My Super Estate

3098 Born-Dec 1905 Hastings

Chapter 2986 is dead, so don’t blame the powerful!

Without strength, don't be too arrogant!!

Wang Yang said shiningly.

"No, he hides his strength, he is fishing, he is fishing us.

We are fooled!!"

Being the team leader, saving time and momentum is the most basic element.

Sanyuan Mozun, as a Demon Race, deals with human races most.

In his impression, the human race, cunning is the most basic element.

Even a very brave looking guy has a trace of cunning gene in his bones.

As long as the goal has not been reached, they will expose their cunning nature in the first place.

Sanyuan Mozun turned around and left.

The strength of this human race will definitely not be that little.

If I don’t go, I’m afraid it’s too late.

"Want to go?"

Wang Yang sneered: "Do you think you can go?"

With a punch, it seemed that the ancestor Yang from the real world exudes a raging flame, rising slowly from behind Wang Yang.

The powerful force shakes the void.

The void that Sanyuan Mozun has just broken is directly transformed into a porridge.

"Damn, this human race, we're going to wipe us out."

Seeing that it is impossible to escape.

Sanyuan Mozun reminded loudly again and again.

Many people are powerful, and this has been the case since ancient times.

The strength of the human race is unknown, with great ambition, delusional, to kill all of these twenty cosmic giants.

Then, of course, these people must unite together.

Be careful, at this time, of course, let go.

How to say it is also a common enemy.

Moreover, the strength of the other party is still so powerful.

"Jihu Mozun, Yiyuan Mozun, you set me up as a center, and today you must kill this human race, otherwise, we will never escape."

Mozu, selfishness, this is nature.

However, the Demon Race is an everlasting race, and it is still a strong race.

It is certainly impossible for them to be selfless.

However, let them take advantage of some, barely, arranged into some simple large array, but there is no problem at all.

The powerful force, the majestic outbreak, and the strong mana are all coming toward the Three Elemental Deity.

Soon, Yiyuan Mozun, Extreme Fire Lord, only felt that there was a burst of emptiness on his body.

All of their power is gathered to Sanyuan Mozun.


The powerful strength is very fascinating.

Sanyuan Mozun feels that he can smash this piece of void with one punch.

A human race?

Even if you are the sovereign of the Quartet, under my invincible power, you will have no chance of life.


Confident, at last, he still could not bear the temptation in his heart, and punched the evil punch towards the powerful human race.


Wang Yang was furious.

Despite the suppression of their own powerful forces, dare to resist?,

It's just turning the corner.


Carrying a rage, facing the punch of Sanyuan Mozun, when the head hit, it was a punch.

One punch to one punch.

Who is stronger or weaker?

At this moment, many people are quiet.

Unexpectedly, the demon sent the three yuan demon to respect them, still have such a skill.

That's right, who would dare to come to the trouble of the lord of the Quartet without strong power?

For a time, the major leaders seemed to have greatly increased their confidence in the strength of Sanyuan Mozun.

In the same way, one by one, they looked at the fist that was also hit, and there was always a slight worry in their hearts.

The Sifang Lord is really mysterious.

Who knows whether this punch will affect him?


Sanyuan Mozun never felt that he was so powerful.

He only felt that he seemed to have no fear of enemies.

The powerful force fascinated him even more.

Even, let him rise to infinite confusion again.

Unbearable, he punched out again.

This feeling is really great.

"Kill kill kill..."


At this moment, he has never been so powerful. This feeling, this feeling, is really wonderful.

Two punches are not enough, and ten consecutive punches are directly shot.


The explosion of Sanyuan Mozun was a surprise.

In the same way, the three talents of Sanyuan Mozun are really very hot.

Mozu selfishness, this has been recognized by the universe.

However, it is really surprising that the selfish and selfish Devil can arrange such a powerful array.

Who can dislike the powerful strength?

In any case, these three talents must be brought in.


Wang Yang just sneered.

Thought that your demon race is my human race?Under the battle, even the avenues can be merged.

But mana fusion is all right. Even if mana is stronger, what's the use?

Dao Xing did not improve, so dare to be so arrogant in front of your king

Kill you!

Wang Yang thought hard, that his strength was still somewhat convergent.At this time, everything broke out.


Wang Yang's boxing power seems to be that icebreaker, even if your ice is thick and solid, it has no effect under your invincible power.

A series of thirteen strands of punching power is directly beaten by the wind and waves, and is directly broken.

Even, the extremely condensed boxing strength, breaking through the heavy boxing strength, following the trend, directly hit the body of Sanyuan Mozun.


The powerful demon body of Sanyuan Mozun cannot be kept undefeated under such a punch.

Lowering his head and looking at his chest, Sanyuan Mozun only felt that it was so incredible.

Even if he would be punched by himself, he would directly give the body a demon body.


I felt a strong force with extremely overbearing power.

I saw that this strong force fled back and forth in the body.

In the end, it seems to have found a vent.

"Do not!"

Where is this vent?This is simply their own spiritual world.

The body is broken, and it can be recovered at a very fast speed. Although it consumes its own energy, it will not die at least!

However, once this force is used, it will directly break through your own spiritual world.

Then, under such terrifying power, your own spiritual world will definitely collapse in the first place.

Will step into a land of nowhere.

"Do not……"

After trying everything, we must resist this force beyond the spiritual world anyway.

Unfortunately, it has no effect at all.


Sanyuan Mozun, that's it, it just explodes.

Except for a touch of purple qi, like a dragon, nothing remained.

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