My Super Estate

3074 Born-Abt 1905

Chapter Two 872 Leverages the Power of Manifestation

"Huh, borrowing from the air?

Instead, look at how powerful you can be?

Your lord of the Quartet, but also the giant of the universe, is not a fairy everywhere, do you think I will be afraid?"

Very real idea.

Heiyun Patriarch's ideas are, probably, everyone's ideas.

In fact, a group of big humans sitting next to Wang Yang, hundreds of millions of light-years away, at this time, one by one, all think so.

The Sifang Star Realm, even though it already has Heavenly Dao, and Heavenly Dao has a new earth function, but, in the end, it is not a Human Dao.

How much power can you have?

With such a long distance apart, how much power can you have left?

"You don't believe it?"

Who is Wang Yang?Over the years, all kinds of powerful immortals have seen and do not know how many respects. How can some of their ideas be concealed in front of him?

"Look at you!"

With a wave of your hand, the black mirror magnifies naturally, and the clear picture is like being in the present.


An idea just flashed in the heart of Black Cloud Ancestor, and in the void, it naturally reminded of the thunder.

The thunder exploded and fell into the heart of the black cloud ancestor, which naturally became these two majestic words.

The eye of Dao suddenly shot a golden light that day.

Golden light is like electricity, and Wang Qing is completely shrouded.

I saw that Wang Qing didn't know when, exudes infinite divinity, and greeted the black cloud ancestor.

It was like responding to the two words like Tianwei.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

Ancestor Heiyun is also a tempered person. He has gone through a hundred steps, and has not taken the thirtieth step, just stepping on the second step. Are you so arrogant?

Are you afraid that you haven’t died?

The black magic hand, and the gleaming golden palm, swept across.


Two powerful forces collided together to form a violent explosion.

It is a pity that the black magic hand, despite its mighty power, has infinite divinity, but under the palm of the golden god, there is no point of resistance at all.

In the end, it can only be torn apart.

The golden palm of the hand, the might of Tianwei, and the domineering matchlessness, the black magic hand was torn apart, and he was not satisfied, and even attacked the black cloud ancestor vertically.


Power is overbearing.

The ancestor of the Black Cloud couldn't even escape, he was directly blown away by the golden palm.


The Black Cloud Demon Body has been exploded, and in the void, the sad scream of the Black Cloud Ancestor sounded.


This time, it scared a lot of people.

For example, the four-star master who just woke up.

He was terrified.

"This, this, is this true?"

The strength has just been improved, which is when the four-star ambitions are complacent.

Even in his heart, he was always worried that he was too late to consolidate his realm, and he woke up the first time, worrying that the strength of the Black Cloud ancestor was too strong, and no one could cope with it.

Who knows that after waking up, when he first saw his eyes, what he saw would be this?

"What do you think?"

Wang Qing didn't look back, just stared there.

There is a terrifying will.

Black Cloud Ancestor did not die.


At this time, Wang Qing was blessed by the Sifang Star Realm, and his vision was even stronger than that of the Four Star Master.

"This, this is not the Black Cloud Ancestor, damn, who the hell are you?"

He had clearly sensed that the breath of the black cloud ancestor was naturally annihilated, and the awake breath was a strange breath.

This breath is not stronger than the Black Cloud ancestor.

However, this breath is very dangerous.

"who are you?"

The four star master also reacted.

There, naturally, a powerful magic rose.

This is a demon.

However, this is not the black cloud ancestor.

The four-star master is too familiar with the Black Cloud ancestor all his life, this is not at all.

"who are you?"

Ten people including Xiao Yun quickly returned to Wang Qing's side and guarded him firmly.

Just now, it was too dangerous.

Wang Qing, but the sole son of the owner, in case he had an accident, he could hardly be forgiven.

This unfamiliar will is too dangerous, it is simply a big devil.

"Father of the Devil!!

You are the ancestor of the demon!!!"

Wang Qing exclaimed, pointing to the front, saying so.


Xiao Yun responded quickly and shouted: "Arrangement!!"

Ancestor of the Devil is a giant of the universe.

His strength, but even more powerful than the Black Cloud ancestor.

As for why the black cloud ancestors have become the demon ancestors

No one asked this question.


Are you the son of the Sifang Lord?Your human race attaches the most importance to family, but if you can be taken down, it is estimated that he will be sad for a while.

Come here!!"

It turned out to be really the Demon Ancestor.

Patriarch Patriarch, it is really very powerful, many times against the Quartet Star Realm, but always live well.

It must be said that he is still alive as an enemy of the Quartet Star Realm, and now it is him.

"Ten great battles!!"

At this time, Xiao Yun couldn't think more.

Why it becomes the present ancestor of the demon is not important at all.

The safety of Wang Qing is the most important.

Wang Qing didn't respond at all, and was already in the top ten, and it was directly shrouded.

"Huh, ten great battles?

In the face of absolute power, how can a small ten-strong battle be turned upside down?"

This kind of'Heart Demon Patriarch' is no worse than the Black Cloud Patriarch.

Even the breath is somewhat similar, except for will, there is no other difference.

However, it is such an existence, facing the ten great formations, half-air, then took a palm shot.

Between the black cloud ancestors, the moves are actually the same.

However, it is the same move, falling on the top ten, and the result is completely different.


The ten great battles that the black cloud ancestor couldn't break, seemed to be paper-like, and shattered at the touch.


Ten people, including Guan Yue and Xiao Yun, were seriously injured.

"Haha, Wang Qing, the young master of the Quartet?

Now, you have no one to protect you!"

"Heart Demon Patriarch, you are so bold!

Are you not afraid, is there any time you come back this time?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……

It seems that you, Wang Qing, don't know much about it.

That being the case, today, let me take a look at how powerful my ancestors are!!"

This old demon ancestor still has that smell.

However, this ancestral ancestor is undoubtedly more confident.

His morality is not too high, but his confidence is undisguised.

What can he do?

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