My Super Estate

3084: CodyCross Department Store Group 502-Puzzle 3 Answers

Chapter Two Eighty-Two

Wang Yang knew that he underestimated the world.

The Wanlong team, Wang Yang thought, was just a field-like team.

In the field of large formations, Tyrannosaurus Rex possesses absolute power.

However, outside the realm of large formations, Tyrannosaurus Rex became a paper tiger.

I myself, guarding this paper tiger, and watching it, can be arrogant for several hours.

However, when the falling bell sounded, Wang Yang knew that he was careless.

Okay, carelessly, it's just a matter of self-respect.

Even if you are careless, what can you do? Can you still be their opponent?

Obviously impossible.

When the falling bell sounded, Wang Yang only felt that his heart was gray, and there was no ups and downs, only despair and silence.

At that moment, Wang Yang's will was running fast, but no matter how anxious he was, the spiritual world was gray, without any ups and downs.

The power of the soul is the essence of life.

Everything is just a manifestation of the soul.The heart is dead, it is the walking dead.

When the mind is closed, it is a vegetative, even if the flesh is still alive, it will not have the ability to act at all.

Wang Yang is currently such a situation.

His will is running fast, but his mind seems to be covered with a layer of gray gauze.

No matter how anxious he is, no matter how hard he tries, it is useless.

My own soul has been isolated from the flesh.

This can't be done by a downbeat clock.

No matter how powerful the Divine Soldier is, it must have corresponding mana support. Otherwise, it seems to be a dry well. Although it is very deep, it can't come out of the water.

Xiaoyue wolf ancestor, apparently has no such strength.

The power of the down-bell can only be supported by Xiaoyue Wolf Ancestor.

This is why Wang Yang has strong self-confidence.

In this martial world, everything in the universe is human-oriented.

If the person is strong, the supernatural power is strong, and if the person is weak, the supernatural power is weak.

I don't have a powerful ability of my own, even if it is the treasure of the ages, it is useless.

It is a pity that thousands of calculations haven't been counted, but a large array of dragons has changed all this.

Wanlong team, the main defense, field class team.

In the field of large formations, I am invincible; outside the field of large formations, it has nothing to do with me.

However, how could the Wanlong Great Array, as the dragon's repressive clan movement, be simple?

The second change of the Wanlong Formation brought together all the forces of the Great Formation and formed a unit.

In fact, such a characteristic has already been revealed in the first change, otherwise, it will not be possible to have the invincible toughness in the large formation.

As a result, Wang Yang was out of luck, and the depraved bell was sacrificed by a large array.

In the same way, the Ten Thousand Ghosts Figure, sacrificed by the Great Formation, is also ahead of its time.

The falling bell isolates the soul and the flesh.

Ten thousand ghosts, devour the life of souls.

It is a perfect match.

"Damn, don't I have to sacrifice the Demon God Tree again?"

Dare to enter the realm of the Devil alone, and want a person to break into the heart demon star area alone, Wang Yang has an absolute card.

Demon God Tree is one of them.

It's just that there is a hole card, and it can't be used often, otherwise, it will be a huge blow to your beliefs.

Wang Yang does not want to let himself exist in this kind of blow.

The warrior must believe in himself and fear all difficulties.

If, when something happens, you look for a backer, then you are not a warrior.

Similarly, if he encounters a few things and still has his own cards, then he is just a conspirator, not a warrior.

The warrior should use his fist to hit a world, establish his own rules, and defend his own rules.

Whoever doesn't agree will kill him!

It's that simple.

Demon God Tree, Wang Yang has always been with him.

In other words, the Demon God Tree never left.However, in any case, Wang Yang will not be willing to see everything he sees in him, and he is pinned on a tree of demon gods.

That is not a warrior, but a parasite.

The ancestors of the human race use their own strength to create a world for my human race. I should not wait for my juniors to put my hopes on others again.


In Wang Yang's heart, he is still struggling, in the end, whether to borrow power from the Demon God Tree.

Suddenly, a loud noise appeared unexpectedly.

The celestial horns that should have been attacked against him had not attacked himself. Instead, they directly hit the ten thousand ghost pictures.


The celestial horns are the purest type of attacking treasure. The Ten Thousand Ghost Figure is just a picture. However, this picture is sealed by the Ten Thousand Ghost Kings.

Between the two, the functions are different, the materials are different, the two are combined, and the effect is immediate.

Wan Guitu has no resistance at all. When struck by the horn of Zhentian Niu, it directly hit a big hole.


Only heard the sounds of ghosts, and then, in the infinite yin, spontaneously ignited ghost fire.

"Ah, Cow Demon King, I'm going to kill you!!"

Wuyin Ghost King was almost going crazy.

Wan Gui Tu is one of his treasures and one of his most powerful means.

In peacetime, he will never take it out. This time, if it is not the lord of the Quartet, the temptation is too big, he will not take out anything.

But what is going on now?

I just took it out, but it didn't show a bit of majesty, it was destroyed.

Damn it!!

Angrily, no matter what the Great Dragon and the Great Dragon are, they are attacking towards the Demon King.

This time, it was a big deal.

Any big formation is a unity of mind, otherwise, no matter how powerful the big formation is, it is a castle in the sky.

Obviously, the Niu Demon King and the Wuyin Ghost King are the two unstable factors within the Great Array.


Lost the support of the large array, the power of the down-bell, suddenly there is no such incredible power.

Wang Yang only felt that he seemed to be a drowner who did not know how many hours of drowning, and suddenly he was liberated.

The terrifying mind storm swept across.





This psychic storm is really terrifying. The Wanlong formation has just been destroyed. The cosmic giants from the five major groups, one by one, have been affected by this psychic storm.

The terrifying soul storm is like a knife, cutting back and forth in their spiritual world.

For a time, more than one hundred giant giants, one by one, were seriously injured.

Even, several, all withered breath.

"Bull King..."

The Bull Demon King is guilty of anger.

One by one, all stared at the Bull Demon King with his eyes.

If the eyes can really kill people, Niu Demon is definitely being late at this time.

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