naturally rotate around the four stars.

Then, you can see that fifteen thousand daggers merged with each other, and finally became a magical rune.

"This, this is a breakthrough?"

In front of this scene, Wang Qing is no stranger.

He himself has also experienced it, with his martial art feelings, naturally exudes a kind of Daoism, forming a powerful universe.

In ancient legends, such a Tao field is also called: Dojo!

In the dojo, the upper body of heaven, there is nothing out of nothing, it is derived from mysterious lines.

The dimple itself has no particularity, it seems to be the basic character of the world.

Each has its own meaning.

This is the origin of the universe of heaven and earth.

However, what kind of splendid article can be written in such a basic text depends on your level.

Obviously, this four-star host is very surprising.

He turned out that it was so easy to break through his own realm and improve his own morality just by relying on a 90 million-year-old soul grass.

"damn it!!"

The mad black cloud ancestor, the smell is very powerful, the four star master just had some movements, he immediately found out.

In front of him, no matter how he attacked, he could not treat him like this.

If, the four-star master broke through, Daoxing improved.

So, what will happen?

At this moment, he did not know what to do.

"No, he must not be allowed to break through!"

After weighing it, Heiyun Ancestor decided that he must not be allowed to break through anyway.

Otherwise, you will immediately fall into crisis.

I'm afraid that the goal of launching this war can't be completed, even if it is your own life, it is impossible to protect it.


In my heart, there was already a decision, but, on the surface, he was still so quiet.

He has seen that this top ten array, although powerful, is not without its flaws.

Inconvenience is the biggest flaw.

As long as they attack themselves, their large formations can never be spread out.

As long as they are fast enough, before they rescue, bypass the big formation and smash Huanglong, they must be able to kill the immovable four-star master.

Sure enough, his black cloud ancestor's attack, in addition to the ten great array, there is no other means to resist.

Out of frustration, even if Xiao Yun had already seen the intention of the Black Cloud ancestor, he had to resist it with a large array.

The ancestors of Heiyun Cloud did not miss his acting skills. Although he was performing as much as possible, his intention was like the flower girl on the road, which was bright and bright, and it could not be concealed.

Xiao Yun saw it, and so did Wang Qing.

"No, this four-star master is the most critical time. In any case, he cannot be interrupted."

Wang Qing is also worthy of Wang Yang's species. At such a moment, he was so calm.

It was as if he had never been disturbed by this sudden accident.

Turned his head, glanced at the four star masters, turned his head again, and looked over there.

Sure enough, the full-strength sword was not intended to break the defense of the top ten teams. More, they still wanted to attract the attention of Xiao Yun and others, so that they really had no way to do it.

The Black Cloud ancestor himself, he has turned into a streamer, towards the four star master to kill.

Obviously, this guy, his goal, has been replaced by a four-star master.

"Want to hurt him?"

Clenching his teeth, despite the great reluctance in his heart, Wang Qing also actively greeted him.

"Black Cloud Patriarch, you are too small to look at people.

Could it be that you think I am bullying?"

"Go away!"

Wang Qing stood up and greeted him on his own initiative.

However, his existence obviously cannot attract the attention of the Black Cloud Patriarch.

However, a kid who has just opened up the road is a character that can be killed. What is worth paying attention to?

"You are too presumptuous!"

Wang Qing was furious: "Father, help me!!"

Facing the black cloud ancestor, he was welcoming him. Similarly, in his mouth, he shouted his father.

This result is really surprising.

The Quartet Star World, as the first star world in the history of the universe, the only special existence that can withstand the era of catastrophe. Its attention is massive.

In the same way, the main characters of it are all the objects that are focused on by all parties.

As the only son of Wang Yang, Wang Qing is far more concerned than others.

Ancestor Heiyun knew Wang Qing, just like the four-star master. He has never seen Wang Qing and still knows him.

"Wang Qing, the son of the Quartet?

Hahahaha... It’s really God help me, if you are in the Quartet and killed, I can’t do anything to you.

However, since you have already come out, and have already taken the initiative to come to the door, then, the ancestors laughed!!"

Seeing Wang Qing, the Black Cloud ancestor will definitely not compare with an old pervert, seeing a bare body, a woman in general, that kind of excitement is simply not understandable to ordinary people.

That's called Dole Me.


Could it be that the Quartet is coming?"

The shadow of the tree, the name of the person.

The deterrent force of the Quartet is still very powerful.

If the lord of the Quartet appears in person, then, if he is given 10,000 more guts, he will never dare to deal with his son.

It was just a quick glance that no ghost shadow was seen.

"Huh, do you think that your father's name can drive me back?"

Black Cloud Ancestor was furious.

He thought that this was the biggest insult to himself.

Even if I was going to make a name, I was scared away. I just looked down on me.

At least, there must be a supernatural power!

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