My Super Estate

3135 Born-19 Nov 1970 Hastings !

Chapter 2933, being a man, talk about credit!!

Eat the blood fruit, right there.

Naturally, there is a special smell.

Head down, looking at the ground, you can see that the tired white bones are there, and even, you can see that the small roots of the roots are directly under the white bones and deep into the white bones. Bone marrow in the bone.

With your eyes closed, a picture can clearly appear in your mind.

That is a bright red flower.

The flower stem is very long, and there are invisible pipes in the body.

In such a pipeline, the endless life energy is continuously transported to that bright red flower.

I don't know how long it has passed, that big red flower has finally accumulated enough energy.

The flower was shot, and a green fruit was born.


Xiaoyao Hou suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking at this fruit in front of me.

"Here, this is an unripe fruit?"

Xiaoyaohou was stunned.

Such a fruit exudes endless scent and has endless temptations, but such a fruit has no hope.

How can it be immature?

"It's not mature?"

"of course!"

Wang Yang smiled slightly and said, "Isn't it normal?

With the grade of blood bitter fruit, without the cosmic giant, or even near-energy level energy, how could it be mature?


Mature, what is maturity?

Maturity is only when a species reaches a limit, and natural longevity stops.

As long as there is enough energy, as long as there is enough culture fluid, as long as there is enough fertilizer, after maturity, of course, it will be promoted.

After being promoted, there is naturally another period of growth, so-called maturity, of course, is meaningless."


Freedom Hou stunned.

There is such a theory?

I never knew that I was so surprised.

"Blood Eater?

Then, to mature, the culture medium needed is the blood of the strong?"

"of course!"

Wang Yang laughed confidently.

Xiaoyaohou nodded, then turned around silently.

However, the guards around him slowly walked up towards Wang Yang and others.


Finally, the escort leader gave the order to kill.

As the guards of Xiaoyaohou, their duty is to complete the tasks assigned by Xiaoyao.

For example, at this time, since this blood-eating fruit has not yet matured, and the conditions of maturity still require the blood of the strong.

Then, the existence in front of us is not necessary alive.

Their blood just became the nourishment of Hou Ye's divine fruit to help Hou Ye help.

"Damn bastard!"

There are eight guards in total, and one of the guards, at first, attacked the Devil Ancestor.

This time, it makes the Devil Ancestor mad enough!

So many people were present.

You bastard, no one chooses, but choose me?

Do you think I am bullying?

The devil ancestors are all invincible characters in the universe. When have they been treated so lightly?

Did not have to say, killed.

Disha Mozu is really a lot of self-confidence.

Especially, at this time, he opened the prohibition and controlled some magical powers.

Although this is only the most subtle point, it is enough to make him confident.

However, his confidence is so insignificant.

Because, his ground evil magic gun was actually blocked.

It was blocked.

How could it be blocked??

Devil Devil Ancestor's plan cannot be believed!

However, when the casserole-sized fist hit him hard, his disbelief became all nonsense.

The previous self-confidence is now all despair.

"You, how can you have such a powerful force?"

If you are killed, you also need to know how you lost.

However, this guard didn't take care of him at all, just put on the glue, grabbed his neck, just like grabbing a chicken, dragging, and walked towards the blood-sucking fruit .


At this point, I don’t know where I am. I just want to use myself as a fertilizer!

The golden wolf king, the nonsense, and the yellow dragon ancestors, one by one, all shouted loudly.

In the same way, there was a burst of grief in their hearts.

Think, they are in the universe, that is the real giant of the universe.

Is really high above.

Wrong, even, it belongs to the supreme state of all words and obedience.

However, it is this kind of identity, such a position, that came to this wonderful continent, and it will encounter such an unfortunate thing.

First he was bullied by a wolf.

He was intimidated by the Quartet again.

Now, even more unlucky, even this native, in front of everyone, must be used as a flower fertilizer.

It just doesn't make sense.

However, it is useless.

The strength of these eight guards is really too strong.

Under their men, the Rehman's Dragon Ancestor, the Earthly Golden Wolf King, and the Yin Gui Old Ancestor.

All became a joke.

It was directly suppressed.

Similarly, there is the Silver Dragon Wolf King.

This animal, before, what strength it was.

However, in front of them, it seemed like a waste.

Well, the Silver Dragon Wolf King is stronger than the other three wastes, and it supports a few more moves.

However, being caught means being caught.

"What do you want to do?"

These guys are dead or alive, and they have nothing to do with themselves, but, you guys, are too hateful, how can this be done?

Sun Dasheng and Niu Dewang, don’t you find that they are my friends?

I just made a deal with your master, you are going to move my friends, isn't this not giving me face?

It's just abominable.


As a person, you need to talk about some credit, otherwise, you are in this world, but there is no room for survival."

Wang Yang had to stand up.

In the universe, the strength of the Niu Demon King and Sun Dasheng will certainly not be afraid of them.

However, here, Juxian Continent, the problem is a bit big.

What's more, these are just escorts, and there is a more powerful free time.


Are you teaching Benhou how to behave?"

Turning his back around, he just stared at the blood-swallowing fruit. It seemed that Xiaoyao, who had no impression of what was behind him, finally turned around.

He looked at Wang Yang, and there was only endless coldness in his eyes.

"You want to teach Ben Hou how to be a man?"

In the voice, there was some frost, and it was a little scary.

However, at this step, how can Wang Yang retreat!

Between the two, facing each other, no one is allowed.

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