My Super Estate

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Chapter 2900 Secrets of the Land of Wonders

"Here, there is a road to immortality.

On this road, our'God Me' is tested, depending on how far we can go."

The wonderland is not much.

Wang Yang can already see the one that Niu Mowang said.

Very different from the general Jedi.

There are no creatures in this fairyland.

Also, when Wang Yang lives here, he can clearly feel that his own life yuan is constantly passing by.

It is magical that the "God Me" disappears, and naturally the sense of self is gone.

However, Wang Yang can still feel that his life is constantly passing by.

The land of immortality is also a land of immortality.

At this time, not only his own supernatural powers were all gone, but also his super life, too.

Here, it is an ordinary mortal.

Here, there is no such long life at all.

Of course, there are no creatures that can survive here for a long time.

"Prince of the Quartet?"

Suddenly, I felt that a large number of people appeared behind me.

Turning around, I realized that I don't know when, here, a large number of orcs have appeared.

The number is very huge.

Also appearing are the Demon God Tree, the Sabertooth Dragon, and the Hydra.

"It's you?"

Wang Yang was shocked.

He had absolutely no idea that the Saber-toothed Dragon and Hydra, even if they were so cruel, sent tens of thousands of beasts directly.

Among them, there are dragons and beasts, and more are snakes and beasts.

"Hahahaha, Lord of the Quartet, this time, how do you not die?"

The Saber-tooth Dragon stared at the Sifang Kingdom Master and laughed, as if it were, he was very happy in his heart.

Soon, they looked at the road of immortality again.

"Void Spirit Fairy Light!!"

In the ground, there is a hundred steps.

On Baibu Avenue, there is a trace of nine-colored fairy light.

Even, there are five dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, white tigers, mysterious turtles and so on.

And, naturally guard the phantom spirit light.

"You..." A powerful force came fiercely.

It turned out that someone was going to shoot at Wang Yang.

Both Saber-toothed Dragon and Hydra are attracted to the'Void Spirit Fairy Light' in that void.

However, this time, they entered this place, not by themselves.

This is a dragon beast.

Here, it seems that there is no wisdom, only ordinary wisdom.

"damn it!"

In this wonderful place, everyone is a mortal body.

Wang Yang is like this, as is the Sabertooth Dragon and the Hydra.

Even the tens of thousands of men and women they brought were the same.

even.I don't know if it's because everyone has different strengths and different realms. These beasts give Wang Yang the feeling that they are some beasts without wisdom.

Wild, but none of them has any spirituality.

The roaring one after another, bloodshot eyes, contains endless aura.


Everyone is mortal.

But, what happened, I was also the kind of natural divine power.

In addition, I still don't believe my skills, and my strength is not as good as those animals without wisdom.

Unbelieving Wang Yang, facing the wolf paw that was slamming towards himself, he punched him.

Boom Boom...

It was a blue wolf, and among the wolf clan, it was a level, extremely high and extremely high wolf species, born with extremely powerful power.

The average lone wolf, although fierce, is not powerful. In the face of the powerful lion and tiger, without teamwork, it is simply not an opponent.

However, for a wolf, no matter what kind of lion and tiger you are, it will not be afraid.

Because he not only has extremely terrible speed, but also has extremely powerful agility.

In terms of strength, it will not lose to anyone.

It's a pity that the powerful wolf, under Wang Yang's boxing power, directly retreated back and forth.

In the same way, Wang Yang also took ten steps back.

"Great power!"

Wang Yang has seen it. Where did this blue wolf get repulsed by himself?It is clear that his speed is fast enough, even his own power is already very, very powerful, and the speed is already the limit of the mortal body. However, in the face of this gray wolf, he did not take any advantage.


Brother Niu's roar.

Wang Yang secretly panicked, his own strength is definitely the limit of mortal body, with his own strength, against a blue wolf, did not take up a little bit of cheap.

Such strength is really shocking!

Brother Niu, can he handle his strength?

Wang anode is doubtful.

In a hurry, he quickly turned his head.


From this point of view, the Bull Demon King did not suffer.

Is there such strength?


Brother Niu's strength is weaker than himself.

At this time, he can not fall down, there is no reason, he will not be as good as people!

Looking at the wolf that attacked again, he calmed down.

"It doesn't make sense. Under the rules, the strength is equivalent, and everyone is mortal.

It's just that there should be a gap in strength as well.

I grew up as a mortal, and it should be handy when dealing with the tactics of the mortal."

Thinking about it this way, Wang Yang condensed himself, released his heart, and felt his own "God Me" with all his strength.

Sure enough, in telepathy, he is dominant.

Even if it is rule suppression, it is suppressed according to a certain proportion, even though it has some ceilings, but its strong foundation still occupies some advantages.

The speed of the blue wolf is extremely fast, and the human eyes can no longer keep up.However, Wang Yang's telepathy was still captured.

A flash of purple sword light flashed quickly, and the blue wolf had been cut off by two swords.


Wang Yang was too happy.

Those animals are not going to talk to him about personal courage, team fighting is the most suitable.

More than ten thousand dragon beasts, or other beasts, a single blue wolf, can not represent anything.

Wang Yang was blown away by a dragon tail without any sound.

Wang Yang's reaction was of course extremely fast.

However, under such a vigorous whip, he still felt that his back was achingly hot.


Wang Yang is also a ruthless character.

At this time, he didn't even care about his back because the bull demon over there was already seriously injured.


After struggling with all his strength and killing the demon king, Wang Yang quickly sent out a potion.

In this wonderful place, the rules are too strong.

Even the Peerless Medicine is here an ordinary elixir.

Only the Ziwei Excalibur in his hand has a different edge because of the word "Xian".

(Yesterday, I was so tired, I sat at the computer desk and fell asleep!)

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